Disclaimer: I wish I owned Danny Phantom! Desiree: -turns me into Butch Hartman- AHHHHHHHHH! CHANGE ME BACK CHANGE ME BACK! -is changed back-

You finally learn how Dani becomes evil! :D Hopefully it's a reasonable explanation.

Valerie was dropped on top of an apartment building, but she knew it wasn't her's. Unconsciously, her suit peeled back to reveal her in her pajamas.


The girl looked up, clutching her upper stomach to prevent more blood from spilling. The ghost boy was landing in front of her and running to her aid. She smacked him away.

"What happened?" Phantom asked. Valerie was about to answer, but wheezed. She smacked him again, but this time it was much weaker. He ignored it and carefully picked her up bridal style and floated in the air. "Who did this to you?"

"Danielle," Valerie gasped, choking for air. "From the future. She turns evil. We have...have to...stop it."

Valerie's eyes shut closed, but Phantom caused her body to become very cold, making her gasp.

"Try to stay awake," he ordered. Valerie nodded, trying to resist her very droopy eyelids. Every time she came close to giving in, Phantom could make her even colder. She shivered as Phantom phased into a hospital.

She briefly remembered being lowered onto a gurney and a bunch of doctors and nurses rushing towards her. Faintly, she had a recollection of Phantom holding her hand until they took her into emergency surgery. The one thing she did remember clear as day was his sharp words that she better survive.

"I'm going to have to ask you to wait out here," the nurse told Danny as he looked like he was about to phase in.

"Don't worry, I have to go do some things," Danny told her, jumping and phasing out of the hospital. He flew straight for Valerie's apartment, and he phased inside.

Her father was just waking up, stretching and making some breakfast, pouring some cereal.

"Mr. Grey!" Danny said.

"You!" he gasped, jumping. He picked up his spoon and the box of cereal, holding it out in front of him as if he planned to fight the ghost teen with them.

"I'm not here to fight. Valerie's in emergency surgery," he explained. Seeing his fuming expression beginning to form, he quickly added, "But it's not her fault! The ghost sought her out this time. I did everything I could, I dropped her off at South Mercy Hospital."

Mr. Grey gave a conflicting look before rushing to his room. Danny moved forwards, looking in his cabinets. He pulled out some pop tarts and put them in the toaster, putting the cereal back into the box. He found a coffee cup and filled it with milk. Danny glanced towards the coffee table, noticing a file folder with FentonWorks symbol on it. He picked it up, but he heard the door open. He shoved it inside of his jumpsuit, just in time for the elder to rush out of his room, completely dressed. He was rushing to put on his belt and putting his wallet in his pocket. Danny handed him the cooked pop tarts and milk, which he hesitantly took.

"You shouldn't worry on an empty stomach, and hospital food is gross," he explained.

"Thanks, Phantom. You're an okay kid," he said, grabbing his keys and running to the door. He paused, looking over his shoulder. "Still, please get out of my apartment."

Phantom nodded and phased out. He watched Mr. Grey run to his car, eating at the same time as he began to zoom towards the hospital.

Okay, that's taken care of. What could have caused Dani to become evil? he wondered, thinking deeply as he began to fly home. He phased into his house, turning invisible as he glanced at the living room clock. It was 6:30 at night. Maybe Clockwork was back at his tower.

"Mom! Dad! I'm home!" Danny yelled down into the lab.

"Okay!" his mom yelled back.

"I'm going to my room to be so quiet it's like I'm not even there! Please don't disturb me, I already ate!" he shouted.

"Alright! Night, Danny! I love you!"

"Love you too!"

"Night, Danny!" his dad joined the brief conversation.

Danny smirked, still invisible as he phased into the lab.

"It's nice that Danny's on time for a change," his dad commented to his mom.

"It's a good change," his mom agreed. "Now, how are we going to catch that Phantom girl? It's obvious she took the invention blueprints and that scientific breakthrough, we last saw her with them."

