Chapter 17: Jake's Story Part 1
"Jake, are you all right man? You've been shifty all day," Quil said with a sideways glance at me. Quil, Jared, Brady and I were all stuffed in my room for the time being. Jared and Quil were inspecting themselves in my small wall mirror; double-checking that their freshly trimmed hair and fitted black tuxes were all in order before the girls arrived.
I, on the other hand, sat stoic next to Brady on the edge of my bed. Quil was right. I had been jumpy, agitated, and fidgety all day. I grunted in response.
"Yeah, and what's with the jumpy leg? Forget to take your meds this morning or what?" Jared tried to joke, but the concern laced in his voice was unmistakable.
I wasn't even aware that I had been bouncing my leg as if I was diagnosed with ADHD until I glanced down at my spastic lap and forced myself to stop. I cleared my throat and looked up to find all three of my friends staring back at me with confused and slightly freaked out expressions on their faces.
"It's nothing," was my gruff reply. Their stares only continued. "I just want this night to end already. That's all."
Quil and Jared glanced at each other dubiously while Brady cocked his head and asked, "Why?"
Why? A simple, innocent question, yet the single word caused my hot blood to simmer just beneath my too-warm skin. Why I was so on edge he wanted to know? Why had I been on the verge of a nervous breakdown all day while my friends joked and pushed each other around without a care in their utopia of a teenage world?
Well, let's take a magnifying glass to my clusterfuck of a life and take a closer look. First off, my poor old crippled father was currently in his study, silently weeping because the house he and his only love had ever known was one threat away from being ripped out from under his nose. Oh yeah, and that threat, the ultimatum proposed by the most powerful man on the reservation, was contingent on me ensuring his daughter (read: my date) had a freaking magical time at the dance tonight, if only I knew the hell that meant. My father is so embarrassed and heartbroken that he hasn't been able to look at me in the eye since we got the fateful phone call. I hadn't had the humility to confide in anyone about it because, well because I was a proud fuck who was pissed off at the world for doing this to my dad and me in the first place. My father was the Chief—the goddamn Chief of the rez and here we were forced to scramble like petty vagrants just because some rich asshole who used to call himself my father's dearest friend snapped his fingers told us to jump.
George Abrams' instructions for me were as crystal clear as they were vague as hell. Keep his daughter happy and we get to keep the house—with zero future payments and zero hassle from him in the future. Guaranteed.
Damn it. Right when I my thoughts screamed, "No. Fuck this and fuck him!" that portion of the proposition propped up in my mind, always leaving me dumbfounded. A free house? No more financial burden on my father? I could doubt Abrams, but I didn't. I heard him himself, what he said was law.
I just needed to figure out Malia's hand in all this.
I looked back at a perplexed Brady who had been waiting quite a while for my response. I sighed, feeling bad that I had been taking out my bipolar mood swings on my friends, and tried to answer as evenly as possible.
"Because," I could feel Quil and Jared's eyes on me. I don't think the four of us have been this serious with each other in a great while. "I just don't know how to balance both Bella and Malia tonight. I don't know how I can make them both happy."
Brady nodded in understanding, which only made me feel more miserable than before.
That was another thing that had been eating at me for the past 24 hours. Bella. Malia. Malia. Bella.
Bella Bella Bella Bella Bella….
How could I possibly go about this without screwing everything I had going for me?
Truth was, I was in love with her. Cripplingly. Hopelessly. And I could not afford to lose her, not when she was finally mine. But my heart was being torn in two. I could either completely devote myself to Malia and hope for the best with Bella, or I could say screw you to Malia, her father, and his absurd ultimatum…but I'd also be forced to make my father say goodbye to his home as well.
I had to find a happy medium. Maybe I could tell Bella what was going on, but that held a crap load of risks itself too.
"He's wallowing again," Quil murmured to Jared. I looked up in time to see Jared cast another worried glance at me.
Shaking my head clear of the thoughts that continuously haunted me, I hefted myself off of my bed and jumped to my feet. "Look guys, I'm not trying to be a bitch right now; I've just got so much on my mind."
"Well, if you're gunna attempt to balance both Malia and Bella tonight, I suggest you fake it till you make it. The Debbie Dower act is not going to get you very far with either of them," Quil advised.
"Yeah," I admitted. "You're right."
