Author: Lauren.

Rating: Rated M.

Character/Pairing: Haley, Dean, Sam, Dean/Haley

Summary: Trying to live a stable life isn't exactly easy when you have a hunter for a husband. Especially when he's Dean.

Disclaimer: Haley belongs to Mark, Sam and Dean are all Eric's. Storylines are mine.

Author's Note: It's a little fluffy and I'm not sure how I feel about it, but here it is. Thought I'd have a little relief from all the angst. But yes, enjoy, read, review please and thank you.

Dean was home two days later.

Crawling along the bed towards him, auburn hair still damp from the shower, Haley lay back on her pillow, fingertips tracing a circle on the thin grey cotton of Dean's t-shirt. They hadn't really spoken much since he'd arrived. The afternoon had been a rush of basketball practice and dinner and keeping one eye on him just to make sure he was really here. And now, finally alone, they were silent.


"Yeah?" Dean said, switching his attention from the television screen to her face.

"I just…" she trailed off. There were always so many things she wanted to say to him when he was on the road and now that he was in front of her, she couldn't. She couldn't tell him how scared she was for their future, or how much Jamie had missed or how she spent every single night before she went to bed staring out of their window, willing the bright lights of the Impala to appear around the corner. So she just settled for the truth. "I love you."

He smiled, his eyebrow quirked "Damn straight," his hand slid from around her shoulder to her waist. She rolled her eyes at the arrogance in his voice and smacked a hand against his chest.

"It's Brooke's birthday at the weekend and she's having a party," she lifted her head to rest on his muscular shoulder "We're invited."

"You want to go?"

"Well she is my best friend."

"And my brother's ex-girlfriend."

"Since when did that come into the equation?"

"Since always?"

Haley sighed deep in her throat and pushed her lips gently into the sensitive skin on his neck "I'll make it worth your while."

Dean groaned but knew he was powerless to resist. "You aren't playing fair."

"I never do," she slid her hand underneath his shirt, raking her fingers across his chest.

Scrunching up his face, he yielded "Okay, we'll go."

Smiling, mouth still against his neck, she nibbled his ear "So I can stop now then?"

"Don't you dare," he growled, inciting a musical laugh as he slid on top of her.