Danny paused, listening closely.

"Hopefully she doesn't do anything with them," Jack replied, frowning slightly.

"She won't, honey," Maddie assured him. "Now..." Maddie picked up a huge bazooka. "Let's go get a ghost girl!"

Danny cringed before flying into the portal and back to Clockwork's lair.

It's the file.

He pulled out his phone, dialing Sam's number. She picked up, and he began to explain everything to her.

The older Dani, who was a mirror image of the younger Dani, flickered into view on an abandoned street. She put the medallion on her neck, tucking it under her sweatshirt and the t-shirt under that. Another set of rings forced her to change into her younger self's human half. Her trophies were gone, leaving a completely normal girl.


Dani turned, slightly panicked but it disappeared when Tucker ran up to her, giving her a hug. Dani returned her. Her eyes flickered red briefly before mirroring her 'cousin's', and she let out a convincing whimper and cry.

"Oh, Tucker!" she sniffed. "I saw my future, and it was awful!"

"You shouldn't transform like that in the street," he lightly scolded. His eyes went wide as what happened clicked in his mind. "What? You just came back from your future, I forgot! Sam just told me all about it. Was it bad?"

"Yes! It was awful, I turned evil!" she whimpered, letting fake tears roll down her cheeks. "But, I fixed it. I stopped my evil's source, and everything turns out fine."

"That's great!" Tucker exclaimed, giving her a smile. She smiled back. "It's real late. Want to crash at my house? You can sneak into the guest room."

"That sounds great, Tuck," she said cheerfully, accepting his hand and walking with him towards his house.

"I have to find a way out of here," Dani moaned. She turned into her ghost half before flying through the Ghost Zone.

"Well, well, well!" a male voice taunted. Dani glanced in a direction before doing a double-take.

Technus was smirking. He still had his glasses and mullet, but he seemed more...muscular. One of his arms were missing, replaced by a technology arm. Her arm linked to his real one was Desiree, only she had legs, and she wore a dress instead of the two-piece, probably because she had gained some weight and her figure was no longer a very slender one.

"Technus?" she spoke.

"My heart's desire was to find you, a weak you that we could destroy," Desiree said softly, giving an evil smirk. She raised her hand, an a blue ectoblast began to form in her hand. "And my heart's desire was granted."

"Desiree?" Dani replied softly. She was blasted in the chest, sent backwards into another figure. Turning, she gasped.

Johnny 13 was in a wheelchair, his head balding but with a blond ponytail, a white tanktop and a black blanket across his legs.

"Been waiting a long time for this, punk," he growled. The 'blanket' got up, revealing to be his shadow, grinning darkly at her. A hand grasped Johnny's wheelchair handles, and Dani looked up to see Kitty, with shorter hair and pants instead of a skirt.

"Wait! I didn't do anything to you guys, it wasn't me, I swear I would never do that to anybody!" Dani pleaded. Her eyes widened as a cord wrapped around her small frame, screaming as it shocked her. Glancing up, she saw all of the ghosts, along with a few others she didn't know, prepare attack. "NO! I swear it wasn't me! Nooo! NO!"

Danny flew up to the tower, growling irritatedly when he saw that it was still closed. A girl was there, reading a letter before sighing and tearing it up in obvious annoyance at the lack of help Clockwork was giving her, along with a boy who nodded happily at the wisdom in his letter before flying away. There were more pieces of papers taped to the door, and another one that had Danny Phantom written on it. He picked it up, reading it.


This is Danielle's adventure and lesson. She needs to learn it like you do. I cannot help you. It will be alright. Trust me.



Danny burned the paper with ecto energy, grumbling under his breath about Clockwork being useless and unhelpful. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed another paper with Danny Phantom written on it appear, along with a few others. He opened it.


I heard that.



He flushed red, ripping the paper up and leaving. He was nearing the portal when his phone rang. He pulled it out and answered it.

