Glee Fan-Fic

Summary: Finn and Rachel take on marriage and the things that come with it one year after the wedding and almost two years after the reunion.


Chapter One: It Takes Two

"This is utterly ridiculous!" Rachel said turning different ways in the mirror, not looking any thinner either way she turned. "Finn, we need to go shopping."

"We went like two months ago Rachel." Finn's voice responded from the hallway as he walked passed.

"I didn't have my own gravitational orbit two months ago. This is your fault you know." She complained walking back to the closet for the fifth time in half an hour.

"It takes two to tango Rachel." He replied simply dragging a huge box passed the door to the spare room of their new penthouse.

"Well you're the man." She countered taking a pair of sweats and a huge t-shirt from Finn's drawers.

"You're right I am, I'd be worried otherwise." He laughed turning to shove the box through the door and slipping as he did. "Fuck."

"Watch you're language, the baby will hear it." Rachel scolded him shuffling through to the kitchen for food.

"He's inside you still, he cannot hear." Finn said popping the tape on the box to pull out the instructions on how to put together the crib.

"He can hear Finn." Rachel replied walking through to the nursery and sitting in the chair with a bowl of cereal.

"The baby book said he can't hear outside noises until thirty weeks, he can hear you, but not me yet. So swearing is allowed for another eight weeks." Finn explained pointing to his baby book stuffed in his back pocket, not looking up from his instructions. "And this makes no sense."

"Well wait until Quinn and Puck get here. He knows how to put them together."

"That is degrading for a man to not know how to read instructions and put a crib together Rachel, I can't ask another guy to help me."

"Then ask Quinn she can do it too."

"Asking a woman is even worse, no offense honey."

"None taken, but whatever, the baby will be out before you figure that out."

"Thank you, so, so much for the support."

"No problem, now wait until he gets here, you might break something."

"Ugh, Fine." He dropped the instructions to the floor and pulling his book out and opening it to the blue sticky note. "We need to think of a name for him too you know, he's going to be like 'baby one thousand three hundred and seventy' or something if we don't."

"We have three months, stop worrying you're going to go gray at twenty nine if you don't Finn. Why you have that book colour coded I will never know." She said taking the book from his hand as she stood up and walked to the kitchen.

"Well blue is for the super important stuff, and pink is for development, yellow is for feeding and bathing and green is for the less important but still need to know stuff." Finn explained following her through the apartment, causing Rachel to laugh the whole time.

"The doctor went over all of this with us Finn, calm down." She laughed cleaning her bowl.

"Well maybe he missed something and then what? And you should go sit down I'll clean up, you might put strain on the baby." He commented taking the bowl from her and pushing her carefully into the living room. "Don't move."

"I hope you're not going to do this when we have another baby Finn because as nice as it is sometimes, it gets annoying when I'm not allowed to do something."

"Well you could hurt the baby or something and then what? You'll thank me for this one day and when you do I expect a gold medal or a trophy saying 'best husband' or something like that." Finn told her as he washed the dishes and swept the floor. Rachel sat and rolled her eyes at her husband as the doorbell rang. "Don't move! I've got the door." He said running through the living room and to the door to let Quinn and Puck in with Austin.

"Rachel, how did you get this guy this whipped?" Puck asked walking Austin into the living room.

"He did it himself, I had nothing to do with it." Rachel answered as they sat beside her on the sofa.

"I'm not whipped." Finn explained walking Quinn through into the living room, he still had the broom in his hand. "And Puck I need your help putting that crib together."

"You can read and recite the baby book like it's the bible, yet you can't assemble a crib with instructions? Unbelievable." Puck laughed handing Austin to Quinn and dragging Finn by his shirt to the nursery. He left the instructions on the floor and began laying the pieces on the floor. "Okay, so this part here goes with this part, same for those two." He explained pointing to the parts that were obviously the sides for it. "Then you put the base in, you got an easy crib my friend."

"Well the instructions made it look a lot harder." Finn said in defense as he and Puck began putting it together.

"That's why you don't read them, you lay the pieces out, look at them, then just go for it."

"Well thanks for the advice."

"No problem, what are bro's for?" Puck laughed slapping Finn on the back before they left. "So what's on the agenda for today?"

"Shopping, what else?" Finn replied as they walked back into the living room, the girls were talking and Austin was playing on the floor with his monster truck.

"Good point, I never thought I'd see Rachel in sweats before, you might want to go shopping." Puck said his hand running through his hair.

"Tell me about it, the world's gonna end." They laughed and went into the kitchen. "You want a coke?"

"I have a coke every time I come over, why do you even ask anymore?" Puck laughed taking the bottle from Finn's outstretched arm.

"It's habit I guess, so how's work going for you?"

"It's doing great, you know I'm bringing in the cash now, not as much as you are but you know it's not bad."

"Well hey that's good, I might have a job for you, I'll pay you a decent amount for it." Finn said, grabbing his folder from the top of the refrigerator.

"What do you need doing chief?" Puck asked looking over Finn's shoulder as he flipped through the binder.

"Well I'm thinking of doing some renovations on the studio, I'm making the lobby bigger but I want the whole place to look like an old style 50's diner sorta, you know juke boxes and records and stuff like that, I need you to do the flooring, and the walls. Make the desk a bit bigger, all of that stuff. I'm thinking fourty five grand would be good enough pay."

"Man that's more than my car cost me, and it's a hell of a lot more than anyone else has ever paid me." Puck said looking over the design plan. "When do you want it started?"

" Well I have to go out to L.A for a week on Monday so what about the week I get back?"

"Sounds good I'll be free then anyways."

"Great, I appreciate this man."

"Finn, Puck! We want to go shopping." Quinn and Rachel called from the living room, the guys sighed and grabbed their jackets.

"Come on then. Up and out." Puck said walking through and picking Austin up.

"Are we taking your car Puck?" Finn asked stood by the key hook at the door.

"Well I drive a minivan, a soccer mom car, it has more room, what do you think?" Puck laughed twirling his key around his finger as the girls walked passed and to the elevator. The guys followed slowly, dreading what was coming when they reached the mall. Their pockets were burning already.

Please read and review, it means a lot to me.

I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this, if you guys dont have me on facebook, the song used in the last chapter of Life After Glee is called MArry Me and it's by Train.

Stay tuned for the next chapter coming soon.