"Edward! Edward!" His eyes focused on me, and with obvious effort, he pulled his clenched teeth apart.

"It's okay. We're going to be fine. It's-" He broke off and winched again.

"What's happening?" I cried out while Seth howled in anguish.

"We're fine. We're going to be okay," Edward gasped. "Sam-help him-"
And I realized in that instant, when he said Sam's name, that he was not speaking of himself and Seth. No unseen force was attacking them. This time,
the crisis was not here.

He was using the pack plural. In that moment I got a burst of adrenaline and ran to the clearing where the fight was held. I ran through the trees and the smoke, determained to get to Jake.

I pushed past the circle of people, and what I saw stopped me in me tracks.

"No! No! This couldn't have happened!" I yelled. Jake was lying there broken and writhing in pain.

This is all my fault. This is all my fault. I chanted that over and over again in my head.

I was getting really angry at myself and this burning pain was in my muscles.

Suddenly, I screamed out in terrifying, anguished pain.

I felt like my bones were shifting into something bigger. I heard a ripping noise and looked down. I had snow white paws!

I looked up at the bewildered faces of the Cullens and the pack. I didn't think, I just ran. I ran into the forest, not looking back.