Disclaimer: I own a Murdock figure. That's as much as I own. Any original people are mine.

Authors Note: I kept thinking about the movie. Specifically Murdock. Blame Copley. It's his fault for being so damn cute and insane. Blame all of them actually. A-Team ruled. Hence it ruling my need to write. I'm going to get back to Elm Street and Wonderland I promise. I just have to juggle…a lot…

In the meantime enjoy the first chapter of this A-Team story. I know where I want to go it may just take a bit to get there. Samantha is a fun character to write when she's wacked out of her mind on drugs.

Why yes this has a woman in it. Sorry, I like doing original female characters. Also Murdock is really the sexy one, and we all know it (no offense Brad Cooper, you still fine) I like crazy. Crazy is fun (see my Alice in Wonderland, Scream, Sweeney, and Freddy Krueger fics for proof of this obsession with crazy guys.)

And Sharlto Copley stole my soul. I take no blame for this.

Please review since it's the only way I know if you are reading and if you like it.

Chapter 1

"Foster." The orderly called out into the rec room, holding a metal tray of tiny paper cups.

Samantha Foster cringed. She was sitting on one of the four raggedy couches that were sporadically placed in the room, staring out the window through the crisscross of bars that covered the glass. It wasn't comforting, nor was the antiseptic smell of the "hospital." Nor were the vacant stares of the majority of the patients that were sitting around her or shambling across the floor like zombies. Nothing about The Bay Ridge Mental Facility was comforting.

"FOSTER!" The orderly, a man she'd come to know was named Bubby yelled out again. This was one of the more unpleasant parts of the game. She stood, pulling her purple hooded sweatshirt tighter around herself and walked over to where the big guy waited. He stared down at her with beady brown eyes surrounded by a round face. His lips pulled back in a smile. "Took you long enough Specs." He told her, the nickname due to her glasses and his lack of imagination.

"Sorry." She muttered, trying not to provoke anything. She'd learned not to provoke, not to stand out. She had to make it through this so she could get out of here.

"Time for your candy." He jingled the tiny paper cup that he held between his fingers.

Sam obediently held out her hand and Bubby placed the pill holder there. She looked down and saw the three small meds that it held. One was blue, the other two yellow. She couldn't even pronounce their names but she knew from the one time she actually kept them down for longer than ten minutes what they did. She was not going to make that mistake again.

"Swallow for daddy." He said low so no one would hear him. It wasn't like they would care really anyway.

Sam dumped them down her throat, dry swallowing the pills in one gulp. She then showed him she had done so, flipping her tongue up to prove she wasn't hiding them. Bubby gave her another creepy look, and then she was allowed to go back to her spot on the couch.

She would wait ten minutes, go to the restroom and gag until she threw them up into the toilet. With that pleasant activity on the horizon, Sam wondered what her ass hat of a brother was up to. She wondered if her dad had finally succumbed to the cancer…and she wondered if she was ever going to get out of here. There were so many pleasant things to ponder she even wondered if she really was going nuts.

Stewart Foster, her younger brother by three years had managed to ruin her life. He'd got her committed and had taken the reigns on the family money without batting an eye. In her darker moments Samantha wondered if he was somehow responsible for her dad's cancer...

She ran slightly trembling fingers through her short auburn hair. She pulled her hand away and looked down at it. She wasn't actually insane when she was put in here, but staying in here was possibly going to drive her that way.

"Hey girlie…how goes?" An older voice asked her, pulling her from studying the shaking of her fingers. Sam looked up to see Roaring Rory Lachlan, one of the vets now housed at Bay Ridge. Rory was in his late fifties and had been at Bay Ridge for a good three months before Sam had arrived. There were vets being housed here now due to the actual Vets hospital being shut down due to unsafe conditions. Who knew how long it would take to fix all the issues she'd heard about them having.

"The same Rory." She replied giving him a sad smile. She checked the wall clock and saw she had another eight minutes before she had to make it to the bathroom.