"Why are you even trying to keep Malia happy anyway? Bella's your girlfriend, Malia should understand, right?" Brady added, trying to be helpful.
"And quite frankly, Malia isn't half the girl Bella is. If I were you I'd kick Malia to the curb and leave it to someone else to show her a good time. I'd choose to be around Bella over Malia a thousand times over," Jared said. If he only knew.
"I'm probably over thinking this whole thing anyway. I'm sure everything will work out. Look, I'm going to go to the bathroom really quick, but you all should start heading over to the living room soon." I glanced at my alarm clock. "As a matter of fact, the girls should be here already."
"Oh shit, it's 5:35 already?" Quil exclaimed after following my gaze. "I guess it's a good thing chicks are always so bent on being fashionably late."
As the guys made their way to the living room, I detoured to the bathroom and shut the door behind me. Staring into the mirror I took a few deep breaths. "C'mon Jake, snap out of it. You need a game plan…." Yeah, a game plan. My house was on the line, did I have much of a choice? I turned on the faucet and splashed a handful of water on my face. "Be nice, be nice, be nice. You have to be nice to her," I chanted to myself. How I dealt with Bella would come later. For now I knew I had to be tolerant with my date.
After all, when Mr. Abrams told me to sit, I sat.
"Jake, they just pulled up!" Jared hollered from the living room. I quickly patted my wet face down with a towel and made my way over to my friends. The way they were piled on top of each other looking out the window as quite comical, especially considering there were two free, unoccupied windows right next to them.
Just for the heck of it, I walked over and pushed the three goofs out of the way so I could get a good look out the sacred window. A sleek silver Beamer was parked on the street in front of my house and the doors were just opening.
"Is that Malia's car?" I couldn't help but ask.
"Nah," Jared answered in awe. "She just got the brand new Mercedes, remember? Sickest car I've ever seen." Figures.
Jared, Quil and Brady backed away from the window and began chattering behind me, but I kept my eyes trained outside. Lane, Tami and Kim came out first. They were all decked out with the dresses and the shoes and the necklaces and the makeup. Lane and Kim looked good from what I could tell, but Tami's appearance was a little…out there for my liking. Her dress was tight, short and very purple. Not to mention her tits were hanging out for the world to see. Even as I guy I could see her state of dress was tasteless, but I knew for a fact Jared would be delighted. At least one of us was getting some tonight for sure.
Finally, Malia came out of the passenger side and her mother rounded the front of the car from the driver's side. Malia was definitely an eye catcher in her bright red gown and dramatic make up. Her athletic body moved with poise and purpose, like she owned the ground she walked on.
Oh wait, she did.
There was no denying it, Malia was a pretty girl, but that prettiness was easily marred by the scowl that was currently set on her face. With the window and distance as a barrier, I couldn't make out what she was saying, but by scrunch of her eyebrows and the downward tilt of her lips, I could tell something was not going the Princess's way. Her mother, the apparent cause of Malia's distress, tailed after her daughter like a kicked puppy. Can't you do anything right? I read from Malia's lips before she turned to glare at Mrs. Abrams head on. Mrs. Abrams looked almost hauntingly unaffected by Malia's words, but downcast all the same. On the few occasions I've been acquainted with Mr. Abrams' wife, her countenance was always more or less the same. Solemn. Defeated. Mute.
Now, I know I'm no psychologist or anything, but it doesn't take a genius to tell that the woman was chronically depressed.
Malia huffed and stormed away from her mother, decidedly done with her incompetency. My eyes widened in intrigue at the exchange. I had never, not once in all the years I've known her and her family, seen Malia act so improperly. Perhaps when we were kids she did, but that was back when me and my friends were too nerdy to be in her presence. In fact, for our parent's being so close, it was perplexing how little of Malia I had seen until just this year. The year I grew several inches in height and filled out in muscle I didn't work for. I scoffed. Malia wouldn't be caught dead seen with me just a mere twelve months ago, no matter how closely tied families were to each other.
In contrast, Bella couldn't get enough of me when I was a scrawny, awkward kid. When Charlie came over, so did she. She's always loved me for who I was, and that's something I can say about no other girl I have ever and will ever come across from this day forward.
