Hello, one and all! :D I am The Siege, self-proclaimed, of course, and this is my first fanfic so please review (and be harsh if absolutely necessary! D: But otherwise, be nice, please and thankees XD) and...and...Well, yeah. Ummm...So enjoy (hopefully...)! =]

Oh right. Before I forget...

Disclaimer: Now, we all know what this says. but, I guess I gotta do it anyways. So...I do not, under no uncertain circumstances, own any part AT ALL of the Night World series or have any personal connection with the genius herself, L. J. Smith - though, of course, as overused as it may be, I must say: it would be totally freaking AWESOME if I did, no duh, but I don't, tears TT_TT, so yeah. Anyways, if you still feel like it now, please read on!

Oh, and don't forget to review! :D

Mary-Lynnette Carter sighed. She was standing alone on her special hill, gazing at the stars through her beloved telescope. But after two years of waiting, two long years, even the twinkling lights in the night sky could not save her from her overwhelming longing and despair. She felt lonely; she felt regretful; but mostly, she felt broken and basically not completely whole. Where was her other half, her knight in shining armor, her one and only soulmate?



Ash Redfern stood motionless on the outskirts of his Briar Creek, where his human soulmate lived. He ached to go to her, but he forced himself to turn around and sprint away. Two years of hard work and good deeds and NO Mary-Lynnette AT ALL; didn't he deserve some little reward after all he'd done? Just a tiny peek at her town – not even her – couldn't hurt! And yet he still felt guilty. He had gotten about as close as he could possibly get to breakings promise to himself. Two years earlier, he had vowed not bother Mary-Lynnette until he had made up for every single horrible thing he'd ever done that was weighing him down – to go back on that now, when he was so close to finishing, would be pointless and he was quite sure he'd never forgive himself. Just a little longer, he thought. He ran blindly through the night. As night blended into day, he ran. As the sun set, he ran. He ran and ran until he finally stopped in familiar territory – Las Vegas.

Okay, so I know this was a super short chapter (like, REALLY short XP) but there's more coming! ...To those of you who like it. =D Yes, you will find that I am, in fact, overtly pessimistic; it's art of my personality. For those of you who would like to read more: I'd suggest you get used to it. :D

And if I'm, like, really cheesy or something, PLEASE TELL ME, because I know that cheesiness = badness and I am trying to get away from my extreme badness in writing. :D

Well, then. Till next chapter! :D

Oh, and btw, there's actually already a short story about Ash and Mary-Lynnette two years later (by L. J. Smith, of course). It's on Miz Smith's website: . Just copy and paste that URL and it'll take you straight to her short stories. (She's got a bunch. They're all good. Duh. :P) I just felt like writing something about Ash and Mare and decided that having them come together was the best (and easiest, ahem) so yeah.

© Copyright 2010 by The Siege :D