"That good huh?" Rory settled himself next to her on the couch with a heavy sigh. He had anger management issues from PTSD and night terrors. It had gotten bad over a period of the last few years. So bad his wife had left him instead of trying to find him some help or to listen to him. Rory had nearly succeeded in a suicide attempt, but the cops had stopped him.

"I'm starting to get the shakes I think." Sam said softly, so as not to alert any of the orderlies and especially not Bubby.

Rory scratched his scraggly grey beard. "Stay strong kid. I know you aren't nuts. I mean…I think you're a little cracked, but you don't belong here." He gave her a slightly gapped smile.

Her grin lightened a bit. "Thanks Rory. I'm glad someone thinks so." Sam sighed heavily and took off her glasses, wiping them on her shirt. "How have you been doing?"

Rory stretched his legs out in front of him. "I've been getting by. Docs seem to think they can do some fixing of my noggin with shock therapy again."

Sam looked at him in horror. "Again? Jesus if it didn't work the first time why try something like that again?"

The older man laughed. "Ours is not to ask the reason why…" He gave her another grin. "It's a small price to pay for a roof over my head and food I guess. I'm better off here than I would be out on the street."

Sam was doubtful…at least the only way someone could zap you with electricity on the street was with a taser…or lightning. "It doesn't make them right…" she muttered.

He laughed again. "I've had more bolts shot through me than Frankenstein little lady. I'll be okay. Hell you never know…maybe one day it'll take."

Samantha glanced at the clock again. She only had a couple minutes left before she had to get to her gagging session. Not that she was looking forward to it.

Suddenly there was a loud commotion coming from the hallway outside the rec room. Sam and Rory both turned to see three large orderlies running towards what would be the receiving area where new patients were admitted. Two more appeared in the doorway of the room. "Stay in here, we've got a fighter out front and we don't want any of you hurt." One of them said, one of the nicer ones whose name Sam thought was Larry.

At that moment panic went through Samantha. Depending on how long this took…she'd miss her chance at getting rid of the drugs that would be hitting her system. She glanced at the clock again, standing up glancing towards the hallway. Larry was standing guard at the door while the other orderly went off to help his co-workers with the new arrival.

Sam decided to chance it; she walked towards the door and glanced around Larry who gave her a cautious look. "Hey Sam, you should really go back in there." He told her gently.

"Larry would it be okay if I ran to the bathroom down the hall. I'll be quick." She hoped it would be quick at least.

"Sorry Sam, no can do. Procedure. I don't think this will take much longer. Just hold it." He gave her a reassuring smile then looked down the hall towards where the commotion was erupting.

Samantha let out a heavy breath of air and slinked back into the rec room leaning heavily against another couch near the door. She looked up at the clock. Her time was up…god she didn't want this.

She heard the sound of voices coming closer from down the hall. It was strange, but one sounded like he'd walked straight out of Camelot or a really bad version of Shakespeare. "Nay ye foul wretches ye shall not vanquish me! Unhand my person! Unhand me I say!"

Sam wondered if it was the pills making her hear what she was hearing, or if they really were trying to tackle down some knight of the realm. There were more signs of scuffling. She even heard some of the orderlies cussing and then the rather gratifying sound of Bubby letting out a cry of pain.

She couldn't help but giggle. Then she realized that she couldn't stop giggling. "Shit…" she muttered trying to dampen down the feeling. The pills were kicking in. Mood enhancers and some other components, this wasn't good.

Samantha heard the knight of the realm let out a sort of battle cry. "Hazzah! En guard you cretins!" There was more rattling and thudding.

Sam giggled again, starting to feel light headed and not caring who heard her. He was really giving them the what for. Lancelot…yep Lancelot was fighting the flying monkeys of Bay Ridge. Wait…that wasn't right. She laughed once more. A story was a story, why not let King Arthur have the Wizard of Oz instead of Merlin? Samantha nodded to herself, yes…that would be really interesting.

