DISCLAIMER: Hello! I'm Sketch! This is the story of four companions running after Medusa. Both sais (the twins) are now Death Scythes. I can't really explain much more. This is next generation stuff. Soul Eater and characters do not belong to me. Bane and Dan aren't mine, either. Oh, and I was going to continue this, but I gave up. So enjoy what's here and comment respectfully, please! Thank you!

The four companions walked purposefully through the streets, keeping an eye out for any danger they might run into. After a few moments, Bane stopped, putting his hand out to stop the party behind him from continuing.

"What's up?" Mika asked from next to Kira, her twin.

Bane turned his head slightly behind him, his pale eyes still facing the alley before them, "I'm gonna go check something out. You guys stay here." Mika rolled her eyes as her sister instructed Bane to be careful. Dan, their technician, sighed and sat next to a wall. Kira still stood, anxiously looking after Bane as he disappeared by the wall of the alley. Mika flopped onto a bench right next to Dan. With their height differences, the two were almost the same in their current positions. Dan had to look up only slightly to see Mika's white, purple-rimmed eyes.

"Oh!" Kira paced, her white, blue-rimmed eyes searching for the no longer visible Bane, "I hope Bane's all right…" She then growled at herself, "Of course he'll be all right! He's Bane!" She became timid again, "Unless he gets hurt…" Harsh, "But he's a death scythe by birth! Just relax!" She held herself nervously, "I can't…"

"Kira," Mika whispered. Her sister turned worriedly toward her, "You're going bipolar again."

Kira stopped, letting go of the braid she was clutching. Her auburn hair fell behind her again. She sighed and sat next to Mika, her white skirt taking over the bench. She rumpled the fabric so the dress wouldn't go everywhere.

"When are you going to learn to dress practically?" Mika smiled at her twin.

Suddenly, noises erupted from the alley; revving engines, maniacal laughter, metal against metal. "I think it's time we joined our little martyr friend," Dan stood. The girls followed. Dan led them quickly to the alley, but Kira was impatient and rushed ahead of Death the Kid's kid. There was a thunk, an "urk", then silence.

"Kira!" Mika instinctively ran behind the wall into the alley, finding her sister bleeding on the ground. She rushed to her and fell beside her twin, falling tears mingling with the pool of splattered blood on the ground. "Kira…" she sobbed, holding her sister in her arms, when there was a tug on her white skirt. "No!" Something was pulling Kira into the ground, against Mika's grasp, "Let her go! No!" In seconds, the ground had swallowed the lifeless body, leaving Mika to cry into her hands as Dan looked around angrily for whoever had done this.

"Bane!" the son of the son of Death growled, his yellow eyes glaring as they were swept around the alley and into the sky where a bloody moon hung smiling; mocking the lost.

"Dan…" Mika mumbled into the night. The boy fell beside his remaining weapon. "Where's her soul?" She was staring at the ground, short, spiked red hair falling over her face.

"In the ground, probably…" Mika's bloodshot eyes shot up to stare apprehensively into her technician's. "That doesn't mean she's still alive, Mika. There's no way she'd survive that… Even if she is a death scythe…"

The two walked silently back to the Academy, lamenting the loss of a sister, a friend, and a damn good weapon. They had no idea where the blonde, stitched Bane had disappeared to, nor were they very concerned with that at the moment. If he came back, then they'd deal with him.