A/N: Hey, so I'm back! This took so long to write... I had a lot of trouble staying interested with this project. But then I went to anime expo, and it really inspired me... (Well, specifically, this amazing Carl cosplayer I saw. She (she?) Even had this Nirvana thing and... Oh, it was amazing! I wish I had taken a picture, but I was too embarrassed to ask, so now I really regret it...) So then I wrote all of it in my notebook, but then Persona 3 Portable came out and I forgot all about this again! Anyway, I'll warn people right now that later chapters will definitely have some yuri, and maybe even some crossdressing, depending on a whim...

Once upon a crappy Blazblue fanfic, there was an adorable princess named Carl...

"Um, excuse me," aforementioned princess interrupted. "I think you meant the princesses name was Ada." Carl gestured toward Nirvana, who was standing close behind him.

No, I meant Carl.

"Oh." Pause. "Well then, shouldn't it be prince?" Carl pushed up his glasses and stared about the empty, bland room that had been chosen for the intro. Since when did they have a narrator, anyway?

No, I meant princess. Now, on with the story. One day Princess Carl was standing in a room, doing nothing because he's not supposed to hear the narrator talk when-

"Wait!" cried Carl, confused. "How am I a princess when I'm not even a girl? I don't even look like a princess, it's not like I'm wearing an ornate dre-"

"CARL, NOOOOO! ! ! ! ! ! ! !" cried Makoto, jumping in the room dramatically with Tsubaki behind her. But, unfortunately, Makoto wasn't joking about all those exclamation points, and the dramatic interruption was delayed by the trio having to jump behind a couch to avoid being maimed by flying exclamation points.

Tsubaki ducked and covered her head with her hands. "Carl, Makoto and I are your friends, and we care about your well-being, so we came to warn you to watch what you say, because-"

"Carl!" Makoto gripped Carl's shoulders and shook him a bit. "Do you really want to have to crossdress in this fic?" Tsubaki nodded in agreement.

"B-but...! Why do I have to be the princess in the first place?" Carl cried, unable to keep himself from panicking.

Tsubaki shrugged. "Sometimes it's just best to go along with these things. I'm sorry we can't help you anymore Carl." And with that the made a dramatic exit, staring at Carl in pity as they left. Carl got up from behind the couch and ran over to his sister, brushing off stray punctuation marks.

"I have no idea what's going on, Sis... What should we do?" Carl sighed, but then brightened a little. "Well, whatever happens, I think we'll be able to take care of it."

Oh! Where were we? Right, so princess was alone and... *shuffling papers* Aha! A mysterious evil force kidnaped Carl and his sister, dragging them away to a mysterious castle.

Carl opened his mouth to object.


"I'm not even really a princess!"

And so, Carl and his sister were whisked away, because this fic is always straight to the point, despite always seeming to spend several paragraphs rambling on about nothing important. Anyway, as soon as the news reached the NOL, they assembled the most skilled retrieval team they could on a Saturday at six in the morning.

Noel, Makoto, and Tsubaki sat in a random waiting room waiting (Woah, I know, right?) for details on some special assignment they were supposed to go on together. Makoto was playing with Noel's hair, and Noel was trying to subtly touch Makoto's tail. Tsubaki was watching them carefully. Jazzy elevator music spewed from some distant corner in the room. After what seemed like ages, a tall receptionist with apple red lipstick and plum purple fingernails dinged a bell and motioned the three to enter the office.

Noel gripped Makoto's forearm as they went into the room, wishing she could be as enthusiastic about the mission as her friend. But instead she was brimming with a nervous dread. A special mission called in this time must be incredibly important... Noel couldn't help but be nervous she would screw something up. The room was a typical office, with a desk and an elderly, important-looking man sitting at it. The blinds were drawn and it was shadowy. Noel, makoto, and Jin stood there staring at the man for a long moment. Noel started breathing hard.

Okay, dramatic moment over.

"So, there was some kid who was kidnaped, and even though we wouldn't usually ever bother with this, we're sending you guys to go and rescue them," said the elderly man. He laced his fingers and put his elbows on the table.

"But if we don't usually bother with this sort of thing, why are we bothering now? Is this person particularly important?" asked Tsubaki.

"Nope." Long, puzzled silence. Noel opened her mouth to question further, but he cut her off. "It's only because you people need to go on some adventure or something. Story purposes, you know. Making this mission of vital importance." His voice was dark.

Noel gave a frightened gasp. No, what was she supposed to do?

Tsubaki gently placed a comforting hand on Noel's shoulder. "Do you have any information on where this boy could be?"

"Yeah, he's at some castle-y place. Now get out of here. C'mon, you've already spent like, eight paragraphs on this boring, story-establishing part anyway." And with that they were shooed from the building.

After that they decided they didn't know enough about where to go, so the trio split up to gather information. Noel, who we're following right now, went to Ronin-Gai. (Can you see where this is going?)

Noel looked around the mostly empty area, trying to muster the courage necessary to go up and talk to someone about the missing boy. But this turned out not to be necessary, as a loud, zealous voice called to her, revealing who Noel should speak with.

"YOU THERE! Have you seen my cute little disciple anywhere? He seems to have disappeared..." 'Twas no one other than Bang Shishigami!

Noel winced. So... loud. Could it really be so simple? It seemed to good to be true. She might as well bit. "Um, this disciple of yours, when did he go missing?"

"Around yesterday... He wandered off after our special training and I haven't seen him since! Wait, don't tell me... Have you seen him somewhere, young man?" Noel was to relieved to notice the last phrase. Yesterday? Gasp! It directly coincided with the date her target went missing that she was never given!

"Um, listen! I'm an officer in the NOL, and I think we're looking for the same person... Does a castle-y place sound familiar to you?" she asked, hopeful.

"Oh! So that is where he is being held! Well, Carl, don't you worry! Your master, Bang Shishigami, is on his way to rescue you!" And with that, Bang ran off.

"Carl?" Noel mused. But she didn't have any time for that. She ran off after her only lead, hoping he would actually lead her to her target. She called Makoto and Tsubaki, and presently they arrived at a large, ominous looking castle.

Bang slammed into the door, eager to rescue his disciple. But instead of busting open, the door sounded, "Prepping for VRS trial... Please hold..." There were several beeping noises, and then Bang and Noel disappeared before Bang could even hit the door again. Noel gave a sharp cry.

"Where'd they go?" Tsubaki said, worriedly. She glanced all around the garden. Nowhere to be seen.

Makoto started bouncing about excitedly. "Somewhere fun, I bet! C'mon, Tsubaki, let's go too!" Makoto ran up to the door.

"Wait! We should think this over a little more. We should find an alternate entrance, or..." Tsubaki gasped as Makoto whacked the door. It started to beep, and Makoto ran over and hugged Tsubaki. As they were transported away, Tsubaki slapped her hand to her forehead and shook her head.

A/N: In case you actually plan to read more, there's gonna be around four chapters. Next will be where Makoto and Tsubaki went, and will have a little yuri. Then will be Bang and Noel in a horror movie parody... And last the conclusion, which will also probably have more yuri and the possible crossdressing incident, if you're worried about that.

That is... If I even bother putting those parts up here. I mean, come on, these stories are so retarded that I wonder why I even bother. And it's not like anyone has told me that this madness is even any good... Of course, this could be swayed if I got a bunch of reviews... Even if they told me how awful my writing is, I would still appreciate it so much!