Hey everyone! So this is my first story. YAY! This story probably won't be too long, 5, 6, maybe 7 chapters. And the singing won't start this chapter, you'll have to wait until the next one ;). The songs in this story will extend to almost every part of the musical spectrum; from '60s to '00s, from showtunes to rap, from Quaker folk songs to hardcore rock. I can guarentee you that you will not know every song here, but I hope that there are at least a few (if not more) that you recognize! My goals with this story are a) to enjoy writing it (isn't that what writing fanfictions is about?), b) to put myself out there a bit (Harry Potter is a well known, obsessed over topic, no?), and c) to introduce some people to new songs that they might look up the lyrics for, listen to on youtube, and then put on their ipods, because they've discovered a new favorite :). Also, if you do enjoy the story, utterly despise it, or just want to give some friendly criticism, then PLEASE REVIEW :)! I already have the second and third chapters done, but I'm not going to put them up until I know that people are reading (and hopefully enjoying!) it so far. I really hope that everyone likes it!



...what? Oh, yeah. I almost forgot.

Disclaimer: I do not own any aspect of Harry Potter series; it all belongs to the amazing J.K Rowling. I also do not own the song 'Pop Goes the Weasel' :).

...Now, on with the show!

It started out as a regular day at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. But is there ever a regular day at a school for wizards?

The sixth years were spread out all over the grounds, taking advantage of their free period. James Potter and Sirius Black were bullying Severus (or as they liked to call him, Snivellus) Snape, who had been busy studying for a potions exam only moments before. On the sidelines, Remus Lupin, the werewolf marauder who sometimes had more sense than James and Sirius put together, was reading his book, occasionally looking up at the action. Peter Pettigrew sat beside him, his widened eyes glued to James and Sirius the whole time. This was a usual occurrence on lazy Saturday afternoons at Hogwarts, as lazy Saturdays were often the days when James and Sirius were up to the most mischief.

"Round and round the mulberry bush! The Padfoot chased the Snivellus…" James was singing giddily as Sirius chased Snape around a tree on the Hogwarts grounds. Snape barely managed to stay ahead of Sirius, who, being a dog animagi (a fact that was unbeknownst to Snape), was a very fast runner. Little did Snape know that Sirius could've easily caught him then and there if he'd wanted to, but Sirius refused to reduce himself to such mediocrity. He and James were much cleverer than that anyway.

As he was running after a frantic Snape, Sirius muttered a spell underneath his breath.

"Accio smoke pellets!"

Even as he spoke, three little black balls came zooming through the air and landed in Snape's hands. Before Snape even knew what he was holding, the three balls exploded into big clouds of thick, black smoke.

"…Pop goes the Snivellus!" James finished his song just as the smoke pellets exploded. Snape fell to the ground, dropping all of his books in the process, and was coughing madly.

"Nice one, Padsy," James patted Sirius on the back. "You kept him going for awhile!"

"You too Prongs, I especially loved the little diddy you made up. 'Pop goes the Snivellus'…has a nice ring to it!"

"So what should we do with our little friend here?" James asked, tapping his chin, as if he were considering his options.

"Aw, don't you think he's had enough, Prongs? Being on the ground covered in smoke and all?" Sirius asked with what was obviously fake concern. They had planned the entire scheme the previous night.

"No, actually, I don't Padfoot," he said with a smirk. "I think that little Snivelly here deserves a special bonus."

"Allow me, Prongs. Furnunculus!" Snape immediately broke out into large, red boils. By this point, lots of people were watching. They were all pointing and laughing at Snape, who was absolutely furious. Even Remus was trying to conceal his snickers behind his book.

"Oh, so you all *cough* think this is *cough* funny? You enjoyed *cough* singing that little *cough* jingle Potter?" Snape said, attempting to sound intimidating, but failing to do so. It probably had something to do with the fact that he was covered from head to toe in boils and coughing about every three words.

"Why yes, Snivellus, we do." James told him matter-o-factly.

"Well, since you enjoy *cough* singing so much, James. I *cough* think you should get a chance *cough* to sing a little bit more." Snape said with a menacing, boily smile. "Sono Jugiter!" He cried as he pulled out his wand.

What came next seemed to happen in slow motion. A jet of blue light came out of Snape's wand and was headed straight for James, whose face of triumph was slowly turning into a look of shock.

"James!" Sirius shouted, also shocked, as he jumped in front of his best friend.

"Sirius!" Peter yelled immediately as he saw his role model putting himself in danger. He jumped in front of him.

"Oh, Peter!" Remus came next, and, feeling responsible for his friends, jumped in front of Peter.

Just then, the red haired, green eyed Gryffindor, Lily Evans appeared. She inconveniently stepped right in front of Remus and into of the line of fire.

"What's going on over here? I'll have you know that I'm a prefect and—" She stopped short. The jet of light hit not only its intended mark, but the four others who stepped in front of the target as well. Lily fell backwards into Remus, who fell into Peter, who fell into Sirius, who fell on top of James.

Anxious calls such as, "James, Sirius, you both okay?" and "Oh my gosh, the spell hit Lily too!" sounded throughout the ground. However the five hit with the strange spell didn't utter a sound. James was the first to stand up. He looked down at himself. He didn't look different, nor did he feel different. The others went through the same process; looking themselves over to try and figure out what effect the spell might've had, but finding nothing. James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter all shrugged it off and ran to go to the common rooms. Lily dusted herself off, grabbed her book bag, and went into the corridors to meet her friend, Samantha. They were all convinced that nothing in their appearance had changed, and in that they were right. But what they were also convinced of was that Snape's spell had failed. This is where they were wrong.

"That'll teach Potter and his friends to stop messing with me." Snape snickered. He then gathered up his books, and headed to the hospital wing. He had to talk to Madam Pomfrey about a boil problem.

And that's it so far!

Comments? Questions? Proclaimations of absolute hatred? Please review!