Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended.

RATING M+ for explicit scenes. I hope you all enjoy.

If I've missed anything out please let me know and remember it's fanfiction so the characters are always going to be a little OOC

Chapter 1

3,282 days, 7 hours and 32 minutes, that's how long ago it was that he first met her. They were at school; he was in one house she in another. She became friends with the boy who blew him off as a friend and another who laughed at him, instead they became his enemies. He'd been confused then; his father had told him that everyone wanted to be friends with a Malfoy, it was the status, so why then was this boy so ready to blow him off, did he really think he was better than him – Draco Malfoy? He wasn't Draco knew that, his father had told him no-one was better than a Malfoy. Sure the other kid was famous; no-one was more famous than Harry Potter at the time. Draco had so wanted to have the famous boy as a friend, he hadn't thought much about what it could mean in the future, all he thought about was that he'd be all the more special having the famous Harry Potter as his best friend. After he'd introduced himself telling Harry that he could show him who the right ones were to be friends with, the other boy had responded with I think I can work that one out on my own – he didn't even shake Draco's hand. Draco remembered feeling humiliated, like he'd just been hit. It wouldn't be the last time, though he didn't know it at the time. When they were sorted into different houses Draco didn't hold much hope for becoming friends with the boy, that didn't mean he didn't try again but when he was still unsuccessful, well that meant that they were forever more going to be enemies.

He took to antagonising the other boy instead. He could still remember taking the rememball that Neville Longbottom had dropped and flying off with it, goading Harry into following him. Though he had to admit he never though he would follow, after all Harry had never flew before. The Harry had demanded the ball from himself and even threatened him, that had really ticked him off, so he figure if the idiot wanted it bad enough he could have it and Draco promptly threw it across the sky. He couldn't believe it though when Harry had caught the damn thing, he was happy to see a furious Professor McGonagal storming towards the just landed Harry Potter and telling him to follow her. 'yeah that's right give him what he deserves' Draco had thought, he was angry to find out later that instead of being punished like he thought he would be, Harry had been given the position of seeker for the Gryffindor Quidditch team. It was so unfair, maybe it was because he was famous Draco thought.

The rivalry between them over the following years only escalated of course and with Draco's father constantly reminding him that he was better but wasn't living up to expectations as a Malfoy he hated Harry Potter more. It would have been so great to be accepted for who he was and get away with some of the things that Potter did. It wasn't until much later that he realised he was in fact jealous of Harry, envious too though admittedly he wouldn't want to have swapped places with him when it came to going up against Voldermort.

Then there was the boy Weasley who had laughed at Draco's name. Malfoy's were never to be laughed at for a start, besides Draco didn't choose the name, admittedly it was a rather odd name but he'd bore it for eleven years. It was supposed to be in memory of his grandfather who'd died from Dragon-Pox, but then Draco also like Dragons and then there was something about alignment of planets and ruling stars – apparently the stars of Draconis were visible when he was born, whatever the reason he had the name and it was staying and besides he was used to it now. That didn't mean someone could poke fun of him about it and laugh. He'd heard who the Weasley's were through his father and his father didn't like them at all, something about them being poor and there being so many of them. Draco didn't really get either point since his father had some friends that weren't exactly well off and as for there being so many of them well sure he got anything he wanted but he knew his father old by comparison of other kids his age and it would have been fun to have brothers and or sisters, if he ever had kids he wanted a couple at least. Meeting the boy now though, maybe his father had reason not to like them. The boy obviously lacked manners and manners were important and not to just Malfoy's but anyone in society, manners showed breeding and respect, this boy obviously lacked these things, did that mean his whole family was the same? He presumed so. Antagonising Weasley or the Weasel as he ended up calling him had been far too easy, the boy bit back at anything, he seemed to have a foul temper that as Draco got older realised that as much fun as it was to set him off, he wouldn't want to be one of his friends on the receiving end of it. The guy was so temperamental, who knew where the temper could lead. He was also so stupid, his friends were always helping him and still he couldn't understand anything. At first Draco thought that stupidity might run in his family as well but then he found that the one called Ron had older brothers at school and they didn't appear to be dumb so he came to the conclusion that it was just the one, his older brothers could also play Quidditch rather well but as the years followed Draco realised that Weasel wasn't really any good at that either, if they'd been friends he might have felt sorry for him but they weren't so he didn't. In later years Draco would admit but only to himself that as much as he couldn't stand the boy he was envious of the friendships he had, and that like Harry Potter he too was accepted by his family for who he was. Draco was of course jealous of the fact that as a result of being friends with Harry Potter the said boy got away with breaking the rules more often than not.

There was something about her, he felt an almost kindred spirit in her, he hadn't really spoken all that much to her that first day, after all it was mainly the train ride up to Scotland, she seemed friendly enough and was obviously excited at the prospect of going to Hogwarts, it made him smile really because he'd never seen anyone act that way before. As excited as she was she still appeared composed, in control of herself and aware enough not to embarrass herself, she seemed to be displaying everything he was feeling but could not show no matter how much he would like because it was just something Malfoy's didn't do. His father told him that displaying your emotions was a sign of weakness in which people could attack you and hurt you but from what he observed it didn't appear to make her weak or vulnerable. She introduced herself as Hermione Granger, he hadn't heard the name in pureblood circles, still that didn't mean she wasn't one, the way she carried herself meant she must have been, then again she could also have been a half blood like Millicent Bulstrode. Not many people knew she was but she'd let it slip while they were talking and she made them swear not to say anything and well since she was related to his fathers side, well he wasn't really game to say anything. Still this Hermione seemed to have too much grace and she was well spoken as well, so really she must have been a pureblood. He'd hoped they'd be in the same house that way they could be friends. He watched her carefully, he liked her a lot, what he liked about her he couldn't pin point, her eyes seemed to dance and you could see the smile in them when she smiled but what else he didn't know, he'd find out of that he was sure, what he didn't know was how much his feelings for her over the coming years would change. She was sorted before him and when she was sorted into Gryffindor he knew there was little chance of them being friends, he also knew without a doubt that he would be in Slytherin. When she eventually became friends with Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley it had pretty much sealed their fate, this was only exacerbate when he found out that she was a muggleborn. His father would never approve of a friendship with her; any contact with her in a friendly light would be frowned upon by his father and house mates. The only thing he could do if he wanted her to talk to him, have contact with him or pay any attention to him would be to be mean to her and her friends, pick fights with them, anything as long as it wasn't friendly.