Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach or the characters, just playing with them.

Summary: "I'm not afraid of you, the only thing I'm afraid of… is losing you."

Summary II: Sometimes people do mistakes that are never forgiven and they can't find a way back to the part where they were loved.

Status: Not yet completed, will be at least 3-4 chapters long.


A short series of Ulquihime events, some more dramatic or pleasant than others, I tried my best not to ruin the characters, especially Ulquiorra since he's one of my favorites from Bleach. Character death, romance. And yeah an author even one like me who doesn't have much experience in writing is happy for reviews and criticism, so do enjoy.

Angel of Death

His finger tips slowly traced her soft cheek, connecting his hands on her jaw line, her long sighs filling the air between them and their eyes matching and not winking for a second. Her arms shyly grabbed on his coat begging him to stay with her more and share this moment, the moment they would stand still staring at each other talking only through eye contact; as if understanding, he turned to her his green eyes shining like little lights in the dark hallway. Her blush increasing on her pale white cheeks as he approached her and his hands cupping her face firmly, foreheads touching and breathes mixing in light sighs, the atmosphere the two shared beyond one's imagination, it could have happened anything then, neither would care. She titled her head in need of more closeness with him, her trembling hands urging him forward as she asked softly between the sounds of their breathes and the sounds coming from outside the window, "I… Please, can you kiss me?" she breathed out and retreated in her original position analyzing the boy's expression as he smiled back at her and nodded. Hugging her and promising for a more beautiful tomorrow he kissed her cheek playfully, making his way to her lips stopping just above them. Their eye contact breaking through with passion burning for each other in that very moment, the passion that was making their hands tremble, legs shaken and heart beat furiously. He brushed his lips over hers in an attempt to make her relax, but that caused the opposite and the girl pushed him away slightly, he smiled brightly at her flushed cheeks and embarrassment and slammed his lips against hers without hesitation. At first the girl was shocked of how bold the boy could be but certainly enjoyed that about him, her youngness filling her body with warmth, her heart thumping in joy as she replied to him with the exact same lips touch. They stood in the dark hallway with just a spot of light from the moon and continued to kiss each other, their lips pressing and enjoying the sensation of being spoiled.

The next morning Orihime jumped from her bed covered in sweat panting from the shock she just experienced. She had that dream again, the dream of her first love.

Hurrying to brush her teeth and wash her face, she grabbed on the nearby towel and ran in the shower, the bath lasted long minutes as she tried to refresh her body and mind, the dream left her crying last time, this time wasn't different. She punched the shower wall next to her, her hands trembling from the hit causing bruises on her delicate hands, tears mixing with the cold water that was running on her naked feminine sculpted body. Regret filled her heart as she tried to wash away the memories from when she was 15 years old, the memories of a black haired and green eyed boy who captured her completely the moment their glances met. They were kids back then that didn't knew what love is and what tragedies can happen from this lovely feeling.

Now, 10 years later, she found herself alone in an apartment she bought herself while working as a secretary at one of Japan's biggest sales company. Although she earned money enough to live decently she still lacked the comfort, support and gentleness of a lover. Her last boyfriend, who was one of her colleagues, managed to make her fall in love with him so deeply that she was ready to give up anything for him, that up to the point she caught him cheating on her with two other girls in his bedroom. Their relationship broke at that point and there was no come back for either of them.

Coming out of the shower she grabs lazily on her tooth brush and paste, her figure in the mirror resembling none other than either a junkie or someone that haven't slept for days in a row, she looked awful, she was not only uncaring for her own being but for her job and the house, she also had a beautiful white cat that was crawling on her leg begging for food. She swore that if it wasn't for the loveable cat she wouldn't care so much and go almost every day to buy her cat food so she would be satisfied and they'd cuddle while sleeping in the same bed.

Orihime bit her lower lip annoyed by the pile of clothes in front of the washing machine, it was obvious that she needed a house keeper, she was no longer in full powers to handle all the house work she had to do. Once she used to be the ideal house wife, always preparing dinner before her boyfriend got home, always cleaning the house every 2-3 days and always keeping herself as beautiful as the sunrise.

She grabbed on a black shirt dragging it together with a pair of ripped jeans that were on the washing machine which she should have thrown away and dressed herself, matching the outfit with a ravished pony tail and her dark red nails.

