Hello! First of all, I wish to say that I am so sorry. I haven't updated anything for nearly two-three years on this account (or my other one for that matter). This is because of a combination of school, work difficulties and a myriad of others. I will not make excuses for me being an absolute arse about it all, and I truly am sorry for anyone I may have kept waiting. About three years ago I discovered something which has quite literally changes the way I view a lot of thingsā€¦ Drarry. Unfortunately for me and you all, this sparked something which has still not abated and I am still quite obsessed with this pairingā€¦ Well, with quite a few Slash pairings. And thus, my inner Fangirl emerged, which is evident by the abundance of yaoi pairings on my account as LaverdaHarleyIndian. This caused me to deviate from many fics I was writing at the time and I haven't really written anything since.

My first order of business is to ask you if anyone is still following this story? And if you are then do you want me to attempt another chapter?

I am happy to attempt writing some more if possible, but I cannot guarantee that I will not do this again, but I will try and warn you in future and stick it on Hiatus if possible.

If you want to send me a PM or even review to tell me that you wish me to update or rewrite it I will oblige. But please don't just review or message me simply saying UPDATE! or anything of the like. If you can tell me what you expect from this fic or any possible ideas or outcomes, they would be more than welcome.

If I take too long to reply to a message or review, it is possible I have forgotten to check my account, because I use my other account on a permanent basis and only check this one once in a blue moon. So feel free to kick me in the arse with a message to my other account (I don't know whether it will let me do this as a link, so just delete all the spaces and hopefully it will work. www. fanfiction ~laverdaharleyindian).

Once again, I'm so sorry.
