Heres ch5, sorry for the delay. Hooray for midterms right? well not yet. Its the study before mid terms... -sigh- college can be fun but most of the time its a pain. Im not going to look through this seeing as its midnight and I need to sleep since I have to get up super early. Well I hope its not too many mistakes, night.
When lunch came around it was a bit awkward. Hinata sat there with her sandwich in hand. Gaara sat in the same position as yesterday. In his hand was of course his favorite book. Who knew he would love books so much? Hinata took a bite from he sandwich trying to think of something to say. Fortunately she didn't have to because Gaara spoke first, "how is your day going?"
Seriously? Did he really care about that or was he just trying to start a conversation? Hinata swallowed the food before answering, "Its okay. Yours?"
"boring" he answered.
"Ah" she bit her lip. She wanted to keep talking. To keep the conversation going. But of course, she is Hinata Hyuga and one of the most socially inexperienced girls in the Konoha county so the conversation didn't continue. Instead they stared on in awkwardness. Hinata saw Gaara flip open his book. 'am I that boring?'
Gaara heard a small cough coming from his female companion. Hinata smiled warily then, "Um.. You seem to like books a lot." she paused as if trying to make sure that she had his attention. "A-and I want to know what kind you like"
Gaara stared… and stared… and freakin stared. Hinata grew subconscious during his staring and fidgeted in her spot. She had done something that Sebastian had taught her so why wasn't it working? Sebastian had said that a good way to start a conversation was to make an observation then comment on it in a polite and interested manner. Gaara's lip almost turned up, almost. Books was something he enjoyed a lot. Being the intimating guy in school made it hard for him to make friends. It didn't help that he was anti-social so books were really all he had. Well that and his siblings. Siblings who he disliked.
Gaara leaned towards her slightly and closed his book, "I enjoy all sorts of books but my favorite are the mystery or thrillers"
'he answered me!' Hinata was so shocked she coughed on the bite of sandwich she had been chewing out of nervousness. "I like romance and mystery"
Gaara nodded, "Books are a very good escape from reality"
Hinata knew just what he meant. Nodding she found herself wanting to ask him more about the books he read but he spoke again, "Do you like writing?"
"I like to write short stories sometimes but I'm not very good" she felt her face get hot so she looked down to her knees to avoid his gaze.
"I see. You might like this book then" he leaned down to grab something out of his backpack. When he came back up he had a white book with black print on the cover. It read 'Murder and Mayhem'
When she read the title Hinata's eyes widened. The title sounded like the pages would be filled with blood, guts and macabre stories. Seeing her expression Gaara wanted to smile again but of course didn't. "Its about medical questions. People sent in questions they wanted answered for their stories and the author of the book answers them in this book. Its all about what happens to the body when accidents happen."
"Oh my GOD!" a loud blonde yelled out from somewhere behind them.
Gaara groaned lowly enough for only Hinata to hear. He shot Hinata an apologetic look then shot the blonde a death glare. The blonde ignored him sauntering onto his lap and snaking her arms around his neck. "Gaara who's this?"
'is this his girlfriend?' Hinata hadn't thought about him having a girlfriend.
Gaara ignored the blonde going ahead to introduce them. "Hinata this is Temari, Temari this is Hinata"
"Oh she's so cute!" Temari grinned then whispered into Gaara's ear, "is it just me or does she look a bit nervous?"
Gaara nodded. Hinata felt awkward at Gaara's girlfriend referring to her as cute. Wasn't that kind of.. Lesbian-ish? Not that there's anything wrong with them its just that Hinata was sure she would never go that way. Being left out of the whispering conversation didn't ease her nerves either. Weird. Gaara hadn't struck her as the PDA type of guy. Yet here he was, girl in his lap whispering into his ear looking annoyed at first then slipping into a strange ease.
"So Hinata" Temari dragged her name out slyly accenting the 't' sound. "Do you have a boyfriend?"
Gaara shifted uncomfortably under Temari who pretended not to notice. Hinata shot him a 'help me' look but he looked away. Sighing she answered, "N-no I d-don't"
"Really now" again she dragged out the words to be longer than needed. Suddenly she hopped off of Gaara's lap, took a pen out and scribbled numbers onto Hinata's wrist. When Hinata looked dumbfounded if not a bit bothered that she'd been written on Temari sighed exaggeratedly, "Its my number. Call me today as soon as you get home."