"Hey? Danny? I found Danielle in the street," Tucker told him. "Shortly after Sam called me and told me what happened."

"Great! Is she safe?" Danny asked, floating towards the portal. He phased through the lab and into his room.

"Yeah! She said it's cool, she did what was needed to return everything back to normal," Tucker said. Danny's eyes widened, and he reached into his jumpsuit to grab the FentonWorks file.

"Really?" he spoke a bit slowly. "That's great. Do you know where she's staying? I wanna come say hi."

"She's crashing in my guest room. Want me to send her over?"

"Nah, I'll come over in a little bit. But, uh, don't tell her okay? I want Danielle to be surprised."

An older, muscular Box Ghost with a hook hand and eyepatch throws four pink boxes of ecto-energy at Danielle. She screams as it hits her the same time Technus burns her with electricity. She was still tied with Technus's cord.

"Please!" she shrieked. "I didn't do this! I didn't do any of it, it wasn't me!"

"Oh please!" Skulker scoffed. His suit was bigger, more advanced and deadlier. "You're responsible for the horrible things that happened to your world and ours."

"To everyone you've made eye contact with," Kitty hissed, hitting her with her purse.

"Your family, your friends, and most importantly, US!" Desiree yelled, blasting her.

"I didn't do it!" Dani yelled back. She was on the verge of tears. Everything hurt. "Get away." The ghosts advanced towards her. "Get away." Technus began to shock her again. "GET AWAYYYY!"

As she spoke a Ghostly Wail escaped her throat. Her wail continued, sending the ghosts back. Her eyes were closed, letting a few tears escape as she continued to wail for several moments. She finally stopped when she felt the cords fall off of her.

Opening her eyes, she felt dizzy. Dani looked around, noticing all the ghosts were unconscious, and that she was in her human form. She changed back before floating along.

"I...I did it. I did that wail thing," she said quietly to herself. "Okay, we'll celebrate over that later. Right now, I need to find a way out of here."

Looking ahead, she brightened up. A portal! A small portal! It was tiny, she wasn't sure if she could fit, but it was a portal that lead to the outside world!

She flew up to it, pushing it out of the way, half-expecting it to not be there. It was, and she eagerly stepped inside.

Danny phased into the Foley's guest room to see a young, human Danielle sitting on the bed, reading a book. He touched his hip to make sure the Fenton Thermos was still there.

"Hey, Dani!" he greeted her. The girl looked up with bright blue eyes that matched his human form's. He floated to the ground, and she came up to hug him.

"Danny! Its been a while!" she chirped, moving towards him. Danny held a hand out to her, stopping her. "Is something the matter, cousin?"

"I heard that you just came back from seeing your future," he said.

"Yeah, but I set everything okay," Dani told him, smiling brightly. "The future is great. Everything turns out exactly how I've been hoping it'd be."

"Mhm," the older halfa said. He reached into his jumpsuit and pulled out the file. "You set everything okay? Bullshit. Stealing this file, although I'm not sure how, but it's how you become evil, isn't it?"

"I put it back!" Dani argued.

"The jig is up, Danielle," Danny said, narrowing his eyes. "Or...whatever you go by in the future."

Dani narrowed her eyes.

"I guess you're not as stupid as you used to be," she replied, her voice a tad darker as two rings changed her into her older, true and ghostly form. Danny's hand immediately went for his hip, but his eyes widened when he realized that he no longer had the thermos. He looked up to see that a duplicate was holding the thermos, and threw it to the original before returning to becoming one Dani. "But yet, you're still stupid enough to confront me, alone with nothing but a thermos."

"I...I didn't think that through," he confessed lightly, stepping back. "Where's Dani?"

"I'm right here," she purred, forming an ecto-blast in her hand. Danny prepared his own.

"I mean the real Dani. My Danielle," he hissed.

"Floating in the Ghost Zone, about ten years in the future," she said, glancing at her nails on her other finger.

