Part two of four fics for a 100 drabble challenge. This one will be centered around the Hufflepuffs and have drabbles 26-50. So, here we go:

26. Guitar


The only thing Susan had left of her Uncle Eddie was his acoustic guitar.

She couldn't remember him ever having played it, of course, being just months old before he died. She couldn't recall him strumming away at the instrument, which he did often and well, according to her parents. Susan didn't look at the thing and feel regret and longing for her Uncle. It was just a guitar that occupied a corner of her room, staring at her from its stand.

Her parents had decided to hand it down to Susan if ever she wanted to play. Besides, they were much too old and busy to learn the instrument, and the thing simply reminded them of their dead relative, so they didn't like seeing it often. They hid it away in their daughter's room, which was rarely entered while she was away at school. They'd only ever hear the girl playing with it during the summer, but even that was rare. The thing was more or less forgotten, thankfully.

When Susan moved out after the war, she took the guitar with her. She'd often, if she had free time, find herself going to the Bones family graveyard with it and sitting down in front of his tombstone, shared with his wife.

"Now, Uncle Eddie, I hardly know how to do this," Susan would say by way of apology. "So you'll have to be patient with me." She'd then begin strumming a little tune, hesitating before each chord. She'd laugh to herself after she finished. "Terrible, I know, but not everyone can be as good as you were."

Susan then tucked the guitar into its case, stood up, and left.


So, what do you think?