The sounds of the fighting got more chaotic and Sam glanced up, distracted from her pondering of a round table in the middle of Munchkinland when Larry looked back into the room, tensed up. He quickly looked down the hallway, then back into the room. "No one leave, you all stay in here. You got that." He glanced over Samantha's shoulder to Rory. "Old timer, make sure they stay put, you know how wild these newbie's can be."

Rory nodded. He'd been a newbie once upon a time.

With that, Larry took off down the hallway towards the receiving area moving amazingly fast for a man of his size. Samantha was no longer interested in escaping to the bathroom. There was no point now, especially since she wanted to figure out who would have more fun in Oz, Morgana or Guinevere? Morgana wouldn't like the competition of the Wicked Witch of the West…but Guinevere might enjoy her time in such a place. And of course Lancelot was already there by the sound of things. When had it gotten so warm?

Samantha heard another great crash coming from down the hallway, followed by the sound of running and crazed laughter, triumphant laughter. It was coming towards the rec room. Sam took a step towards the door, just to see what was going on. Coming round the corner she saw a man, legs pumping fast carrying an unused IV pole in his hand like a jousting lance. Her eyes widened, and she moved to stand back inside the safety of the rec rooms doorway.

The knight came to a sliding stop just outside the door, his socked feet almost but not quite slipping on the freshly waxed floor of the hallway. Sam was standing at the door, and her eyes met his. He wasn't overly tall or overly strong looking. But it was obvious looks could be deceiving as he'd escaped every one of the flying monkeys.

He had on faded blue hospital issue pajama bottoms and a faded grey t-shirt that read "Frequent Flyer of the Mile High Club" printed on it. He was wearing a red baseball cap over shaggy dark hair that bore a military patch proclaiming "Airborne." No wonder he could take down the flying monkeys so well.

Under the bill of the baseball cap striking bluish green eyes peered out nearly feverish in their intensity looking right at her. He was smiling like a madman which meant he was in the right place.

A mad knight, a slayer of sanity, a lord of lunacy…Samantha grinned back at him. "Lancelot." She said, her voice taking on an English accent because her suddenly swirling brain thought at that moment she should have one.

The man in question looked surprised for a split second, then delighted. The sounds of the many orderlies he'd just fought off and escaped now stampeding his way was ignored. He walked right into the rec room and swept his cap off like it was the hat of a musketeer and bowed on one knee, placing his weapon of choice on the floor. "My lady." He said gallantly, and then he stood placing the baseball cap squarely back on his head.

Sam felt the floor start to fold up beneath her. The drugs were really kicking in and the fact she'd not eaten before taking them was making everything even more surreal. And yet looking at her knight in faded cotton, she wasn't minding so much. "You're late…" She told him in a whisper, leaning close as if it was a secret.

"I am?" He asked her, his voice turning from old world English to a southern drawl.

"That's okay…" Samantha's vision grew blurry. "You're here now…" She looked towards the hallway where the orderlies were coming round the corner then back at him. "I think you made the flying monkeys mad."

Lancelot turned round and saw that she was in fact quite right. The flying monkeys looked more like gorillas and they did look mighty pissed. "I do believe they are." He told her. He turned back to her and smiled. "Did the tornado bring you to Oz Guinevere?" He asked her.

"Yes it did." Sam nodded; the storm that had been the last few months of her life was as destructive as a twister could be…so why lie?

The color drained from her face, so fast that even he noticed something was wrong. Black dots stared forming in front of her eyes, stealing away the knight and the rest of the rec room's occupants who had been watching their exchange fixedly.

"Lancelot…" She smiled at the thought of her own champion come to rescue her. It was a nice little fantasy and he'd be gone when she woke up from this glorious passing out she was about to do. Samantha really hated the drugs at that moment. And then she was out and falling.

Capt H.M. Murdock had never in his life had a woman faint into his arms. He'd had them run screaming away from him, had them screaming and running at him brandishing various weapons, but never had one fainted into his arms. He caught this woman before she hit he floor, kneeling a bit to handle the shift in weight so he wouldn't be pulled on top of her. That would be awkward.

