Ok I havent Updated in a while for i swear I'm not a strigoi (If you haven't read it then you should read it lol) and I would Update but i cant because I've alread gotten the next three chapters written on my laptop and its holidays and I'm not at home and my laptop is :( So I'm going to write a random oneshot that im thinking up on the spot lol, its 10:20pm and i cant sleep and I'm bored and the TV is taken so yer dont blame me if its terrible, its not my normal writting but hay i feel like being different :D Lol

Really sorry but yer anyways when I get my laptop back :D Then I will Update two chappys :D Yay and dont hate me pleasssseeeeeee lolz :D

This is before the attack but after the Cabin


I've been walking around campus for the past three hours because Lissa and Fireboy decided to take a little trip to the church attic, i haven't really been paying attention to where i've been walking I've just let my legs decide where to go, I looked up from the ground and found myself looking at the old past watch cabin, our cabin. "Well Rose looks like you really are missing your hot Russian god" i mumbled to myself then added "and your losing your mind talking to yourself" I laughed at my stupidity, I really am missing Dimitri even though i see him everyday at practice, its not the same anymore, like he said we have to keep our distance and well we have been, I now only see him in practices and even though we have a few stolen kisses here and there, that's it. Lissa new about me and Dimitri's relationship, at first she was furious but then she went all mushy on me wanting to here all about a forbidden love calling it a fairytale out of a book, i laughed so hard when she said and shook my head at her but i secretly agree, Dimitri is my knight in a cowboy duster, hehe.

I wasn't going to go into our cabin, cause i new if i went in there I'd fall asleep on the bed and then Lissa and Dimitri who knows maybe even Fireboy would go into panic attack mode, joy. I was just about the turn around and head back to my room and try and get some sleep when the lights in our cabin went on. I ducked back into the tree's to see Tasha and Dimitri, wait Dimitri! What the hell was he doing in there and what was Tasha doing here. Don't get me wrong Tasha is great but after her almost stealing my man, well lets just say she's lucky she's a moroi and that she didn't know he was mine or else she would have a broken noes and arm.

I quickly stopped my silent ranting and listened in on what they where saying. "Oh Dimika, I'm so glad you came over tonight, its great to catch up" Tasha said laughing a high pitched laugh, Dimitri shook his head laughing as well with one of those beautiful rare smiles on his face, "Well Tash its been great catching up, like you said but I'm afraid I have to go and get in a small bit of sleep before we have training with Rose" he said to her nodding up in the direction of the gym, his room and the place i should be sleeping, ha well take that Tasha he is going to see m...wait what does he mean we! "Oh yer, thanks for letting me come in and show Rose some of my material arts" she said giggling like she forgot something that is so obvious, ugh it make me sick. I mentally laguhed at myself for being so jealous. "Why dont you stay the night Dimika, its almost morning anways, so you'll most probably only get an 40minute or so sleep anyways minus the time you have to walk up there and everything, seems like a waste of time to me, why dont we just walk down to the lake and hang out?" she asked in her high annoying voice, come on comrade say no say no, "Sure why not, come on lets go" ugh why couldnt he say no, grrr. "Wait lets me get my coat and make us a drink and breakfast to go, k?" she batted her eyes is a extremely flirty way, Dimirti nodded and they entered me and dimitri's cabin. Possesive yer but whatever, he's my man and no woman is aloud in my teritory.

I suddenly had a very bad, mean Lissa killing me thought, i smiled evily to myself. I checked the bond since her emotions werent as high, so it should be all PG up there, hopefully, "I love you too now go and dont get cause" I, I mean Lissa was saying to christian looking at him adoringly, they were standing a few feet away from the church. I got out of her mind and took off in a sprint to where they were. As soon as i reached them Lissa was already starting her was back to her dorm as was christian, she heard my footsteps coming at her and she thought i was a gaurdian so she quickly hid behind a tree. I laughed quietly to myself before sneeking up behind her, I leapt at her and put my hands over her mouth so she wouldnt scream, only a small yelp excapt her lips, after i let go of her i clutched my stomach doulbling over trying not to laugh to loud, Lissa was staring at me shocked but then her emotion changed to angry as she whisper/shouted/hissed at me asking what the hell I was doing, i had tears in my eyes from laughing so much.

After i calmed down she kept glaring at me as daring to say something, i simply grinned at her and grabed her arm and dragged her along with me to the lake, "Hey, what are doing, Rose where are we going" Lissa said trying to keep up her angry tone but she was smiling and the bond gave her away.

"Lissa, Lissa, Lissa dont you know me at all, where going to do a little prank on Dimitri and Tasha thats all" I said trying and failing to keep a straight face. She rolled her eyes at "What are you going to do now Rose?" she mumbled under her breath. Once we arived at the lake we quickly ducked into hiding just as Tasha and my man came into view.

They were sitting down on a picnik blanket eating eggs and bacon and other mouth watering delicious food you can think of including the thing my eyes are glued to, your most probably thinking oh yer sure Dimitri easy, well now he has competion, there on a single plate lay about 5 mouth watering chocolate glazed donuts, omg i could smell them from here i was almost drooling.

I know that its short but you have three choices for the next chapter

1. Christian walks over out of the blue and tells tasha that he got her text to come have breaky and ...(cant spoil it sozz lol)

2.Rose runs over with Lisssa and they grab the donuts and run and...(cant spoil heheheheheh)

3. Rose and Lissa almost burst out laughing at how much Rose wants to go over and steal all the donuts but they go along with the plan Rose has in store for Tasha and Dimitri (and I'm not sure what plan to use yer hehe)

ChellaVampa Hehe Sorry its short but I cant decied what one to use so please tell me and I'll put up the next chapter :) TTYL