"She'll escape. I did, so can she. She's strong, and together, we'll beat you," he told her, blasting her. She caught the ecto-blast and sent it back, more powerful than when he had originally sent it. He flew back into the wall.

"How?" Dani challenged. "The Fenton Portal? It got blown up by my younger self's stupidity. The Plasmius Portal? Destroyed it when I killed 'Daddy'. Use Wulf to escape? Destroyed that ugly furryball. You? You can't stop me from assuring my birth. So, how are you going to stop me?"

"Uh, uh," Danny stuttered, glancing around nervously. He bit his bottom lip. "I'll think of something."

"No," she replied simply. "No, you won't."

She sent a powerful blast at him that caused him to fall to the ground. He moaned, looking up at her before closing his eyes. He became unconscious, and she sucked him into the Fenton Thermos before he could turn human. Dani turned back into her younger self's human half just in time for Tucker to burst through.

"What was that?" Tucker asked before gaping at his best friend's 'cousin', who was in tears.

"Ember came in and attacked me! But thankfully, Danny gave me a Fenton Thermos before I left when he stabilized me," Dani told him, clutching the thermos.

"Sweet! If you want, we can fly over to FentonWorks and put her back into the Ghost Zone," Tucker said.

Instead, Dani leaned forward and lightly kissed his lips.

"How about instead, we go catch a movie?" she suggested. "Ember will still be in there tomorrow."

"Okay!" he said immediately. Dani put the thermos on the bed, and they walked out of the room, hand in hand.

Dani tumbled into the human world from the small portal. She saw the small portal behind her sitting on a table before turning to see the faces behind the gasps.

Vlad Plasmius, an older Valerie with short hair and an unconscious and bandaged Tucker were before her.

"Now! Kill her now! Before anything happens!" Valerie shouted, pulling an ecto-gun out. Vlad put a hand on the gun and forced her to lower it.

"Valerie, it's not her," he told her, sighing heavily. "At least...not yet..."

"If it helps any, Jazz and the Fenton adults went so quickly. They felt no pain. The same could not be said of Daniel."

Danny knelt in front of his parents and his sister's freshly covered graves, dressed in a black suit. Tears were falling down his cheeks as he put flowers on each of their graves. Sam put a hand on his shoulder, wearing a black hat and a black dress. Danny stood and turned to Sam, who pulled him into a hug. She patted and rubbed his back, comforting the grieving teen. Tucker smiled weakly at his poor friend.

"They're in a better place," Tucker assured him lightly. Danny gave him a light smile in thanks before glaring towards Dani and Valerie.

The two were also in black, standing a small distance away. Dani sniffed, feeling herself tear up. Danny hadn't spoken to her once he discovered that she was the reason behind the FentonWorks explosion.

"It's not your fault," Valerie told her gently, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"You're wrong," she whispered. "It is."

"With nowhere else to go, he came to me, his godfather."

Vlad walked into a room with several boxes about the place. Danny sat on one of them, gazing at a picture of his parents and sister. Sam was sitting next to him on another box, holding his hand. They weren't saying anything.

"Daniel, do you need some help unpacking?" Vlad asked softly.

"I'm fine," Danny replied quietly.

"It's alright, Vlad," Sam spoke up. "I'll help him."

"All he wanted was for the hurt of loosing his family, the guilt that he could have stopped it and the hatred towards you to just go away. Weeks, months passed, and eventually his friends helped him overcome these."

A twenty year old Danny and Sam sat on top of a hill in Amity Park. He held up a ring, the class ring his father gave to him. Raising an eyebrow at Sam, she smiled and nodded. He slipped it onto her ring finger.

"He and the Goth girl married."

Danny was in a tux, kissing his bride in black. Vlad stood proudly off to the side, and Tucker stood next to Danny as his best man. Another gothic girl stood as Sam's maid of honor. There were other guests, a few mutual friends. Dani was sitting in the very back. She had not been invited, but she was Valerie's plus one guest. Valerie smiled at Dani, who refused to, instead looking sadly towards her cousin.