"Temari" Gaara seemed to warn but she paid no attention.
"Well catch you later Hina. See you at home Gaara" she gave a two finger salute before walking off the who knew where.
Wow, so the couple lived together. How… typical. Hinata sighed, 'of course I don't care though. I don't like him that way'
"I'm sorry about her" Gaara stood up gathering his things.
"Huh?" Hinata was confused but didn't get a chance to ask since he was already walking away from her. So now she sat there with her barely eaten sandwich and to her great misfortune, the bell rang.
Getting up to go to class a familiar set of arms wrapped themselves around her, "Hey Hinata" he huskily greeted in her ear giving her shivers. And this… was enough to make her pass out.
Fifteen minutes later she woke up in the nurses office. Sitting up quickly she groaned slightly. She heard a shuffle of clothes and felt something warm wrap around her. Looking up she saw Naruto. Lucky the nurse was there to make him let go of her or else she would have passed out again. Naruto scratched his nape chuckling and mumbling apologies. Hinata hopped off the bed the nurse had and stumbled slightly.
"Are you feeling better?" the nurse had a pen and paper already scribbling a note back to class for both of them.
"Yeah I um…ow" Hinata held her head.
"Are you okay?" her blonde friend asked.
Not trusting her voice Hinata nodded. Naruto made a 'phew' noise and hugged her with one arm, "Oy Hinata don't scare me like that again okay? I thought I killed you."
Feeling embarrassed Hinata nodded. The nurse let them both go minutes later insisting that Naruto walk Hinata to class before heading off to his own. Naruto of course was happy to do just that. So together they walked to Hinata's class.
"Oh man Hinata you've got to help me with something" Naruto grew quiet. Something odd for him.
"I'll do my b-best to help" she smiled.
This seeming to encourage him he went on, "well see there's this girl I like and I have no idea how to uh.. You know.. Ask her out. Every time I try to ask I chicken out and talk about something stupid. Oh man she probably thinks I'm an idiot!" he stomped his foot childishly.
"…" Hinata had felt numb. "I don't think you're an idiot"
He blanked and stopped walking. Hinata stopped too. "N-Naruto?" she waved a hand in front of his face getting no response. She then followed his gaze.
Of course it would lead to a pink haired cheerleader type girl. She wore a dark red skirt, a thin tight white shirt and a blazer from one of the football team's members. Her pink hair made it obvious as to who it was. Naruto swallowed spit, "Sakura"
"…" Hinata watched in pain.
"Yo Hinata I'll see you later okay?" he didn't wait for her answer and rushed off to meet his crush. "Hey Sakura!"
Hinata thought she saw a look of disgust on Sakura's face. She watched them until they went around a corner away from her sight. With a sigh Hinata continued on to her class only to get knocked over by Sasuke. Landing on top of Hinata Sasuke had his face pressed to her chest while she laid there hoping she wouldn't bruise and that he would get off of her… NOW.
"I'm sorry" he mumbled getting up. He looked around before helping her up onto her feet. Odd.. He wasn't acting like he had a stick up his ass like when she had knocked into him before. Instead he was looking around as if he was some kind of convict on the run from the cops.
"Uh…" she wanted to get away from him before he had the chance to say something nasty.
"SH!" he commanded.
As if he really could boss her around which apparently he could Hinata automatically shut her mouth. She looked around too for the 'threat' he was looking for. When neither saw anything he spoke again, "look if anyone asks you didn't see me"
"I think I heard him!" a female cried.
"Over there!" another shouted pointing at Sasuke and Hinata.
"Who's that?" girls yelled.
"Shit" Sasuke grunted. "Are you a fast runner?"
Hinata kept her mouth shut but shook her head no. She heard him mutter a 'damn' before grabbing her writs and pulling her along behind him. They ran to the next building over then stopped abruptly when Sasuke halted making Hinata crash into his back. A group of girls ran where they would have been running. When they left Sasuke continued running and slipped them both inside a large building. Inside he listened for sounds of fan girls. Finally deciding it was clear he let go of Hinata's now red wrist. Well she was sure she'd be getting a bruise there not to mention the other ones he'd given her from the two running's into each other.
"Sorry" Sasuke mumbled again seeing her rub her wrist. He looked around, "guess we made it to the auditorium"
"Y-yea" Hinata felt like an idiot. But then again how could she not? She was in the presence of someone who was just as scary as Gaara!