She sighed as her cat meowed all the way to the door and she yelled back at it saying over and over that she will go and buy the damn food but the next time she gets this annoyed she might as well get rid of the annoying fluffy ball. She loved her cat enormously but sometimes she wanted it to be a stuffed animal rather than alive.

She rubbed her half closed eyes trying to wake up completely, although she took the shower, it didn't help that much, so her plans changed from the usual go to the store downstairs and buy cat food and other things, to doing this after she would jog a little to snap out of the apathetic state.

She remembered she had her ipod in those jeans and happily pulled it out, a bit unsure why exactly it was there to begin with, along with the headphones placing them in her ears and listening to some rave music. She continued running as the alley extended and her body slowly coming to its senses.

After a few rounds her shirt covered in sweat and her mouth escaped heated pants, already exhausted she decided to go back to shopping and then probably go back home, back to her daily basis, some reading, writing, television and cat scratching.

"I should do this more often, might get a six pack~ " , she giggled and said to herself while running to the park exist on the alley she began at.

For a brief moment she stopped and gazed at a man who was playing with a tiny blonde haired girl with heavenly curls past her shoulders, dressed in a blue crystal dress. Her appearance threatening Inoue since she used to be one of the finest ladies she knew.

Her attention ran again to the black haired man that seemed fascinating and attractive to her, his well build body lowering to the girl giving her doll back, his muscles showing slightly and his long hair covering a part of his natural pale skinned neck.

She walked silently to the two, her steps a bit restrained, her mind trying to focus on the man but the girl was so excited she jumped in his arms and pouted, the man's expression mellowing at the girl's cries to play. He agreed and the girl ran to another one that was almost the same age as her and as childish and doll like too.

Orihime got to the bench the man was sitting on waiting for the girl and she spoke silently " Excuse me… umm ..." she said distracting the man in front of her and they made eye contact, his lightly colored green eyes smiling from behind his eyelashes.

" Can I help you?"

" I… You… I think I'm… ",she mumbled trying to catch her words and showing flushed cheeks.

The man studied her and his expression changed to a confused one.

She was certain he was either taken aback because of her now sweaty from running shirt that was struggling to keep her big breasts covered or her puzzled staring and distorted words.

"I-I'm sorry I think I confused you with someone else, you look very familiar, are you in college?"

" I just finished. Confused me?"
" Ah, … I just thought I knew you, somehow. "

" I don't think so. "

The man was not what she expected, his cold attitude changed rapidly as he spoke, his mesmerizing green eyes darkening under his eyelashes and his mouth forming nothing but a bored straight line.

" Can I… know your name? "
" And what do you need it for exactly? "
" Curious? "
" Ulquiorra."
" Ah I'm – w-wait…"

She jumped as she heard the name that haunted her for 10 years now, the name she would moan in her sleep, the name she never heard from someone else in such a long time. It was odd how the man resembled her lost love so much that her heart couldn't stop thumping and her hands covering her cheeks and pinching them to reality.

" You're…? " he turned to her.
" I'm… in a hurry, I'm sorry. " ,she vanished from the man's sight leaving him wondering what did he say wrong, did his name sound so funny to her or weird that she had to leave at it? No matter since he didn't really care. He smiled suddenly as the earlier girl appeared and hugged him tightly showing him a new doll she was playing with.

" It can't be him… he looks rather different, but still… those eyes, full lips, hair and neck… it can't be anyone but him…" ,Orihime thought as she was running out of the park.

Taking a deep breath she stops in front of the alley exist and hears laughs behind her and she decides to turn to see again, it was him smiling in delight as the earlier girl was waving her hands in the air desperately at him.

" Ulquiorra-san!" Orihime yelled and the man turned to her, his glare striking her back and the guilt covering her vision, she wanted to know if it's him, she wanted to be sure he was the one.

" What is it now? "
" Can we… talk? "

" Ugh, fine." He sighed.

Ulquiorra smiled at the young girl and pointed to her the place where a woman stood talking to her friend and the girl nodded and ran to her.

His steps slammed on the ground and Orihime gulped as the man standing by her side now was nothing but a dream, or so it felt to her.

" I'm Orihime Inoue. " she said swallowing hard and reaching her hand to shake with his, his expression changing to a lonely and terrified one, he was stunned, it couldn't be the girl he looked for all his life, it couldn't.

