You Will Be Loved


Allen Walker has a secret that he wants to tell his friends but cant seem to be able to, but when an old 'friend' from Allen's past comes to the order everyone wishes that Allen had been able to tell them. Can Kanda, Leenalee, and Lavi help Allen over come his past or will Allen's past continue to haunt him forever? KandaXAllen ratted M. Some what AU.

Chapter 1-

Allen shot strait up in his bed panting as he looked around his room in a panic. 'She's not here, you're safe. No one knows about the curse.' Allen though. "Oh crap no one knows!" Allen yelled then shot out of bed and quickly got dressed. "I need to tell some one, they need to be warned. Oh why didn't I do that when I first joined a year ago?" he yelled to himself then tripped over his own two feet and slammed to the ground. "OWIE!" he cried out. His door opened and Lenalee popped her head in.

"Allen-kun, is everything okay?" she asked.

"Oh, hee, yea." Allen said sitting up and rubbed the back of his head. Just then Kanda walked behind Lenalee.

"Che, idiot." Kanda said walking towards the training room.

"I'm not and idiot Kanda!" Allen yelled getting up and running out the room and into the hall to glare after Kanda.

"Well, since you're okay, I better get this coffee to the scientist." Lenalee said and walked away.

"Oh, wait, before you go I gotta tell you something!" Allen yelled out to her, but it was too late she was gone. "Damn. Maybe I can tell Komui about it." Allen said and headed towards Komui's office when he got there he was stopped by Lavi running out of the room.

"Better not go in there Allen, he's in one of his experimental moods again." Lavi said then ran past Allen.

"Well damn, maybe if I catch up to Lavi I can tell him." Allen said then ran after Lavi, but in the end got himself lost. "I haven't seen anyone since I left my room, where is everyone? I don't care who I tell, I just need to tell someone." Allen muttered. He looked around when he heard some grunting, he saw a door partially open and peeked through, there he saw Kanda practicing. 'Oh, I can tell Kanda!' Allen opened the door all the way and stepped in. "Hey Kanda!" Allen said startling Kanda who spun around and pointed Mugen at Allen for a second as if he expected Allen to attack him, after he saw who it was he dropped Mugen.

"What do you want Moyashi?" Kanda asked.

"Yay, you didn't run away!" Allen said clapping like a little kid, Kanda raised and eyebrow at his behavior.

"Why would I run away?" Kanda asked.

"Well, I've been trying to tell people something very important about me and before I can even begin they either walk away for, in Lavi's case, run away, well he wasn't really running away from me he was running away from Komui but I chased him and I lost him and got lost myself and then. . ." Allen rambled on.

"Get on with it Moyashi." Kanda said annoyed.

"Oh, right! I'm cursed." Allen said.

"Is that what you wanted to tell people? Everyone already knows you're cursed." Kanda said then turned around to continue practicing.

"What? Really? How could they know that I was cursed to follow every order I am told." Allen asked and Kanda dropped Mugen. "Oh, you've dropped your sword." Allen said then stepped forward to pick up the sword for Kanda when Kanda suddenly turned around and grabbed Allen roughly by the shoulders.

"What?" Kanda asked.

"Ow, you're hurting me Kanda." Allen said and Kanda loosened his grip.

"What was that that you just said?" Kanda asked.

"I was cursed to follow every order that I am told." Allen said.

"So, let me get this strait. If I ordered you, right now to kiss me, you would have to do it even if you didn't want to?" Kanda asked.

"Well, its not just orders, if I am told to do something, like lets say you told me to go to Komui's office right now and tell Komui that I was a pink duck in a tutu then I would have to do it." Allen said with his finger on his chin. Kanda looked at Allen suspiciously.

"Allen, I want you to kiss me." Kanda ordered he watched as Allen's eyes got all foggy right before he lean forward and kissed Kanda. Kanda froze, even though he had told Allen to kiss him he honestly did not expect the yound man to do it. The kiss didn't last very long, only a few seconds, then Allen pulled away and covered his mouth and blushed.

"Why'd you make me do that?" Allen asked.

"I didn't believe you, I had to make sure." Kanda said.

"But why did you make me kiss you?" Allen asked.

"Because I had to have you do something I knew you wouldn't want to do!" Kanda said.

"Who ever said I didn't want to kiss you! If you wanted me to do something I didn't want to do you should have told me to kiss Lenalee or Lavi!" Allen yelled then slapped his hand over his mouth. Kanda looked at Allen wide eyed and blushing a little, he then looked away from Allen and coughed.

"So, uh, you who all knows about this curse?" Kanda asked.

"Um, no one but you and the girl who put it on me." Allen said looking at the wall behind Kanda.

"Okay, I thing we need to tell Komui." Kanda said still not looking at Allen.

"I've been told he's in his experimenting mood." Allen said not looking at Kanda.

"Oh." Kanda said.

"Yea." Allen said and they fell into an awkward silence for a minute.

"So, you wanted to kiss me?" Kanda asked Allen smirking at the boy who blushed and pushed Kanda away from him and ran out of the room, Kanda laughed at the boy.

"You can't get away from me now that I know your little secret!" Kanda yelled.

"If I don't hear it, I am not forced to do it!" Allen yelled back and Kanda then ran after him.

"Then I'll make sure you hear it Moyashi!" Kanda yelled.