As Malia charged away from her mother, I observed her face with great interest as it totally evened out, instantly replacing her ugly scowl with a pleasant, sophisticated expression right before my eyes. The sudden transformation was mind boggling. Had I not seen the way she treated her mother just seconds ago, I would have never guessed just by looking at her that anything had gone remotely amiss. Mrs. Abrams, who would have been a beautiful woman if she had an ounce of life left in her eyes, sighed heavily as she continued to slink silently behind her now cool, calm and collected daughter.
It was interesting to see how Malia behaved when she thought no one was watching her.
Keeping this in mind, I turned away from the window and joined my friends in the living room. Jared looked ready to jump out of his skin. "Did you see her? Did you see Tami?" he asked eagerly. "I am so getting some tonight!"
"That was my first thought actually," I mused. Quil rolled his eyes jealously and poor freshman Brady looked lost. "Let's go meet them outside before Jared blows his load in my house. I'm not about to clean that mess."
A beaming Jared smacked my back in a friendly gesture and propelled me toward the door with the others. "Great idea Jake-Jake. I'd rather blow my load somewhere very specific, if you catch my drift."
I couldn't help but laugh as I opened the door. I was instantly welcomed by our dates, who were just about let themselves in.
"Hey boys," Lane said, eyeing us approvingly. "Looking good."
The guys and I filed outside to welcome our dates properly.
"Wow Lane," Quil complimented earnestly. "You look so beautiful."
"Hi Jared," Tami said brightly as she bounced—and I mean all of her bounced—her way up to her date. "What do you think?" She gave him a quick twirl and grinned broadly. Jared looked about ready to start panting.
"You're fucking sexy as hell," he leered. He stared right in between her tits, probably imagining how his dick would fit in them later on tonight. Or possibly right now by the proud look on Tami's face.
"Really?" She walked up to Jared and pressed herself up against him. "Keep showering with romantic compliments like that and all this sexiness won't go to waste tonight," she whispered quite loudly while batting her eyelashes up at him.
"Oh fuck," Jared groaned huskily.
"Alright, that's enough," I cut in before things could go too far. "We do have a Mrs. here, let's show her a little bit of respect."
Jared looked up, startled and pulled away from Tami's iron grip. "Oh shit—I mean shoot. Sorry Mrs. Abrams. I didn't really see you there."
Mrs. Abrams looked up from the ground, appearing pretty ruffled herself. "Oh, dear, don't worry about me." She waved her hand dismissively. "Please, no need to apologize. I'm just here to drive and take pictures. Just tell me if I'm getting in your way."
"Mom," Malia cut in with a warning tone. It was the first time I allowed myself to look at her since we walked out of the house. "You've promised not to get in the way but you won't stop talking," she said with an edge to her laugh.
Mrs. Abrams didn't even reply. She just recoiled back and stayed silent. Malia stepped forward and flipped some hair out of her face. "Ha! Parents! So embarrassing right?"
It took me a beat to reply. "Right. Malia. Hi."
"Hi," she breathed back almost dreamily.
"You look beautiful tonight," I told her. "Very beautiful."
"Thank you," she smiled, looking down bashfully. Malia was not a bashful girl. "You look very handsome too. I'm so relieved your tie matches with my dress perfectly."
I stared down at my red tie and vest and refrained from shrugging. Malia had sent me copious amounts of picture samples of the exact shade and hue red her dress was, but I looked at none. When I walked into the tux rental place, I grunted "give me red," they did, and that was the end of that.
"Yeah," was all I said as I fought irritation from rising up. Malia's painted on smile faltered only for a millisecond. "Let's go inside and get the pictures taken in there. Mrs. Abrams?"
Everyone trailed into the house and got situated before Mrs. Abrams began snapping away at her expensive looking camera. Malia squeezed close to me every time with every shot her mother took while I did my best to not flinch away from her touch.
I studied the girl from the corner of my eye. She seemed happy enough as she grinned brightly at the camera every time it shuttered. Every so often she'd catch my lingering eye and smile. Warily, I tried my best to dissect that smile to see if it was genuine, or calculating and pure evil.
The bottom line was this: I had to know if she was in on her father's plan. Being in the dark was absolutely killing me.
It was unnerving knowing that every laugh and giggle that came out of Malia's small mouth was either real, sweet and innocent, or maliciously fictitious. And if I was standing here, playing a freakin' dress up doll while this girl completely aware I was being blackmailed by her father, I would positively lose it. The situation was humiliating enough has it was; I really didn't need Malia to be in on the plot at this point for my own sanity's sake.