"Huh…first time for everything I guess." He said aloud, brows raised in surprise as he looked down at her. Murdock wasn't complaining. If he had to have a gal faint on him, she was a pretty one. And they had at least one thing in common, they both were nuts. He'd seen Face do more with less. But come to think of it, he'd never seen a woman faint over the Faceman…heh. Murdock smiled cockily.

"There you are you freaking loon. You broke my toof." An angry voice said from behind him. "What the hell are you doing with that patient! Someone get her away from that psycho!"

"Flying monkeys." Murdock said, turning around and glaring at the orderlies led by a very pissed off Bubby as they surrounded him. They weren't quite as self assured as they were before. He'd surprised them. Which was something he was good at…they always underestimated crazy old Murdock. "Find your own princess, monkey." He told the now red faced orderly. He held her a little bit closer, not liking the way the man was glowering at her.

"He didn't do anything to her." An older man said to the monkeys. Murdock looked over at the man, already liking the old gentleman. Maybe he was the wizard?

"Rory don't get involved with this." Larry told him, moving cautiously around to the front of where Murdock was kneeling.

"He didn't do anything. She passed out and he caught her is all. She didn't look too well…I think those damn pills you gave her make her loopier than Dwayne over there." The old guy pointed to a man seated in a chair with a steady stream of drool coming down his chin.

Larry had no reason to not believe Rory. He could be a handful at times, but he was a good guy. And he knew how Rory had taken to watching out for Sam. The orderly turned back to the new arrival with the red ball cap and disconcerting stare. "Alright Captain…will you please let me check on her in case something is wrong?" He asked him slowly.

Murdock eyed the monkey warily. "Okay but no…funky monkey business…" He told him. The man knelt down slowly in front of Murdock.

After another second of hesitation, Murdock looked down at the sleeping woman in his arms, sighed heavily and then very gently placed her in front of the kneeling monkey. As soon as she was out of his reach the other monkeys pounced pulling him away and quickly putting him in restraints. He hated those…hated feeling confined. He struggled but he was worn out from the last battle with the monkeys, and he kept trying to see just what the other big gorilla was doing to his princess.

Larry only gave the crazed pilot a cursory glance while he struggled against the other orderlies. Samantha looked completely out of it. He checked her breathing, heart rate, pupils. "I think it's just a reaction to the medication, but we'll have Dr. Phelps check her out." He told Rory who was looking concerned. Larry turned to Bubby who was happily manhandling the new comer. "Bubby did you even check to see if she'd eaten dinner yet before you gave her that?"

"Stop struggling you freak." He yanked the man's arm till it nearly dislocated, then glared at Larry. "Hey I didn't have time to check them all for freaking food. We had an attempt in section 3 today, and we were all behind."

Larry glared back. "You dumb shit. That stuff they have her on needs to be balanced out by food or this happens!"

At this the struggling pilot stilled and craned his neck to glare up at Bubby. "You tried to poison her...you damn dirty ape."

Larry was surprised by the venom in the man's eyes. He looked like he'd bite Bubby's face off if he could. Larry shook off the whole Silence of the Lambs déjà vu he had. "Get him the hell into his room and sedate him, not necessarily in that order." He called over to a nurse who had just come in on shift. "Get Dr. Phelps down here please." The nurse nodded and headed off.

The orderlies managed to hold Murdock down long enough to plunge a syringe in his arm. The familiar burning followed by cold rushing through his veins told him he'd have maybe a full minute before he blacked out. His muscles were already going numb and the fight went out of him. "Monkeys…you…suck…" He slurred, falling to his knees still trying to resist the sedative. He hated those almost as much as he hated being tied up. He tired to focus on the sleeping princess with the thick framed glasses and pale face. Some champion he was, taken down by a gang of monkeys. He'd leave that out of the story when he told it to Face. That was the last thought Murdock had before he fell over onto his side, eyes rolling back into his head.