You will be Loved


Allen Walker has a secret that he wants to tell his friends but cant seem to be able to, but when an old 'friend' from Allen's past comes to the order everyone wishes that Allen had been able to tell them. Can Kanda, Leenalee, and Lavi help Allen over come his past or will Allen's past continue to haunt him forever? KandaXAllen ratted M. Some what AU.


An eight year old boy with shoulder length brown hair was walking down the road with his head down not meeting any of the eyes of people that were walking up and down the street too. The boy sighed as people bumped into him like he was not even there, we'll at least that was better than what happened when people 'saw' him. The little boy turned into an ally and cried out in shock when someone pushed him from behind making him fall and scrap up his knee. The boy turned around to see three seemingly older boys standing above him blocking the exit. Oh boy this wasn't going to end well. The little boy slowly stood up only to be pushed back down by one of the boys. "Who said you could stand up." the leader of the three boys said.

"S-sorry." the little boy said with tears in his eyes from fear and pain.

"Where were you headed freak?" the leader asked.

"I-I was going back to my dad." the little boy said pulling his left hand which was covered by a blue mitten and clutched it tight.

"Ha, like that man would ever take in a freak like you as a son." one of the boys that was not the leader said and the other laughed. The leader bend down to be face to face with the boy.

"Listen here you, and listen closely. A freak like you doesn't deserve a family, heck they don't even deserve to live. Be lucky this village even let you live, but other villages won't be so nice." the leader said and the boy's eyes widened and tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Hey, what's going on over there?" came a young girls voice. The three boys turned to look, which allowed the boy to look, and saw a ten year old girl with long flowing red hair and piercing blue eyes. She was wearing a short bladed purple skirt with knee high blue and black striped socks, her shirt was a long sleeved black and purple shirt, she had her hands on her hips and she looked mad. "You guys better not be picking on that little boy, are you?" the girl asked.

"That is none of you're business if we are, and who are you any way. I've never seen you around so you must be new." the leader asked slowly standing up.

"Name's La La, and it is my business if I walk in on some poor little boy being picked on by three ugly bullies." La La said cocking her head to the side with a smug smile. The three boys got mad at being insulted, the leader sent one of his goons at her. "Tisk Tisk, hasn't your parents ever taught you not to attack a girl before?" La La asked as she easily dodged the boys attack. She kicked the boy in the guts and laughed as he fell to the ground holding his stomach.

"Why you." the second goon attacked her and she just easily flipped over him grabbing his shoulders and slammed him to the ground disorienting him. The girl spun around gracefully and smirked at the leader who looked ready to blow a casket.

"Is that the best you can do?" La La asked as she flipped a piece of red hair away from her face still smirking at the leader. The leader ran at her ready to punch her, the girl just spun around and elbowed him in the face braking his nose. The leader dropped to his knees clutching his now bleeding nose. La La spun around to smile at the little boy who flinched back expecting to be hit or something, instead La La grabbed his left arm and pulled him up. "Hi." La La said and th little boy blinked at her. La La giggled and started to pull him out of the ally. "So as you may have heard, my name is La La, what is yours?" La La asked as she drug him down the street.

"Um, Allen." the little boy said.

"So does Allen have a last name or are you an orphan like La La?" La La asked.

"Um, Walker." Allen said and La La giggled.

"I like you Allen, lets date. You are now my boyfriend." La La said as they came to a stop at a small park.

"Um, okay." Allen said as he was pushed into a swing.

"Yay, lets swing." La La said and started to swing, La La saw that Allen wasn't swinging she frowned. "Swing Allen."

"Um, okay." Allen said and started to swing.

"Allen, do you do what everyone tells you to do?" La La asked.

"Yeah." Allen said. Just then a man with short black hair covered by a black top hat that went with his black suit walked into the park. The man had dark brown eyes, he looked around the park before he spotted Allen and La La on the swings, the man smiled and walked over to them.

"Come on Allen, it's time to go." the man said.

"Yes Mana." Allen said and jumped off the swing then walked over to the man.

"Wait a minute Allen," La La said stopping the man and Allen and jumped off the swing landing right in front of them, "You're just going to leave like that?" she asked.

"Well yeah, Mana said it was time to leave." Allen said not seeing what the problem was.

"And so you're just go to leave me, you girlfriend, without a fight?" La La asked.

"Yeah" Allen said slowly try to figure out what was so bad about that. Suddenly La La looked ready to kill, her red hair started to fly around her and her blue eyes turned bright red.

"Well Allen, since you love to follow every single command I cures you, Allen Walker, to have to fallow every command, order, and do what everyone tells you to do." La La said in a dark sounding voice, Allen began to glow a bright white for a minutes before it vanished and La La was smiling happily like nothing ever happened. "Have a nice day Allen." La La said then skipped off.