"I am so excited about tonight, you have no idea," Malia gushed, grabbing my forearms for emphasis. Her mother was gone and everyone else just hung around my living room chatting with their dates.
"That's good," I replied shortly. Malia's eyebrows creased, but only for a moment.
"Oh, don't give me that," she replied haughtily. "You're excited too aren't you? I mean, you asked me such a long time ago. Obviously you were eager…"
"You know I have a girlfriend, right?" I stated my question so abruptly Malia flinched.
Malia's lips pressed in a thin line as her jovial attitude seemed to drain from her face. I held my ground, staring down at her piercingly. What do you know? How much do you know?
"I know," she nearly whispered. My breath caught in my throat. "Bella. From the bon fire, right?" I released a breath of air and nodded my head once.
"Of course. You're dating now. That's great," Malia said, slowly smiling for me again.
"Yeah, you think that's great?" I pressed.
"Why not," she shrugged, still smiling. "Oh, that bon fire, what a great night that was. Remember what we did that night?"
"What?" I asked, taken aback. "We didn't do anything that night."
Malia flipped her hand and rolled her eyes. "Why of course we did. Don't you remember? I rode on your back for God knows how long." She laughed and leaned into me. "We sat next to each other all night, laughing and talking…"she sighed almost dreamily.
Funny, all I remembered of that night was Bella sitting on Embry's lap and me flipping a bitch. That was also the night Bella and I first kissed. Out in the sand with the ocean breeze cooling our faces. I remember the feeling of her fingers in my hair, grasping, pulling as she pressed her perfect body up against my chest…. Longing laced into my bones as I recounted that fateful evening. Fuck, I missed Bella.
"Jake?" When I came to, Malia was staring up at me quizzically. "Are you listening?"
What the hell do you want with me woman? I wanted to scream at her. Honestly. The longer I stood there with Malia being Malia and not Bella, the more agitated I became. "Look, I need to get some water or something," I murmured, excusing myself to the kitchen. Ignoring her tiny gasp I grabbed a cup from the cupboard and poured myself a glass of much needed H2O. I had just downed the drink in one gulp and set it on the counter table when I felt a hand grab my shoulder and twist me in the other direction.
Before I knew it, I was staring down at a very peeved looking Malia. "What is going on with you right now, Jacob Black?" She asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Is there something I need to know about? Is it something I've said? Because as far as I'm concerned, you're the one who asked me to this dance, yet from the moment I got here, you've been cold and distant and…mean." She puffed out the last sentence and dropped her arms limply. "I'm trying to be as enthusiastic about this as possible, but it's hard when my date is growling at me, acting like he…like he… detests me or something. It hurts." Malia's voice cracked and her shoulders slumped. Her eyes fell to the floor as she gulped once, twice, as if she was holding back a sob.
I could only stare at her dumbly, I was so shocked by the sudden confrontation. She looked…devastated, really. A lump of guilt formed in my throat involuntarily. "Malia I—"
"Look, just tell me if you hate me. I'm a big girl, I can handle it." Malia stared back up at me with her eyes swimming in tears. "I just want you to be happy. If being away from me makes you happy…"
"Yo Guys? They're here!" Brady called out into the house from outside. I briefly glanced over my shoulder to see our friends begin file out the front door. When I looked back at Malia and saw her eyes down cast and her bottom lip in between her teeth, the lump in my throat thickened.
"Malia," I tried again, my voice scratchy. "Of course I want you here."
A light glowed behind her eyes as soon as the words left my lips. She breathed out a sigh of relief and blinked back her tears. "Good," she said, clearing her throat. "Let's meet the others then, shall we?"
Wow, that was easy.
My mind was racing a mile a minute as we made our way through the house and out the door. What the hell was that stunt Malia pulled in the kitchen just a second ago? There was no way the girl could be that good of an actor. She was about to break down in tears for God sake! And why? I guess my inner brooding wasn't so inner after all.
All train of thought seized however, as soon as I glided out the door and laid eyes on my Bella.