" Inoue… as in, no you can't be. "
" You remember me? Please tell me, do you? "
" You're… Inoue from Kyoto? That Inoue Orihime?"

" Ulquiorra… " she reached with one hand to him, massaging slowly his cheeks their eyes locking in a deep stare.

" It surely took you some time. " he breathed out.

" Ulquiorra… I …"

" Too bad it's late now, I'm married with a child. "
Her eyes betraying her showing lack of confidence, hurt and panic, tears running smoothly on her cheeks as she blushed embarrassed, she didn't expect a welcome hug or more than that.

" Yeah… saw that…, but I'm so happy to see you again. " she rubbed fast her eyes before anymore tears would kill the atmosphere and turned her back to him prepared to ran home and finish the hurting season in her bed.

" Inoue, are you afraid? "


She stopped. Those words left her speechless, after all this time she would hear the same words from the same lovely mouth.

He walked to her wrapping his arms around her small neck and shoulders pulling her closer in his embrace until she would feel his breath on her neck.

" No…" She replied, but it wasn't loud enough for him to hear so she turned in his embrace to face him and the tears couldn't stop but make their way again in her eyes.

" No, I'm not afraid. I've been wanting to see you again all my life up till now. And no I can't stand a chance against your perfect life. But… I guess you deserve it. "

She tries to fake a smile, lonely and drenched, her tears still shining through her close eyelids.

She snuggled against his warm chest feeling the safeness she would receive only from him in this short time.

" Inoue, come with me. " he ordered, his voice dark and rough, and released the strong arms from around her and instead held her hand strongly and dragged her out of the park, to his car and she panicked for a moment, he seemed serious and his earlier expression wouldn't fade, she nodded and entered the car her heart still jumping in her throat.

They drove almost an hour, she already wanted to ask him what was happening and where they would go, but before she had the chance the car stopped in a loud stretch on the road. They were in front of an old building that seemed to fall to pieces any second.

" Remember this place? "

" This place, what? – "

She cut herself as the old high school in front of her was still the same, ruined to shreds, the windows broken and grey, the garden filled with rotten grass and flowers forgotten to be watered. Still the view wasn't so bad, she felt the lovely memories filling her mind and she smiled shyly. The place wasn't like this years ago, of course now looked more like a haunted house.

The place were they shared their first first touch of those marvelous lips, the embrace of his strong arms and the feeling that she never felt before, the feelings that were still crawling inside of her as she saw him.

" Of course… Ulquiorra… ",she stands up and shakes him closer, pulling on his shirt and feeling her lips tremble as she spoke.

" I still love you, I still long to be with you, Ulquiorra. "

She stares as his face still puzzled from her shakes, his eyes averting from hers to the building and sighing deeply.

" Inoue…"

"Why did you take me here?"
He didn't reply and went forward his long legs fastening his walking as she bit her lips following him. She tried to reach to his arm and grab on him but he moved it away as he saw her getting closer and the guilt inside her was screaming.

"Ulquiorra…" they stop in front of the main door that was closed with a big locket, the wood was shattered and in sides it was ready to fall if only by a kick.

"I wanted to see you too, at least one last time."
"One last—"
"It's getting this late already, we should head before my wife throws a fit or your boyfriend."
"I don't have one so it's fine… can't we really stay more?"
"You want to be alone with me?"
"Yes, I-I crave for it…"

It was nightfall already, the time was insignificant when they were together, their eyes remembering their lost connected glances and shy stares. She wanted to be so close to him right now it was killing her inside, feeling her chest tight almost hurting she sighed slowly and looked aside.

It was rather nostalgia what she was experiencing now, Ulquiorra's green eyes like numb jewels set to stare back at her, the light fading slowly around them.

She pet his arm gently and tucked him closer, his feet almost touching hers, the distance between them closing as she ran her arms around his chest burying her face in it and shaking.

He didn't hug her back instead watched her every move and only placed his hand on her head patting lightly.

"You'll remember me?"
"Don't forget about us, Inoue."
"Ulquiorra…", she squeezes him tighter as his words strike through her mind and heart like a sword.

They continued to stand like until the night was their home, without words they shared an intimate moment of their own until Ulquiorra sighed and told her it was too late.

She looked sadly at the ground then moved her view to the building that used to be their school as he shouted to her to come in the car so they would go.

As she got home, the only place she wanted to be, was in her bed.