The Mute Girl in Castle Rock

Disclaimer: I do not own the Movie Stand By Me or own it in any way. I do not even own the Book written by Stephen King 'The Body' but I do own All of the Original Characters that are in this story.

Not a day goes by I wanna disappear,
Into her eyes a mother pearl.
And my head feels dead with all this useless fighting.
But my heart ain't dead 'cause it keeps on loving!
The girl hit hard like a barracuda baby,
She floated on air like a crest of wave.
She was a primal institution, she was a danger to herself, yeah.

-New beginning-

I wasn't all that surprised. I had awakened to the sound of my mom crying in her room.

My room was next to hers so I could hear it.

She was still mourning my father.

He died three nights before from alcohol poisoning in the hospital.

I know that I should be in the same state as her and be mourning too.

But my father didn't deserve to be mourned for. He was just one of those people that deserved to die. I don't care how much of a bad person that makes me seem. I know he's my father and I should be at least a little bit sad. But I couldn't find anything inside me.

I just didn't feel sad in any way.

My father had been an alcoholic most of my life and had beaten my mom and me often.

I don't remember a time when he wasn't drinking or hitting me or my mom.

Usually his beatings would result in him passing out afterwards or he would take my mother to their room. I didn't want to be around when it was like that and usually. I wasn't around when he came looking for me for a beating.

But if I was, he would be waiting for me to come home.

My father was a man that enjoyed hurting people.

Even the people that were close to him. That included me and my mom.

I don't blame people for not wanting to be close to him.

He and I weren't close either just bounded by blood.

I was his only daughter and the only kid he had. I was thankful for that.

I was glad I didn't have a sibling around to protect all the time from him.

I hated being at home and I often went to school.

I wanted to graduate and leave.

But now that he was dead life would be easier... happier even.

The only time I hated going to school was when I was black and blue.

The other kids in my school would stare at me when I did go to school like that.

But you get use to it.

I often needed a getaway from my life and everything. I would sleep in a shack hidden deep in the woods. That was near our house. No one knew about it. Not even my mom. I was close to my mom. But all she knew was that I got away from my dad every chance I could get.

It was my own little get away from my life at home.

I had a pile of junk in that shack that I loved. I used lanterns and candles to use when it was night. I had a make shift bed that was just blankets. I had stash of money and sweets. I had comics, my journal, and magazines to occupy myself.

I did go home just a decent food and shower every now and then. When it was winter I had forced myself to stay home. I couldn't sleep in a frozen shack at night without freezing to death.

I had my own room at home. That I hardly slept in when it wasn't winter. But now I am home.

I sleep in a nice warm bed and I could eat decent food everyday finally.

A few months and days of sleeping and hiding out in a shack. I was free.

I could take a shower whenever I wanted too now.

Three days of complete heaven...

Anyways now that he was dead. I still had one problem. I can't talk.

Because I wasn't like my mother and I couldn't take a beating from him and not fight back.

I was stubborn like he was. And if he decided to beat me I would throw a few punches here and there.

It was the main reason why I couldn't talk.

One of his beating resulted in me, being to speak.

The fight that we had had went beyond any fight we had. I gave him a nasty cut that went from his lip to his ear. Then vengefully he had sent me to the hospital with head trauma and sever strangulation.

That I had become temporarily mute.

Vocal Cord Paralysis was the result of being strangled and head trauma.

But my mom had gone in to denial after I became mute.

She kept saying it was an accident and he didn't mean it.

I knew deep down that she knew that it wasn't.

But love made you stupid and my mom made a good job of showing me. What you had to endear when you were in love.

My father was worthless bastard. But she had suffered more from him than I did. He did all kind of things to her. In spite of it all, I knew she still loved him. It generally confused me. I didn't know how you can love someone that beats you.

I hadn't learnt to love my father but I learned to hate him instead.

Like I had said earlier I wasn't like my mother. In fact I was the total opposite of her and had hated him till his dying breath.

Now that my father was gone, home started feeling like a home.

I had clean and sorted the house.

All my mother did was cry and stay in her room. I often cooked and brought food to her. I didn't want her to starve herself.

I went to school every day. The abuse ended at home but I was still ignored in school.

This worked for me either way.

School would finish in two more days and then I had summer to look for a job.

But I'm not sure if anyone would want a girl who was temporarily mute to work for them.

I had started planning ahead of my mother or so I thought was.

When I had gotten home in the evening, mom was out of her room and sipping on a cup of coffee.

She was wearing her pink furry robe and slippers. Her hair was unkempt and unclean.

She smelled too but that didn't bother me.

I was just happy. She was out of her room now. I was almost worried she would never come out.

I happily skipped over to her and wrapped my arms around her. She weakly hugged me back. There were deep dark circles underneath her eyes. She looked like a train wreck.

Here I was being all dandy and she was... painfully sad.

"You look so happy." She spoke in a horse tone.

She coughed in to her arm and looked at me.

Her eyes had this look in them. That I hadn't seen her have before and I couldn't put my finger on what emotion it was.

I looked down at myself. I was wearing my best clothes. I probably looked like I was celebrating.