Woosh, went my breath. Out of my lungs and into the air. Bella was stunning. Absolutely, positively, heart-racingly stunning. Her thick mahogany hair was done up in a million loose curls and her makeup accentuated those soulful chocolate eyes of hers that sent me helplessly falling for her all over again. Her cleavage was mouthwateringly delectable in that dress, might I mention, her breasts were firm and round and tightly outlined by the shimmery teal number she had on. The material of the dressed hugged her tight waist and womanly hips, and then nicely flowed over the pair of the perfect legs I knew were hiding underneath.
Not only was Bella a physical Goddess, her very being—her very soul was calling out to me, drawing me to the love of my life. Not only did I long to run my hand through her hair, I was desperate to hear her light, heavenly laughter. I wanted to ghost my hands over her hips almost as much as I needed to witness her blinding smile. I dreamed for her voice in my ear and the feeling of her hands interlaced with mine. The love I felt for her in that moment was so great, so empowering, that I forgot all my troubles, my worries, my fears.
As we drifted closer to each other, her name fell from my lips.
"Hey," she breathed in response. Without any time to waste I scooped her up and enveloped her in my arms. She dug her face into my neck, her shallow breath sending goose bumps up and down my spine. Keeping her as close as possible I pulled away just an inch to slide my hands up to her flushed cheeks.
"I love you," I told her, staring deep into her eyes before ducking down to kiss her on the lips. We kissed there, right on the lawn, only breaking away so that I could whisper about her beauty and my love for her.
We could have stayed like that forever, had it not been for the pointed AHEM sound that came from below.
With all the reluctance in the world, I slowly pulled away from Bella.
"Oh goody, I have your attention again," Malia chirped happily as if she hadn't just interrupted a make out session.
Doing my best to refrain from sarcasm, I apologized to Malia. She and Bella then introduced themselves to each other and made stiff small talk.
As the two tensely interacted, I stood there doing my best not to exude the awkwardness that consumed me.
Luckily, Jared soon came to my rescue.
"Jacob! Come 'ere for a sec will ya? There's been a screw up with the rides and this shit's making my head hurt."
Bella immediately looked up at me, silently pleading for me not to leave her alone with Malia. I tried to give her a reassuring smile, but I knew there was no way in hell I was standing there another moment if I didn't have to. Besides, maybe there was a chance the two could actually get along. From what I had understood, Bella and Kieran were already best buddies. Let's face it, everyone loved Bella. It was only a matter of time before Malia did too.
Well either way, I said a small prayer, politely excused myself, and hightailed the hell outta there—not before Bella could pull me in for a boxer-dampening kiss though. Shit, this girl kept my head spinning.
"Dude, you wont fuckin' believe this man," Jared yelped just as I had reached him. He was pacing back and forth and wringing his hands together.
"What?" I asked, laughing at his ridiculous behavior.
Jared halted mid stride to glare at me. "Jake, I'm serious. Ten minutes ago I called the shuttle system to make sure everything was running on schedule and they told me that our ride was cancelled."
"Oh. Did you reschedule?"
"I couldn't! They said it was far too late. Fuck I'm such a screw up. I was in charge of the rides and of course it got fucked. It's all my damn fault and I don't know what the hell we're all going to do—"
"Jared," I interrupted sternly. "You're not a screw up. Relax, we'll figure something out, okay? Calm down."
Honestly, the thought of cancelling the whole Ball charade sent a tidal wave of happiness and relief over me. Damn, this cancellation could actually have been a gift from the gods.
Jared blew a big breath out and rubbed his temples. "We'd better. Or that army of girls is going to charge at me, and even all the Trojans in my pocket won't stand a chance against all that estrogen."
I laughed and shook my head at the goof.
Jared cracked a smile and then something occurred to him. "Oh and Jake, your dad wants to talk to you."
The smile on my lips disappeared and my heart rate sped up in an instant. Without another word I strode into the house and headed straight for my father's study.
"Dad?" I asked, slowly opening up the door.
"Come in and close the door son. I'll…I'll make this quick." I swiftly followed his instructions at the sound of his tired voice.
The sight of my father sitting at the edge of his desk was not a welcome one. He looked so aged, so defeated. In his weakness he was leaning against the desk, eyes down cast, breathing ragged.
"Dad, are you okay?"
When his sad, withdrawn eyes reached mine, I couldn't help but flinch.
"To be completely honest with you son, no. I am not okay. But that is not I sent you in here to talk about."
"What did you send me in here for then?"
