"Hello class!" Mrs. Ochi said as she looked on at the class all half awake. "Today we have a new student."

"A new kid how exciting!" Orihime said calpping her hands together.

"Don't get too excited." Tatsuki warned.

"Why not?" She asked in wonder.

"You don't even know the kid yet he might be a total jerk."

"Your right! Or maybe..." Orihime was cut off by Mrs. Ochi.

"Here he is. Kenmaru Ichimaru." Then a boy walked in. He had short black hair that fell in front of his face, his eyes were blue, he had very sharp fetures. He came in wearing the normal school attire.

"Hey." He waved a hand.

"You may take a seat."

"Thanks." Kenamru had his hands in his pocket while he walked to the back. He came by Rukia. He stopped and put his hand on her head. "I'm here to help." Then continued to walk. Ichigo looked at him curiously. Rukia didn't know what he meant.

"What did he say Rukia?" Ichigo asked.

"He's here to help."

"What does that mean?"

"I don't know." Then a sudden explosion erupted from the back wall of the class. The whole caught on fire.

"What the!" Mrs. Ochi said. "everybody I suggest we evacuate now!" She said. Then a whole on the side of the building exploded putting the hole classrooom on fire. In the first hole Ichigo, Rukia, Chad, Ishida, and Orihime saw a Hollow. The Hollow was big, it had long ears, it didn't really have a mask ontop of it's head seemed like the remnants of it's mask though, the remnants of the mask were the whole upper jaw along with 2 yellow eyes, it also had long arms that touched the floor, it's ribs were revelaed showing it's bones, it's skin and fur was red and brown, in it's hands 2 katanna's that were big compared to a normal person but seemed like twigs in the hands of the Hollow.

"What's going on!" The only people who did not leave the room where Ichigo, Chad, Rukia, Ishida, Orihime, and strangley the new kid.

"Hey kid get out of here!" Ichigo yelled. "Kid leave now!" Ichigo tried to yelled. It was useless the kid was sleeping. Or so he thought. "Chad get him out of here!"

"Right." Chad ran over to the kid and picked him up and ran out the door.

"Here you are!" In the other hole seemed to be a Vizard. He was wearing a Hollow mask. The left side of the mask was a skeletal frown, with the upper part of it being colored red, the right side of the mask was smiling with the bottom part colored black. He wore a white hakama like an Arracnar. His sheath was black that had a white lion and tiger design on it.

"Hey there buddy. You gonna kill them now?" The Vizard asked.

"No! You die first!" The Hollow swung both it's blades at the Vizard.

"Sorry you can't do that." The Vizard dissapeared and appeared in front of Rukia. "My job is to kill you not you kill me."

"We shall see!" The Hollow swung his blade coming downwards.

"No! Rukia!" Everybody yelled in shock.

"Don't think so." In front of Rukia stood another Shinigami. His arms were bare, he wore the squad 3 captian's jacket, he wore black hakma pants, his sheath was black, he had the design of a golden dragon along the sheath with red eyes, the handle of his blade was black, the design on it was red, it had no guard. He stopped the blade with his bare hand. His right arm was completely wrapped up in bandages and in a silver chain.

"You are here!"

"Yeah. My job is to protect them understand. Now leave. I'll take care of Cyrus."

"Are you sure?" The shinigami looked back at the Vizard behind Rukia.


"Fine." The Hollow then dissapeared as he left the room in ablaze.

"This is getting too exciting for me sorry!" Right before the Vizard could turn around he saw Ichigo pull out Zangetsu on him.

"I don't think so."

"Really now huh? Well then looks like I"ll have to fight."

"Roar Zabimaru!" From nowhere Renji appeared beside Ichigo.

"Hahahah! This should be fun! Explode Kuroutadori!" The Vizard pulled out his sword which then began to grow as it grew in legnth and in width, the guard seemed to have evolved into wings that were pinned down around the Vizards hand, the blade itself turned into a Zanbato like blade, this blade actually pierced the roof.

"Awaken Kyuseishu!" Then the man in front of Rukia dissapeared and stood beside Ichigo and Renji. The Shinigami's blade seemed to transform as the hilt turned into another katanna making it 2 katanna's in one.

"You too Kenmaru?"

"I'm here to protect."

"Then you shall die!" The Vizard swung his sword as it came down heavily. Renji, Ichigo, and the Shinigami split. Ichigo and the Shinigami slid by each other.

"Who are you?" Ichigo asked.

"I'm captian of squad 3 Kenamru Ichimaru I'm here to protect Rukia Kuchiki, I'm also the new kid in class."

"Are you serious?"

"Yes, and that there is Cyrus Nodakomochi. A high levled of Arracnar that's working on a special misson for Aizen. We must kill him."

"Right!" Ichigo agreed. "Getsuga Tenshou!" Ichigo swung his blade as the blue blast was shot at Cyrus's blade.

"Nice try!" Cyrsu swung his blade nearly cutting the hole floor in half luckily everybody was able to dodge. At this point Ichigo noticed that Ishida and Orihime were still in the room as they watched the battle.

"What are you guys doing here get out now!" Ichigo yelled.

"Right!" They both agreed and ran out.

"Why didn't they leave before?" He wondered.

"Pay atention!"

"Hado number 4! Byakuri!" Kenmaru jumped in front of Ichigo and shot out a bolt of electricity from his finre blasting Cyrus in the chest but had little affect.

"Nice try Kenmaru! You fail though! Take this! Hado number..." Cyrus was cut off as he was wrapped up in Zabimaru's blades.

"Gotch'a!" Renji celebrated. Suddenly he noticed that he had little affect once more.

"How boring. Was that supposed to hurt? Forget Kido! Kuroutadori let's end this! Hakai Rippa!" Cyrus swung his sword downwards caugins a flash of light to appear blinding everyone. Kenmaru was just able to grb Rukia, Ichigo, and Renji and jump out the hole through the side. Everyone watched as all they could see was Rukia falling and her landing but not hitting the ground.

"That was weird..." Tatsuki whispered.

"What are you talking about?" Orihime asked.

"You didn't see that! Rukia just fell out of the building and isn't otuching the ground."

"Hey..." Chad stared. "Look it's Don Kanoji!" He pointed to the sky blanklessly and everybody turned. Kenamru dropped Rukia.

"Go and blend in hurry!"

"Right!" She ran over. "What are you guys looking at?" She asked.

"Huh? Weren't you just over there?" Tatsuki asked.

"No she's always been right here!" Orihime reassured.

"Yep right here I've never been anwhere else!" Then Ichigo ran up to the buolding and carried his body back down and got in it in a place where nobody could find him. Renji did the same. Kenamru just leaped into his body that Chad was still holding. They all met back at the burning school. They all looked at each other. They all had questions.