"I have some news for you, Amanda." She said softly.

Taking a sip of her coffee again and then turned to look at me with a serious face. I felt curious and yet afraid of what she was going to tell me.

"We're moving away." She said.

I stared at her.

Well, it wasn't as bad as I thought it was but I was still curious.

Maybe she couldn't living here anymore as much as me.

A lot of bad memories in this house and everything reminded me of my father. And now that I thought about it there were too many memories of him. Awful memories of abuse that made me feel sick of all that we went through. Things were finally looking up.

All we needed to do was start over somewhere else.

"We got evicted this morning." She said.

I signed and shook my head. Bastard either lost a bet or had drank it all away.

I was sure my mom knew and already figured out where we were going.

"I already arranged for us to go to your aunts for a while. At least till were back on our feet and I get a job out there and we save up to buy our own home elsewhere." She said.

I had never been to my aunts.

When I mean never, I meant never and I hadn't asked why.

My mother had made it a point to not make her a part of my life. So I was surprised and I was kind of excited by this. A new town and new people it would be a new start. What we had needed to begin a new life.

"We leave in three days." She said and she looked ready to cry again.

She put her hands over her face and I reached forward and hugged her tightly.

I patted her back and silently reassured her. I was here for her.

- New Beginning-

I was done school two days after our talk and we packed up.

But we couldn't take everything so we left most of the furniture. We had a white 1940 beetle; my mom had inherited from her father after he had passed away. He died before I was born and my grandma had died when my mom was a teen.

My mother was strong throughout the whole process.

Even though I knew she wanted to break down again.

But she shoved her sadness in to a corner within herself and saved it for a different time.

I didn't have many friends especially when my father was one of our town's infamous drunks. In fact I did have friends before. I became mute and when I did become mute. They left me alone. I guess they thought it was pathetic if they were friends with a mute girl.

So we left and I was sure people would not notice.

It was a long drive to and from our home. In fact it would take days to get there. So we slept in a hotel on our way there.

On our way there my mom talked to me.

"Amanda." She said

I looked at her from the window.

I knew she had something important to tell me. It was something I could sense coming.

"I have to tell you. Why you hadn't met my sis-I mean your Aunt." She said nervously.

This was serious with the way she was acting.

She licked her lips and she looked at me again.

She kept glancing at the road and to me.

"Before you were born and around the time. I had met your dad." She licked her lips again.

"Your father was dating your Aunt." She finished. I gaped at her. I was shocked and kind of disturbed with this new info.

"Please, don't look at me like that." She said with a frown. I didn't know how I was looking at her or what face I was showing.

But I quickly recovered... or so I thought.

"Your Aunt loved your father. But your father really liked me and I liked him too. He broke up with your Aunt and left her for me." She said her eyes were on the road and she didn't look at me.

"She hated me. I don't blame her though. I had stolen her first love and soon after me and your father were together. I got pregnant with you and when I told him. We ran off and got married." She said quickly.

I swallowed a lump in my throat. I was... I couldn't explain how I was feeling. I had mixed emotions on this.

"I don't know how she will react to you. But after all these years I and your Aunt are finally making up." She said and looked at me.

"I know she kind of got over your father when she married tom. Tom died six years ago but he had child with another woman and your Aunt had raised his son. He recently left her for college." She told me.

"I know you can't talk honey with the accident that left you mute and I know that you will be able to talk in a few more months. But please be nice to her." She finished.

I glared at her.

It was starting to piss me off about how she kept saying it was accident.

I wish she would be realistic with me and herself. And just say it was my father fault.

I hadn't noticed we were already in town with these thoughts circling my head.

I had a short amount of time to digest most of what I was just told and thinking about.

I didn't know what my mother ever saw in my father but I hated that my Aunt had any kind of relationship too.

And the fact that she had loved him like my mother was still in love with him.

How can you love someone that abuses you?

It made me frustrated.

So I pushed my thoughts in to a corner in my head and just thought on other things.

We pulled into a drive way of a big house. It was a beautiful house. It looked like it was built in the eighteen hundreds and it was a two storey. It had a porch swing. That I liked.

My mom got out of the car and I followed her lead. But I grabbed my bag from the back of the car before we went to the door.

My mom knocked on the door and we waited. I felt anxious.

When we heard the sound of the door unlocking and it opened to reveal what I guessed was my Aunt.

She was a light haired brunette with brown eyes and she looked like my mom. Maybe you should say my Mom looked like her because My Aunt was the oldest.

My mom was standing in front of me so my Aunt saw her first.

She gasped and rushed forward and hugged my mom.

"Kaitlin, it's been so long." My Aunt said to my mom.

"I know, Charlotte." My mom said to my Aunt.

They were looking at each other with tears in their eyes and I grunted.

I ruined the moment that I purposely ruined.

My Aunt torn her eyes away from my mom and finally noticed me.

Her eyes widen with shock upon seeing me. I guessed she could see the resemblance between my father and me.

"You." She said hesitantly.

"You must Amanda"

She gave me this hard stare that made me feel like a bug.