"I want to talk about Mr. Abrams…and his daughter, Malia."
"So we are talking about why you're not okay. Lets face it dad, the issues are one in the same," I groused. Already, I was growing more and more ticked off by the second. Our fucked up debacle always seemed that much more real whenever I had to face my father. It was astounding the extent to which this Abrams bastardy was able to break dad. My fists clenched painfully by my side. Heat was rising in my body.
"Jacob, I want to make it clear to you right now, before you go off to this dance with your friends that the deal with Abrams is off, though it never really was on. I should have had this talk with you earlier son, right when it happened. I—I was too in shock to behave accordingly. I apologize for allowing you to think that the pressure of our livelihoods rested on your shoulders alone for so long. But I am telling you now to end any thoughts of treating Abrams' daughter any sort of way tonight in fear of losing our home."
Wait, woah. Was I missing something? Isn't that exactly what Abrams had made clear to us on the phone? "What are you talking about? The whole house will be taken away if I don't do this!" I countered, incredulous.
"Listen to my words very carefully Jacob Black," my father commanded like the chief he was. "The issue between me and Abrams is an issue that will be sorted out man to man. This has nothing to do with you and I am disgusted that he would even dream of bringing children into this—"
"I'm not a child!" I shot back. "Abrams made himself pretty damn clear! If Malia has a shit time tonight because of me, our house is gone. At the snap of his fingers, all years, the memories, mom…"
"Enough!" Dad barked, banging on the table. My mouth shut immediately and my bravado drained from my body. To this day I hardly ever mentioned my mother to him. At times it seemed he was just as fragile as he was the day she passed. "I have never taught you to be a fool so stop acting like one. I've raised you to have integrity and it is with integrity that we will carry on from this day forth. We'll find a way to fight for the house with our heads held high, not with our tail between our legs."
"Are you kidding?" I scoffed bitterly. "This is Abrams' we're talking about. We can't fight. We can't bring the law against him. He is the law. So when we're kicked out on our asses, what do we do? Where's the integrity in being homeless dad? Huh? Or living in a shack somewhere off the edge of the res where crime is at an all time high?" Dad's lips were thinly pressed together. His so-called integrity was visibly battling with infamous Black Family Pride. "You know Old Quil has been dying for you to fall off your pedestal in council. The old bastard probably has a hand in this for all we know. When he and the elders find out that were vagrants at the side of the road we'll be the laughing stock! It's just one night. I make the girl smile for one night, and the house is free. Forever. What's more prideful? Sucking it up for one goddamn night or walking away based on some bullshit integrity nonsense?"
Almost to my surprise, my father's eyes were down cast again. What I said must have hit him hard. He merely shook his head and murmured, "I can't ask you to do this."
"This is too much for a boy to handle. I shouldn't permit this…"
My heart squeezed for my father. I walked over to him and put an arm around his back. "I'm saving your house tonight Pops." I told him resolutely. "Then we'll never have to report to Abrams, Malia or anyone ever again. I promise." Fuck making this sometime of moral lesson. A guy had to do what a guy had to do to keep his family in tact. In the grand scheme of things, my ancestors have been faced with more taunting situations.
Dad let out a shaky sight that shook his whole body. With is head still down and his eyes closed, he whispered, "Thank you."
I nodded once. Knowing what I had to do. Giving his head one last pat, I got up and left his study.
A/N: I really can't apologize enough for my absence and at this point it's clear that I can't promise frequent posts. I just finished my first semester in college in Los Angeles, leaving me little time for recreational writing. I've been feeling so discouraged about it that I thought about sending you all a note saying I was giving up.
But then I went back and read all the magnificent reviews and I felt so encouraged and uplifted, you all have no idea…
So thank you guys for your continuous support! I know exactly where I want this story to go and if you guys still want it, I'll refuse to give up!
Now to the story….
I know the whole ball may seem to drag on and on (Five total chapter dedicated to it…oops!) But it's the climax! And I wanted you to get the night from Jake's point of view (That was a MUST) So next chapter you'll find out what was really going on behind the scenes. This is just an introduction to it but don't worry, it wont be just an in-depth retelling of what you already read.
Anyone's opinions of Jake starting to change? Are they the same? Are things starting to make sense?
Feel free to review! You guys are amazing!
XOXO Lilli