demonluver: Hello everyone! This is my second attempt at a series, and my first attempt on a series that doesn't have any S-E-X in it!

Ichigo: This is stupid...

demonluver: What? How is it stupid?

Kisshu: The plot's unoriginal, and you just suck at writing if it has more than two characters in a scene...

demonluver: Shut up! This is a test to see if I can get better!

Ichigo: It's gonna fail...

demonluver: Keep saying that and I'll up the rating...

Ichigo: Um... DEMONLUVER821 DOES NOT OWN TOKYO MEW MEW! Please have mercy on me... T.T

Kisshu: I still think this is gonna blow...

demonluver: Dude... you do know that you and Ichigo are gonna hook up in this story, right?

Kisshu: Really?

demoluver: Yes... just like in every single one of my Tokyo Mew Mew fanfics...

Kisshu: Read and Review!

"Hooray for Zakuro Onee-chan, na no da!" Pudding squealed. At the entrance to the Bakura Hot springs, Ichigo, Minto, Lettuce, and Zakuro came to a stop, while Pudding bounded up the steps. Laughing, she ran up the stairs, apparently heading for their room, leaving the others to take their time.

"Can you believe how lucky we are, though?" Ichigo asked. "This is where all sorts of celebrities come for vacations, and we get to come here ourselves!" She grinned.

"Hai." Lettuce heartily agreed. "We're lucky. Zakuro-san must be very rich to be able to afford this."

Ichigo nodded enthusiastically. "Hai!" She said happily. She gazed up in wonder at the large building and grinned. It was very beautiful, with large wooden doors leading into the steamy bath house, and smaller outdoor nude baths, which were separate between males and females.

"Ichigo Onee-chan! Hurry up!" Pudding shouted. Sighing, Ichigo ran up to catch up to her four friends.

"Hello girls." The group of Mews walked into the lobby to find a young woman, in her early 20s, smiling warmly at them.

"Konnichi wa..." Ichigo mumbled, a tad bit embarrassed.

"You must be Zakuro, and these are your friends, are they?"

Zakuro nodded solemnly. "Hai." She said, "This is Purin-san, Minto-san, Lettuce-san, and Ichigo-san, Ms. Mason."

"Ichigo-san?" The woman inquired, a hint of realization flashed in her eyes, but soon it was gone. Smiling again, she spoke, "I'd show you to your room, but my brother is going to be arriving shortly, and I would like to be here to meet him. Here," She dropped a key into Lettuce's outstretched hands. "Room 43." Waving them off, the five friends walked down the hall.

"Alright, Room 43..." Lettuce read off of the tops of doors. When she finally found the door, she stopped at the entrance and put the key in the lock.

Three figures appeared in the distance, a few hundred feet away from the building. The tallest one was wearing a white collared shirt with black pants. The shortest one had a white tank top with blue jeans, and the middle one, who seemed to be bent over due to carrying five suitcases, was wearing a black turtleneck sleeveless shirt with dark blue jeans.

"Why the hell did we come here in the first place?" Kish groaned, tired from carrying everyone's luggage. Pai glared at him before answering.

"Because, Kisshu, my sister owns this hot spring as an undercover base, and she asked us to pay her a well-deserved visit. And, I might add, she does a far better job at terrorizing Kyoto than we do Tokyo, you love-smitten fool."

Kish turned his head away, blushing. Tart laughed. "Baka!" He shouted, smirking at his partner's embarrassment. In response, Kish hit him on the head.

"Chibi brat..." He muttered. Looking away from his two companions, Kish glanced up at the large resort and sighed.\par

'This had damn well better be worth it.' He thought as he entered the lobby of the Bakura Hot Springs.

"Megumi Onee-san?" The woman in question turned around and grinned at her younger brother.

"P-chan, it's been a while!" Tart began snickering at his eldest partner's nickname. Pai growled and bopped him upside the head. Tart rubbed it, still snickering.

"Everything gone according to plan?" Pai asked her. Kish walked slowly into the room, carrying everyone's luggage. His ears were drooping from the effort.

"Kisshu-kun!" A young girl shouted happily. His ears shot up. A blur of yellow hair hugged him tightly.

"Kisa... chan..." Kish strained. Kisa looked up happily.

"It's been forever, Onii-sama!" Kisshu smiled at his younger sister.


Megumi smiled. "Now that we're all aquatinted..." She said slowly. "Would you like me to give you the key to your room?"

Pai nodded. "It would be much appreciated, thank you very much." Megumi smiled at her brother's formality.

