I do not own Happy Tree Friends

Chapter 1: A Change for the Better

"I did it! I won! I finally won!"

Sniffles voice echoed through Happy Tree Town, his voice wasn't high pitched or annoying like it usually was. In fact, it sounded proud and excited; you would think the little anteater had won the lottery. He held a jar up to his face, which contained his worst enemies- a family of ants. Sure it sounds like no big deal, but for Sniffles it was the world to him. He had managed to gather the entire family into the jar, that way there would be no one that they could call for help. The ants cried and gave each other their goodbyes, something they never had to do before.

Just as Sniffles was about to open the jar and eat what could possibly be his best meal ever, a strong force struck him. It pushed him into the dirt head first, knocking the jar right out of his hands. Luckily, it didn't break and the ants remained trapped inside. Sniffles sighed in relief before looking at the large force that struck him. As it turns out, it was Lumpy walking his pet elephant. While Lumpy gave his dear friend a belly rub, the elephant waved it's trunk in joy. Its trunk was what hit Sniffles, and is the reason why Sniffles broke his leg after hitting the ground with such strong impact. Unable to move, Sniffles could only rely on Lumpy to retrieve the ants for him.

"Lumpy! Quick, I need you to bring me that jar! Make sure that you don't drop it, it's very important!" Sniffles pleaded.

The moose stared at him for a moment as if he was slowly processing the information he was given, than nodded dumbly at the anteater before walking towards the jar. To the amazement of Sniffles, Lumpy had managed to walk over to the jar, pick it up, and bring it to him without doing anything stupid along the way. As Sniffles reached for the jar, Lumpy simply dropped it on his head. After all, Sniffles didn't tell Lumpy he had to keep holding the jar, so he assumed that his job was done and that he could just drop it at any time. In Lumpy's mind that made perfect sense, in the mind of anybody with an IQ higher than 10; not so much. The jar broke on impact with Sniffles head, causing the poor anteater quite a bit of pain. Not to mention it let the ants escape, who were surely going to cause Sniffles even more pain in the very near future.

Lumpy retrieved his elephant and continued walking it, oblivious to Sniffles cries for help as the family of ants closed in on him.

A few days later…

"That stupid moose! He couldn't even hold a jar without being told what to do!"

Sniffles was in his basement, he had just returned from the hospital where he was revived after a three hour torture session with what should have been his lunch.

"Why must this town suffer because of Lumpy, death wouldn't be nearly as common if he wasn't so stupid!" Sniffles continued ranting to himself in his basement for quite some time before an interesting idea came into his mind.

"I wish somebody would sit their lazy ass down and figure out how to cure stupidity!"

Sniffles finally took a moment to stop ranting and think about what he just said. Cure stupidity? Ha. That can't be possible. Could it? No…I can't do something as precise as taking away one trait. Sniffles pondered for a few more moments before a brand new idea entered his mind. What if I could take all of somebody's traits and just transform them into the total opposite! One minute Lumpy could be an idiot, the next he could be a genius like me! Together, we would surely be able to capture those stupid ants! Not to mention, the town would be a lot less dangerous. I would be like a hero!

In only a matter of minutes Sniffles was at his desk, writing out equations and examining models of brains. Next to him sat a pot of coffee, which he was going to need as he worked into the night.

Weeks had passed and the anteater refused to leave his home. He would occasionally take a break to sleep for a few hours or eat a quickly prepared meal, but most of the time he remained in his basement, creating what he believed could forever change their town for the better. Most people would give up by this point, but Sniffles was determined, more determined than he had ever been.

Two months of testing on lab rats and eating frozen food had finally come to an end as Sniffles was finally able to step out of his house and back into the real world. In his hand he held the very vial that he had been slaving over for eight weeks. It was small, but it was stronger than it looked. Sniffles inhaled the fresh air around him, savoring every bit of it. Two months in his basement did a serious number on him, but it would all be worth it in the end. As much as Sniffles was enjoying the calm atmosphere, he wasn't done with his job yet. He quickly made his way through town until he spotted Lumpy, who was happily walking down the street drinking a soda.

The anteater came up from behind him and tapped on his shoulder. Lumpy turned around; the same goofy smile he always wore was plastered onto his face.

"Hey Lumpy, I was just wondering if you would let me have a sip of your soda. After all it's really hot out today." Sniffles asked, politely holding his hand out.

Lumpy nodded his head dumbly and handed the anteater his soda. Instead of drinking it, Sniffles casually poured the contents out of the vial he held into the soda. He knew Lumpy would be too oblivious to notice this, and as always, he was right. After thanking Lumpy and walking away, Sniffles couldn't help but let a grin creep onto his face.

Later that day…

Lumpy had been walking around all day and was beginning to feel tired. He had taken a few more sips of his soda since his encounter with Sniffles, but there was still an abundant amount left. He noticed a trash can and worked his way over to it. As he was about to throw it into the bin he remembered what his mother always told him;


After choosing not to finish the rest of his orange juice, ten-year-old Lumpy decided to throw it away. Before he could reach the garbage can, his mother's voice stopped him in his tracks.

"Lumpy! How many times have I told you? Dump your drink into the sink! I don't need your orange juice stinkin' up the trash can!

-End of flashback-

Lumpy sighed at the nostalgia before coming back to reality. He moved away from the trash can in search of a sink. Instead of a sink he found something even better; the town fountain. The town fountain was very large and was what supplied water for the town's inhabitants. In other words, you shouldn't dump stuff into it. Like most things, Lumpy didn't think about this and simply dumped the rest of his soda into the water source.

Lumpy walked away, proud of himself for obeying his mother's rules after all these years, not knowing the terrible thing he just did.

More HTF characters are going to appear in the next chapter, and I'm going to try and make it a long one. Thanks for reading and remember to review! It would be greatly appreciated! No Flames