I'm gonna try and update as often as I can ^-^

XP this is my first PJO story so be nice :] xxx

Here is some info before the story:

Actions, details and dares will be written in BOLD

I am Tori, the host

And I don't own anything :) this is a fan made story because i 3 PJO

Tori: Hey everyone, welcome to the PJO dare show! Where we try to embarrass our fellow characters as much as possible!

Annabeth: Where am I?

Percy: Oww... my head hurts.

Rachel: All I remember is-

Grover: FOOOOOD!

Clarisse: Can it, Goat boy.

Grover: CANS!

Clarisse: -_-"

Tori: I abducted you all from Rick Riordan's book, which by the way, I don't own ;D *wink wink* Now I'm gonna make you do really cool, embarrassing stuff.

Rachel: Ooookay?

Luke: Can we just get it over with?

Annabeth: What are you doing here Luke?

Tori: Silly Annabeth, I abducted you all, remember?

Annabeth: Erm... okay.

Thalia: Is this legal?

Tori: Okay, on with the dares. ^_^

Percy: Let me play with Riptide. :]

Annabeth: Let the Aphrodites give you a makeover.

Thalia: Throw marshmallows repeatedly at Clarisse for the whole chapter.

Rachel: Everytime someone says the word 'I' scream out 'CHICKEN BUTT!'

Nico: Give Rachel a haircut.

Luke: Give Nico a piggy-back ride

Clarisse: Pretend to be a dinosaur and annoy Luke.

Grover: Sing the milkshake song while drinking a milkshake. :)

Everyone: Throw Percy into a pool of blue coke.

Percy: NO! My preeeeciousss.

Tori: *Takes sword from Percy*

Percy: NUUU!

Tori: Look at me! I slayed da Minotaaaur. x]

Percy: Can I have it back now?

Tori: No, Annabeth's turn.

Annabeth: No... I'm scared. :(

Silena comes running in screaming and steals Annabeth.

Annabeth: NUUU!

Tori: Mwahahaha!

Annabeth comes back flopping around in heels.

Annabeth: You're an evil person...

Tori: Pfft, I know. Thalia, your turn.

Thalia: DIE!

Thalia chucks countless marshmallows at Clarrise, she now has marshmallow-phobia, good job Thals. :L

Thalia: I didn't mean to...

Tori: Don't talk to me. :L

Clarisse: So... many marshmallows. O_O *twitch* *twitch*

Tori: Rachel, I think it's your turn.


Tori: You rule...

Nico: Are you serious? I can cut her hair?


Tori: Yes. :)

Nico: erm... okay.

Nico chops half of Rachel's hair off

Rachel: You know? I (CHICKEN BUTT!) kinda like it, very modern rock. Good job Nico.

Nico: Why, thank you Miss Dare. ^-^

Tori: Luke, give Mr. Di Angelo a piggy back ride...

Luke: fine. :L

Nico magically poofs a whip into his hand, climbs on Luke's back and rides him around the room.


Luke: OWW!

Clarisse: RAWR LUKE! I'ma big scary dinoo!

Luke: Yes, yes you are.

Clarisse slaps the back of Luke's head.

Grover: I like STRAWBERRY milkshakes. :)



MILKY-MILKSHAKE! MILKY-MILKSHAKE! MILKY-MILKSHAKE! Dancing with my milkshake! Baby, oh yeah! I'm dancin' with my milkshake Oh, Iove my milky, milky shake BABY! from smosh, I (CHICKEN BUTT!) do not own. ^-^


Grover: Yummm... strawberry. :)

Tori: Everyone ready?

Percy: I know I am :D

Rachel: CHICKEN BUTT! x2

Annabeth: This will be fun.


Everyone throws Percy into the pool and he starts swimming around.

Annabeth: Now that I mention it, caffeine is not good for skin.


Tori: Umm... I think you can stop now, we're done with all the dares.

Rachel: CHICKEN BUTT! I can't stop! :(

Tori: Well, I will see all of you next time. :)


Tori: SHUT UP!

Percy: Can I have my sword back?

Tori: Never. :]

I (CHICKEN BUTT!) hope you guys liked the first chapter :] R+R

xoxo -sugarXsugarXRuNo