I've been meaning to get this idea out of my head for the longest time. Rated M for violence and possibly some (very minor) pedophilia, this is my first story so reviews will be greatly appreciated!

I do not own Happy Tree Friends

Chapter 1: The Man in the Mask

The day was over and nighttime had crept its way into the forest. All the creatures inside it had gone to sleep peacefully as the darkness took over. All except one man. A nearby thicket shook as a lizard stepped out of it, he looked as though he hadn't bathed in years and he had cold blue eyes. Half of his face was covered in mask that looked like it was made from a worn potato sack. He wore a once-white lab coat that had been dirtied and stained to look brown. His cold eyes moved from one part of the dark forest to the other before he decided to continue on.

Hours had passed but the lizard continued on, determined to reach his destination. His feet ached and his eyelids were heavy. He hadn't slept in two days, but he was used to that. He pushed his way through what seemed to be an endless forest before he found what he was looking for. After pushing away a fallen branch, he caught sight of a distant town. His heart raced as he forced himself to move faster toward the town. Excitement overwhelmed him. He had spent thirteen years travelling far and wide to find any information he could on how to get to this town. A town that was rumored to bring back the dead, most people thought it was a legend. He himself once thought it was just a silly tale that a mother would tell their child before going to sleep that night. However, after he lost everything he didn't think he had much else to lose by searching for the town. He had approached a sign that read, "Happy Tree Town", and his heart almost stopped. After thirteen long years of searching, he had found it- the perfect place to continue his research. Research that, he believed, could change the world for the better. He began to follow the path to his destination; a wide and almost disturbing smile could be seen on his face the entire way.

The sun rose slowly as it did every morning. It crept its way through a window, shining light into a particular porcupine's room. The young porcupine opened her eyes, only to be met with the blinding sunlight. She quickly pulled herself under the covers. She hated bright lights; she didn't know why she hated them so much. She just felt that if she stared into them for too long she would be met with some sort of pain. She worked her way out of bed, careful not to stare into the sun. She made her way into her small bathroom to brush her teeth. The young porcupine was named Flaky; she was cowardly but very friendly and quite intelligent. When she was done brushing her teeth she went back into her bedroom to change out of her pajamas and into some more casual clothes. She quickly slipped on her tomboyish cargo shorts and a t-shirt before making some breakfast for herself. It didn't take her long to reach her kitchen. Her house was very small, it consisted of three rooms- her bedroom, bathroom, and her living room and kitchen, which were merged together. She didn't have a basement or an attic for storage, so she owned very little. Despite her poor lifestyle, she didn't mind; there wasn't much she felt she needed.

When Flaky finished eating she put her dishes in the sink and washed them while humming the Happy Tree Friends theme song. Shortly after she finished she heard a knock on the door, she opened it and smiled at her visitor.

"Hiya, Flaky!" Cuddles beamed. He was holding a baseball bat and wearing a jersey. Flaky knew where this was going.

"Um, h-hi C-cuddles. I would really like to play baseball with you today but-" before she could finish her sentence, Cuddles was already dragging the poor porcupine out the door. Flaky had realized long ago that arguing with Cuddles was futile, so she didn't bother fighting back and just let her childhood friend drag her down the street.

When the two friends arrived at the park, Cuddles finally released Flaky's arm. He looked throughout the park in search for anybody else who might want to join them. Pop was treating his dear son, Cub, to an ice cream cone, which Lifty and Shifty seemed intent on stealing. Giggles and Petunia were in the middle of a tea party under a tree and Disco Bear was moon walking over to them, so he could show off his "moves". One person in the park didn't look busy at all. Flippy sat on a park bench and stared up at the sky, most likely daydreaming about anything happy that didn't relate to the war. Cuddles ran up to the veteran and tapped on his shoulder, bringing him back from his trance-like state. He smiled at Cuddles then to Flaky, who wasn't far behind. "Hey, Flippy! How would ya like to play ball with me and Flaky? If we have three people then we'll have one person to bat, one person to pitch, and one catch! " Cuddles asked excitedly.

"Well I'm not really doing anything, so sure why not." Flippy smiled. Flaky smiled back at him, he rarely left his house because of his evil side, and when he did she enjoyed spending time with him. The three friends made their way to a less crowded part of the park to begin their game. It wasn't a real game since there were no bases and no one was in the field, but they had fun nonetheless. Flippy pitched the ball, and Cuddles hit it with his old wooden bat. Flaky decided to be the catcher since she thought it was safer, too bad she was wrong. Cuddles didn't bother bringing safety gear since the word, "safe" didn't seem to be in his realm of vocabulary. "Come on Flippy! Show me what you're made of! Quit throwing the ball like a three-year-old and show me some skill! ", Cuddles mocked. Flippy smirked and threw the ball as hard as he could, which was pretty fast considering how strong Flippy was. "Woah!" Cuddles jumped. He moved aside in reflex to the speeding object, making it hit Flaky in the jaw. Flaky fell to the ground unconscious. The last thing she heard before passing out was Flippy's panicked, apologetic voice.


Flaky opened her eyes to a bright light. The light was blinding, forcing her to shut them again. She was strapped down and unable to move, she never understood why the restraints were necessary. It's not like she had anywhere else to go. She heard footsteps in the room, but refused to open her eyes to whoever it may be, in fear of the light blinding her. She felt a sharpness in her arm before a cold tingle swarmed through her body. She held in her tears as pain filled her body. After forty-five minutes of what most would call torture, she was escorted out of the room. The five-year-old made her way through the orphanage to the lower level where her and the rest of the children slept, getting as far away from the examination room as possible.

Well what do you guys think? I strongly encourage constructive criticism and no flames