"You're just shy, arent'cha?" She asked, rubbing his head playfully. Pai groaned.

"Not... in front of... my comrades... please..." He said through his teeth. Megumi laughed.

"Hai, hai!" She pulled the keys out. "Room 44." Pai nodded as he took them and began to walk towards the door. "We've got to warn you, though." Pai, Tart, and Kish turned around. "A couple humans are staying in the room next to you. Just be careful, kay?"

Pai nodded. "Very well." He walked out of the room, with Kish and Taruto following.

"These beds are so nice, na no da!" Pudding squealed. She fell back and sighed happily.

Lettuce laughed. "These rooms are very nice, Zakuro-san." Zakuro nodded in response.

"Say," Ichigo piped up. "Why don't we go visit the hot springs, now that we're here!"

Minto shook her head. "No... I'd much rather stay here to finish my book..."

Zakuro nodded. "And I have to finish unpacking."

Pudding jumped up from the bed. "I'll go, na no da!" She shouted out.

Lettuce nodded. "I'll go as well." She stood up and opened the door. "Shall we go?"

Ichigo nodded. "Hai!" She and Pudding began to follow Lettuce.

Lettuce walked out into the hall and was about to head towards the bath house when someone carrying a bunch of towels bumped into her.

"Ah, gomen!" The man muttered. Lettuce looked at him curiously. He was carrying so many towels that she couldn't see his face.

"Um, it's all right, just be careful next time, and don't carry as many towels, okay?

The man shifted. "You're right." He bowed down. "Thank you for your kindness." The towels fell out of his hands.

Lettuce quickly knelt down to pick them up. The man did the same. "Oh my goodness! Here you go..." Lettuce looked up at the man and her eyes widened. "Kish!"

The green-haired alien looked up. "Fish-girl...?"

Pai walked out of room 44. "Kisshu! Do you have those towels yet...?" He trailed off as he saw the three Mews. "Kisshu... what the hell?"

The green haired alien waved his arms frantically. "Don't look at me! I'm just as surprised as you are!"

Pai growled slightly. "You are the 'humans' my sister warned us about?"

Lettuce blinked. "That was your... sister...?" Pai looked at her, expressionless.

"Yes. It's our time off, and she missed us all." Lettuce nodded, blushing slightly.

"It's an unexpected coincidence, isn't it?"

Pai looked away. "I am sorry to ruin your vacation." Lettuce stared at her with big eyes.

"I said that it was unexpected... not unpleasant..." Pai glanced in her direction, feeling a slight blush on his cheeks.

Meanwhile, Ichigo was giving Kish hell. "You have the NERVE to STALK me on VACATION?" She shouted, waving her arms frantically. "I finally get away from it all and I have to spend an entire WEEK with YOU?"

Kish tried desperately to prove his innocence and failed miserably. "Look Koneko, I had no clue you were gonna come to the same springs my cousins and sister were working at! I thought you were going to stay at your house and play old Backstreet Boys CDs like you always do!"

Ichigo did a double-take. "How do you know about my secret stash of Backstreet Boys CDs?" Kish cowered in a corner.

"I... heh heh... watched you one morning while you were dancing..." Ichigo screamed in frustration.


Pudding and Tart looked at the couples all the while, Pudding with eager anticipation, and Taruto with a bored look on her face. Suddenly, Pudding turned to the youngest alien.

"We should set them up!" Tart's eyes widened.

"...the hell? That's a terrible idea!" Pudding shook her head.

"No way! Just look at them, they make great couples!" Taruto raised an eyebrow and looked at Pai and Lettuce, who were in an extremely awkward silence. He glanced at Kish and Ichigo, who were still in the middle of a heated argument.

"It's not as if you go to any lengths to hide your room from me like, oh, say, closing the curtains? I almost think that you want me to see you changing-"

"You've watched me change? You jackass! All I want is to cool down my bedroom and you always seem to watch me!"

"It's not my fault that you always leave the window open!"

"You shouldn't be there in the first place!"

Taruto sighed. "What the hell, let's do this." He told Pudding. "Just to see how it'll fail."

demonluver: Can't wait to find out what they're plan is!

Kisshu: Um... you're the writer...

demonluver: Oh yeah, right! I've got to think up their plan on my own! *starts typing*

Ichigo: Just please don't tell me it involves... *looks over demonluver's shoulder* ... a sharpie and a sheer bikini?

demonluver: Hehe... this is gonna be GREAT!