Hey me again, but this time with a story of an Espeon (Diamond), and an Umbreon (Shade). Every two chapters are about the same thing, but with the other's P.O.V. Enjoy.

Disclamor: If you have read my other story you would know that I hate doing this, but it has to be done. I don't own Pokemon, just my characters.

The Earthquake

Diamond's P.O.V.

I woke up in my hollowed out giant stump, to the sound of the world falling down around me. I didn't know what was happening, so I panicked. I darted out of my home and through the forrest dodging branches and other things falling from the sky. It was barely dawn and it was hard to see. I almost ran into a downed tree and three rocks. I finally made it to the clearing. I thought I was far enough into the clearing to be safe. I was wrong. I turned around to the sound of a loud crack. The tallest tree in the whole forrest was falling and I was right under it. I wasn't strong enough to use Psychic to keep it from falling on me. I tried to move, but my feet were stiff from fear and I couldn't move. I stared at the tree coming closer. It was maybe ten feet above me when something grabbed me by my neck skin and whisked me away to the far end of the clearing. It didn't stop there, it carried me into the forrest dodging rocks and other things. I couldn't see what was carrying me, because of where it had grabbed me. We were almost to a stream when a tree fell in front of us. Whatever had grabbed me jumped on the downed tree and flew over the stream. Half-way over everything went black and I fainted.

When I came to, I was in a dark cave. The earthquake was over and I sighed in relief. I felt like I fell off of a cliff, my body was completely sore. There were a pile of berries in front of where I awoke. There were a few Sitrus berries, a few Oran berries, and a Persim berry. Whatever Pokemon rescued me certainly knows what the effects of an earthquake are. I ate two Sitrus berries and an Oran berry to help the soreness. When I felt like I could walk again I went out of the cave.

The sun was bright, so I looked around for my savior. He or she was no where around the mouth, so I decided to check on top of the over hang. When I finally managed to climb up there, despite my still sore body, I saw that the cave was a hole in a big hill. At the peak was a Pokemon about my size. It was obviously an Umbreon. It was facing the sun, and its fur swayed slightly in the breeze. When I moved to get a closer look at its face, I stepped on a twig, making it snap. The Umbreon's ear twitched and it turned around calmly. It was love at first sight. His infinite black velvet fur glistened in the sun and his golden rings glowed against the black, standing out beautifully. His green eyes were staring in to mine as if they were an endless tunnel.

"Ah, you're awake", he said snapping me out of my trance. I was so transfixed on his eyes, that I didn't notice the red bandana tied around his neck, which told me he was part of the Red Rescue Brigade.

"How do you feel", he asked, circling me to see if I was injured.

"I'm a little sore, but a lot better now that you're here", I said, dreamily. My paw hit my forehead, after I had realized what I had said. His expression or mood didn't change, so I thought maybe he didn't hear me.

"Do you think you can walk for a few hours", he asked. I was still pretty sore, but I wanted to show him that I was tough, so I nodded.

"Good, if we go now we should make it to the R.R.B. camp before dark", he said. He walked over to the top of the over hang to the cave and waved a paw to follow. I followed, not wanting to let him out of my sight.

I followed him for a few minutes trying to think of a way to start a conversation with him.

"So, uh, I'm Diamond", I tried. It worked he stopped walking and turned around.

"How rude of me, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Shade", he said and held out a paw. I shook it, not wanting to let go.

"Umm, Diamond, can I have my paw back", Shade said, once again bringing me back to reality. I realized that I had been holding his paw for about 30 seconds. I eased my death grip and let his paw go.

"Sorry", I apologized, with an embarrassed smile.

He turned back around and started on.

"That was an impressive jump earlier", I said trying to keep conversation.

"You were awake for that, I thought you passed out as soon as I grabbed you", he replied.

"Actually it was in the middle of the jump", I confessed.

"Really, you're braver than you look", he said. I blushed, happy that I was behind him, where he couldn't see.

The conversation ended there, leaving me disappointed. I followed him through a sea of fallen trees, the earthquake did more damage than I thought. There weren't many Pokemon out, just a few hiding in the rumble, and some flying to new homes.

An hour later we were walking over some hard rocks. My feet ached, and I was just about to ask Shade if we could rest, when he stopped abruptly. I looked over his shoulder and saw a lonely Pichu. It was crying. Shade walked up to it.

"Are you okay", he asked calmly.

"No, I miss my mommy", the Pichu cried.

"It's okay little one, I'll help you find her", he said trying to calm it down.

"Really", the Pichu sniffed.

"Of course", Shade said.

"Thank you, thank you", the Pichu exclaimed hopping up and down.

"When did you see her last", Shade asked the Pichu.

"Just before the ground started to shake", he replied.

"Okay, we'll find her, uh", he said trying to get it to introduce itself.

"Thunder", he said introducing itself.

"Well, Thunder, it's nice to meet you, I'm Shade, and this is Diamond", Shade said introducing us.

"Are you helping her find her mommy too", Thunder asked curiously. I giggled he was very young, and full of questions.

"No, she's following me to the Red Rescue Brigade camp", he said.

"What's that", Thunder asked.

"You'll have to see when we get there", Shade replied.

"I thought you were going to help me find mommy", Thunder said.

"I am. We'll look for her on the way there and if we don't find her when we get there, my friend, will fly up high to look for her", Shade said. He obviously was a pro at this.

"Okay let's go", Thunder said excitedly.

"Why don't you get on my back and you can ride on me until we get there", he said. Thunder climbed on Shade's back and we continued on.

A few hours of walking can really hurt your feet, especially if it's your turn to carry Thunder. The sun was beginning to set and I could smell the faint aroma of smoke.

Shade said it was the Red Rescue Brigade's campfires. He was now carrying little Thunder who was fast asleep. He led me to some bushes and beyond them was a big mass of Pokemon.

We finally made it to the R.R.B. camp.

Wow exciting already and its the first chapter. If you like this then you'll love my next chapter, and my other story.