"Daniel was still struggling to forgive you, which surprised me, given on how big Daniel was on that. Eventually, he mostly forgave you because you eventually married the technology freak. But guilt was still eating away at you. You decided to do the only thing you saw logical. You asked me to remove your ghost half and destroy it."

Dani was laying down on the examination table, strapped in with a breathing mask over his mouth and nose. The faint beep, beep, beep! of a heart monitor was telling them that her vital signs were stable. Vlad came over to her, a surgical mask over his mouth and nose and scrubs. He had the Ghost Gauntlets on, and they began to glow a light pink.

"I honored this wish. I knew that this was something that would help both of you move on and live peacefully."

Vlad held up his hands, and the Ghost Gauntlets glowed a bright pink, claws coming out of it. He stuck it into Dani's stomach. He tugged hard, and a Dani Phantom was pulled from her body.

The girl's bright green eyes opened before she looked curiously down at the man who ripped her out. She took notice of the medical tools intended to destroy her, and she throws him away from her.

Vlad flew backwards, hitting the wall before looking up in fear. Dani floated above him, fists glowing before she took notice of a treasure the lab table.

"Unfortunately, that lead your ghost half to realize that I kept the Crown of Fire and stole the Ring of Rage."

Dani floated towards the two. She picked up the crown and put it on her head. Vlad gasped in fear when she picked up the ring before allowing it to slip on her finger.

"What many don't realize is that the Crown of Fire and the Ring of Rage are very powerful ghostly artifacts. You have to be a very, very powerful ghost to control the power, or else the power contained will drive you to insanity. The Ghost King is one of the few who can handle the power of the combined artifacts. Even I was not that powerful, but I was keeping them until I was powerful enough."

Dani screamed as the two artifacts combined caused burning pain. She tried to pry off the ring, but it was no use. Knocking away the crown did nothing, it stayed in place. Her eyes flickered from red to green and her hair was flickering to flames and into normal strands of hair.

"You were not a very, very powerful ghost, and the power overwhelmed you."

Vlad was cowering in the lab next to a human Dani. He let the small girl cling to him in fear as the ghost above them moved towards them. She tilted her head curiously at them before shrieking, her eyes burning red and fangs opening to reveal a forked tongue.

Dani stood in shock, staring at Vlad and Valerie.

"What...what happened after that?" she asked in a whisper. She already suspected what happened next, but she wanted verbal confirmation.

Vlad turned his gaze away from her, instead floating towards Tucker. He picked up the boy's wrist and checked his pulse.

"Some things," Valerie spoke up, her tone quiet and shaking. "Are better left...unsaid."

"What about Danny? What happened to him?" Dani needed to know. "And Tucker?"

"After...your human half and Vlad...passed on...you blew up the mansion. Danny, Sam, Tucker and made this place a little shelter," Valerie explained. "But then Danny confronted you in the remains of FentonWorks. After that, Sam left to join the GIW in hopes of better success, but she died this morning. Tucker was shot, but he survived you then confronted you again. He wasn't lying when he said the Foleys were survivors. I always managed to stay under your nose, here."

"Valerie and I made a truce," Vlad explained at Dani's slightly confused expression. "I found the portal Jack and I made in college, fired it up. I never confronted your older self, Danielle. Valerie and I agreed that I would be our little secret weapon, that I would sprung when the time is right."

"And right now, I'm fearing that time won't come," Valerie bit her lip in worry.

"If any good came out of this," Vlad sighed, changing the subject as he moved to pick up a picture of him, Maddie and Jack from his college days. "It's the ten years spent as a complete ghost that gave me a chance to see how I've wasted my life."

"Maybe that's all anybody needs," Dani said quietly. "A second chance...You still have those Ghost Gauntlets?"

Valerie and Vlad look at Dani, eyes widening some with hope.