"Hey aren't you the girl who hit me with a door before?" She nodded earning a grunt from him. "the ex-heir of the Hyuga clan"
Hinata paled holding her wrist up to her chest. Looking away from him she looked around at the old building. It had been styled as a Victorian building so the wooden doors all had intricate designs carved into them. She pretended as if they were the most interesting pieces she'd ever seen. Truthfully she liked the style but not in the dark. It just looked creepy and reminded her of a haunted house.
"thought so" he answered his own question. He looked at a closed door and headed towards it. Cracking it open he realized it was the door to the stairs up to the room where they had the projectors and where they controlled the lights from for the stage. "Come on"
Hinata jumped slightly at his harsh voice but did as told anyway. She couldn't help but think he was scary. Being both the children of important clans they had somewhat grown up together although they'd never really spoken until now Hinata couldn't see why girls chased him. He was big which made him intimidating and his red eyes -a color which she'd never been too fond of- didn't help either. His voice was smooth but did nothing to smooth over the harsh words he would swap with the rest of the student population and his skin rivaled hers in paleness. She would think he was just malnourished but seeing as he was as tough as her cousin Neji then it couldn't really be that.
"Hey careful" he spoke but it was too late.
Hinata tripped over a loose wire on the floor and was going to crash face first into a rack full of boxes but she felt her body be pulled in the opposite direction of her fall. Having had her eyes closed and arms outstretched in an absent minded attempt to shield herself she had the sensation she was falling backwards. When her eyes reopened she saw that Sasuke had pulled her back and into his arms in the position of a dance couple where the male was dipping the female back. Hinata knew she had turned a bright red at his closeness.
"accident magnet aren't you? Its okay, I have no qualms about you falling into my arms" he stated in an amused voice.
"S-Sasuke?" she breathed.
He rolled his eyes, "Just kidding" he stood her up properly. "your not my type anyway"
Hinata was still flushed a bright red and looked down, "Ah.. Um" she coughed, "-I s-should-"
"are you always this easy to tease?" he asked a bit of amusement but mostly seriousness in his voice.
She let out a surprised squeak. She would have never thought the infamous lady killer Uchiha Sasuke would be teasing her of all people. 'Maybe its just in his nature?' She shook her head. It couldn't be. He was known to push away the girls from Konoha. 'he likes men?'
Sasuke sighed. This girl was obviously not good at flirting. True she was nowhere near his type of girl but he thought she would at least find it funny or a good thing that he had paid her even this much attention. Thus the thought, 'either she's a lesbian or I scare her' he noticed how she fidgeted and tried to avoid his gaze. And when they did meet each others eyes she would mumble soft apologies and go back to attempting to avoid him. 'or maybe she likes me?'
Minutes ticked by in seconds while they waited for the girls to stop looking. Hinata sighed quietly but Sasuke caught it. He had seen the way she had looked at Naruto and said, "Rather be stuck with the dobe?"
Hinata looked up in confusion. To this Sasuke sighed, "Naruto"
She bit her lip, "n-not that its-"
"Its okay" Sasuke had never gotten this feeling before. Was this what it was like to feel.. Rejected? Either way he was annoyed at the feeling and the girl who caused it so he turned away from her, "Don't worry we'll leave in just another minute"
She nodded feeling a bit guilty. "S-sasu…. Sasuke?"
He inhaled deeply in annoyance, "hm?"
"I'm" 'come on' "s-sorry"
He raised an eyebrow at her turning only his head then shrugged and exhaled. "ok"
Not satisfied with it she added, "I… I mean it"
"Oh" he paused thinking about what to say, "good" he turned away again.
Hinata smiled feeling better now seeing as Sasuke was not scowling. She knew it was the closest she would ever get to a smile from him. After a minute or two Sasuke pulled on Hinata's hand leading her downstairs and by the main door. Hinata thought it was sweet he hadn't let her fall and prevented her from losing her balance twice. "Thank you"
He hushed her, "alright I think its clear. Uh… sorry for dragging you with me" he looked away.
Hinata smiled, "its okay"
Then he opened the door for them to step outside. Hinata could feel her eyes water up. "bright" she commented.
"So I'll see you around?"
"Tch don't think we're friends now ex Hyuga" He sneered before walking away from her.
His action took her by surprise. "But…" she looked around to see a boy looking at them. Sadly she didn't have time to dwell on it because in that second the bell rang. 'oh no! I just spend all class with Sasuke!'