The Yin and Yang of Ash Ketchum

Chapter 8: Reunited, a Mini Chapter

By WarriorLoverInc

It was sometime around midnight, Concord loved midnight. Not because it was dark, but because the moon was like a bright lantern in the sky with firefly-like stars hovering around it's glow. He preferred Yang while his sister preferred Yin. He eyed a few strands of black hair that had stirred into his face, which was the everlasting reminder that he needed a balance of both to be at peak performance. He took a deep breath, and slowly let it out, tuning into the earth and it's rhythms as he meditated on the porch with the wind chimes in view.

Suddenly, his peace was interrupted by a rustling in the grass. What could it be? It sounded like something was making its way towards the house. Slowly, without any sudden movements, Concord stood and retrieved his staff from the floor next to him. Standing armed on the porch, he was ready for anything but the sight that met his eyes. A Pikachu stumbled out of the grass at the edge of the porch. It limped, there were cuts and bruises all over its body, and one eye was swollen shut. But still, it somehow managed to jump onto the porch and dash through the open panel into the house.

"H—hey! You can't go in there!" Concord called dumbfounded after it. There were no Pikachu's in this area, and this one had been injured by something.

It ran though the houses hallways panting, "Pika! Pika! Pika! Pika—!" When it reached the doorway to the sick room, the Pikachu shoved its little paw between the door and frame and slid the panel aside.

Moonlight poured through the open doorway and onto Ash's face, illuminating his reddish skin. None of the noise or light woke him. The Pikachu, realizing Ash wouldn't wake up soon, quietly walked over, and got comfortable on his chest.

By the time Concord arrived, Pikachu was fast asleep, and Ash had stopped mumbling in his slumber. He smiled, someone had sent this Pikachu to balance out the amount of Yin in the atmosphere, and it had already done well for the sickly boy.

So he closed the door on the tranquil pair.


Authors Note: Like, halfway through chapter eight, I realized, "WTH, I forgot all about Pikachu!" So I made this Mini Chapter to re-introduce Pikachu into my story. What happened to him? That's for me to know and you to find out… soon… maybe never…

R&R please! I love what readers have to say! :3