A preview to the sequel. 'Guardians Of Truth'.

I spanned my mind senses and I gasped at a single thought.

Wow! Look at that! He has diamonds on his hand! Mommy! I should tell her and she'll love it!

I gave a faint hiss. Anthony spun round and looked at me with concern.

"What's the matter?" I looked at Anthony and he held my hand. I made sure that Aro's power wasn't going to interfere.

"The little girl in front on the right of Charlie, she can see his hand. She's going to tell her mother who is then going to look at it and scream, because she knows he isn't normal." I looked around to find the easiest way get to the girl but what should I do with her.

Change her mind?

Erase her memory?

Break her neck?

Please comment. :) looking forward to posting it XD