A/N: i thought you guys deserved this:3


"You don't want to see it," I pulled him away from my door. "Please."

"How bad can it be?" he smirked down at me.

He walked through my bedroom door and looked at the crumpled up piece of paper on my bed. He picked it up and unfolded it slightly. I peeked over his shoulder to read my messy writing.


I'm sorry. I never wanted to do this. But I think it might be better for us. Think about it; were we really meant to be? Have you seen everything that has happened to us?
You have a sprained rib. All because of me. I made myself a promise that if someone got hurt again then I'd leave the islands and start over.
So that is what I've done.

Don't come looking for me, because you'll surely never find me. I told no one of my departure, so do whatever you can to move on. I'm so sorry. I'm even more sorry that you have to find this out like this.

But I love you.


He looked over at me and almost burst into some strange laughter. I covered my face in my hands and muffled from my palms, "Y'know, if you didn't come after me at the dock and found this now, you'd be crying, not laughing."

"I know," he shrugged. He dropped the note and pulled me into a hug. "But it's just so cute."

I stared up at him and smiled. "Like you."

"Like you," he whispered. He kissed me quickly, pulling away to quickly mumble "I love you" in my ear.

He went to kiss me again, but I quickly whispered back to him, "I love you, too."

The two of us were good after that. We had no more secrets, no more secret loves, and even better, no more drama. Vaughn had permanently come to the islands just to be with me. I not only found it to be the cutest thing he's ever done, but it only made me fall in love with him more because he cared for me so much.

He would spend the mornings helping me on the farm, spend the midday helping him in the shop, and spend the nights together on the beach or in the meadow, just talking, listening to each other's heartbeats, kissing.

A few weeks passed after the incident of my almost-disappearance and everyone seemed okay. Julia and Elliot got into a completely serious relationship that Julia would come up and talk to me about marriage every now and then.

Denny and Lanna were dating. They were on and off, considering they were two completely different people. In the end, I found them right for each other.
Natalie and Mark are now engaged.

Will and Lily had gotten married two weeks prior, and were living happily.
Taro was still predicting the weather pinpoint as always.

Mirabelle and Julia have only been so much closer than they should be.
Felicia is always open arms.

Chen and Charlie are always elated to see me.

Gannon and Eliza always throw in a few smiles.

Sabrina always waves to me.

And I probably had the best life in the world, because I was surrounded by ones that I loved, and loved me back.

I was sure of it.

"Sleepover!" Julia squealed over the phone.

"Why do you want me to sleep over so badly?" I smiled.

"Because." She pouted. "The last one we had was a really long time ago."

I sighed. "I remember the night perfectly, I know, I know."

"Get your butt over here faster, now will you?"

I chuckled and said, "I'm on it, Jules."

She let out an airy giggle and hung up the phone immediatley. I quickly changed into flannel pants and a solid black tank, and packed tomorrow's working clothes. With that, I left my house, on my way to Julia's.

When I walked in through the door, Julia smiled, and as usual, Lanna and Natalie were already there before me. I smiled and laid down my sleeping bag in the same spot it was last time.

"Since our last sleepover, our lives have surely changed," Natalie announced.

We all easily nodded in agreement.

"Lets see," I tapped my chin, looking throughout the circle. I started with Lanna.

"Lanna, you know seem to have a boyfriend, who I recall at the last sleepover you claimed you liked no one."
She just shrugged and giggled that adorable school girl giggle she made her own.

"Julia, you were talking about how you liked Elliot, and now you're talking about marriage with him."
She shrugged with a smirk.

"And Natalie," I raised my eyebrows at the strawberry headed beauty, "is engaged to Mark!"

"Aw," Julia and Lanna cooed in harmony.

"Oh grow up," Natalie rolled her eyes, but we all saw her cheeks glint with red color.

"What about you missy!" Julia laughed. "You're dating my cousin!"

"Hey, guess what I realized!" Natalie screamed. "If Julia marries my brother, and you marry her cousin, we'll all be related!"

"Eek!" Julia squealed.

I looked at Lanna, who hung her head and whispered, "Poo."

I quickly pulled her into a hug and said, "You're my sister. So it's okay."
She immediatley, after hearing that, hugged me back, feeling warm tears melt into my shirt.

Natalie then took the turn to hug her.

"I'm still in shock," Julia smiled, "you in love with Vaughn? It's almost a relief."

I raised my eyebrows and said, "And how is that?"

She looked liked she wanted to suck the words right back into her mouth. "Um…well…"

"It's fine," I laughed, and she let out a smile as well.

"Is it awkward for you?" Lanna blurted, as her hug from Natalie was seperated.

I cocked my head at her. "Is what awkward?"

"Well," Lanna extended the word, "I'm with Denny, and Julia's with Elliot. Does that…bug you? Even a lil' bit?"

I shook my head with a smile. "Not at all. Be happy with him, you two are great together. Believe me."

I just smiled, and enjoyed the rest of the night.

I woke up, feeling déjà vu. It was about one in the morning, and my heart fluttered just a tad. I got up from my sleeping spot, seeing my dear friends sleeping messingly.

I tiptoed to the kitchen, and sat on the kitchen counter, grabbing a cup from the cupboard and pouring some water from the sink. It was at that moment I saw a brush of light come from the hallway.

"Hm, who may that be?" I wondered. "Mirabelle, maybe?"

"No," his voice rung, his silhouette appearing before me.

"Maybe Julia?"

He appeared closer now, the bright rays of the moon reflecting off his perfectly shaped purple orbs. He brushed my brown locks off of my shoulder and lightly kissed my neck. "Guess again."


He kissed up my jawbone until he finally pecked my lips.

"Is that a yes?" I giggled in a hush.

He kissed me again.

"You're not answering me."
"You're not kissing me."

I couldn't' take it. He was too cute. I kissed him back.

"Better," he complimented.

"Oh shut up you," I grumbled at him, twining his fingers in my hair.

"Haven't we made this encounter once before?" he looked at me.

"I think so," I bit my lip, "it was something like this. Except we weren't friends. And you were leaving to the city."

"And now we're at this."

I looked down at him, and kissed his nose and whispered, "I love you."

He whispered back, "I love you too."

But he reached behind him, which caused me kissing him to be put on hold. I kissed his cheek instead, kissing his jawbone, and finally his lips.

He pushed me back just a slight bit, so he could show me what was in his arms.

A blue feather.

I stared at it, then stared up at his shaking purple eyes. They glinted against the moon as he whispered softly, "Marry me."

I didn't know what to say. I stared between the sparkling blue feather, and his sparkling purple eyes that stared lovingly into mine. I looked down at my hand, and then back at the blue feather.

I felt my fingertips touch the soft feather, and I placed it in my own hands.

I looked up at Vaughn. My love. My true love.

I kissed him lightly, my forehead pressed to his. I retreated the kiss, but my nose touched his. We looked at each other through only the centimeter of distance that was between us.


A/N: you guys are the best ever. so, i thought it wouldve been great to give you guys an epilogue for some closure:)

my apologies though, there will be NO sequel:(

and sorry it took so long to write this..and that its majorly short..

but i love you ALL. you guys are the best readers/reviewers in the world and im so happy you read this:) you help me believe that one day i will become an author:D

dont be afraid to PM me, im always looking for a fabulous conversationn!:D

i love you all so much,

x silhouette dreams x