I nodded my head. She smiled at me pleasantly. She fidgeted a little. I noticed.

"Well, you girls better come in. Unless you want to sleep outside tonight" She said teasingly after staring at me for a long time.

We walked in to the house. The inside looked just as nice as the outside.

"I'll take you to your room, Amanda. So you can put your stuff away."My Aunt said as soon as we were inside.

She took me to a room that was near the kitchen. My room was on the main floor.

It was a big plain room and already had a queen sized bed inside with a white dresser. I had my own bathroom.

I smiled and looked around. I didn't have a room like this in our old house.

"Do you like it?" She asked nervously.

I looked at her and nodded my head.

"Amanda, I know what your father did to you." She suddenly blurted out.

My mom told her? I was surprised at this. I knew my mom liked to tell herself. It was accident about what my father did to me.

When it clearly wasn't an accident but I didn't think she would tell my Aunt the truth.

"I'm sure. She told you, about me and your dad too." She said.

I nodded my head at her.

"I did love and like your dad in that way before, Amanda. But I don't anymore." She told me.

I was uncertain about that. I knew there something was there for him still.

When she looked at me I could sense it in her eyes, something was there. I wasn't willing to figure it out.

In fact I didn't want to know if she still loved my dad.

I hated the guy and I just wanted to stop talking or thinking about him.

More than I already had in the past few days. I wish I could talk so that I could just tell them to stop talking about it.

I hated him and that was that. I didn't know why they cared so much.

I shrugged at her and put my bags down on my bed.

I heard her leave the room to probably find my mom.

I knew. She knew that I didn't want to go on the topic.

I started putting my stuff away and pulled a few posters out. Popular singers and bands out and I put them on the walls. I had a record player that was still in the car.

When I was done I laid down on my bed.

I liked my room already. I wanted to sleep but my mom interrupted that.

"Amanda, we're going to the diner to eat. Are you coming with us?" I heard my mom call.

I was hungry so I decided to go. We left in my Aunts car and my mom was right. When she told me that her and my Aunt were making up, they wouldn't stop talking on our way there. I was ignoring them and looking around in the town.

It was a nice little town and I finally tuned in what my mom was saying to my Aunt. When I knew the subject had become me.

"Amanda had a beautiful voice. She could have been a singer." My mom said.

My mom had been prideful of my voice before. She would constantly tell me that I could make it as a singer one day.

That was until my father destroyed it.

The doctor told me that I could possibly lose the way my voice sounded before. The Doctor also told me to get lot of rest and exorcise to get my voice back. Since he ordered me to do this I had taken a daily routine of jogging or running and sleeping. If it meant getting my voice back I would do it. It would take time to really heal though.

The car stopped in front of a diner.

My mom and Aunt got out and so did I.

When we were inside my mom and my Aunt headed for the bathroom.

"Amanda we're going to the bathroom. Go find a seat for us." My mom ordered and left with my Aunt.

I obeyed and went to a table that was unoccupied.

I didn't want to be with them anymore and I just wanted to eat.

I sat myself down and waited for the waitress.

She spotted me and started making her way to me. Then she froze and turned around and walked away.

I stared wide eyed at her.

What kind of waitress runs away after almost coming to take your order?

A group of guys around my age or even older approached me.

They crowded around my table and sat themselves without asking me.

One of them threw their arm around my shoulders and drew me to him. Like he knew me or something.

He looked at me with a smirk and licked his lips. I felt a shiver go down my back.

"What is a girl like you doing here all by her lonesome self?" He asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and eyed the bathroom from the corner of my eye.

I hadn't been in this situation before. So I was a teeny bit intimidated.

They didn't know I couldn't talk. So it was silent for the longest time. Their eyes narrowed at me.

I started fidgeted and looking from the table to the bathroom. I hoped that my mom or Aunt would come out and see what was going on. So that they could get me out of this.

"What's wrong with you?" A blonde said.

He was on the side of the table beside the window like I was. I was squished in to a corner by these guys. But he wasn't squished in fact he had extra space beside him.

He was playing with a toothpick on his pale pink lips. He was attractive I admit but I could tell he was trouble.

"Can't you speak?" He hissed at me. If I could I would tell you to go away. I thought.

I could already tell. He was the, Do what I say or get hurt type.

I gave him a hard look.

I then silently cursed my father for being a bastard and for making me mute.

He raised his brow at me with confusion in his eyes. I sighed.

I looked at the paper menu in front of me and knew what I had to do.

I fished for a pen in my pockets and found one. I kept pens and pencils on me for times like these.

I took the paper menu in front of me and wrote something down and slid it across the table to him.

He eyed me with clear amusement.

He then slid the menu close to him and looked at it.

He was skim over my writing quickly and looked at me with the same amusement.

"Well boys, we've now got a mute girl in Castle Rock." He said loudly and looked around the table with a smirk at his group.

They all looked at me with amusement in their eyes.

"What's your name mute girl?" He said.

I glared at him.

Annoyed with the nickname he had given me.

I had a feeling he stuck to nicknames then actual names.

"Amanda." I whipped my head away from the blonde and looked up.

My mom was standing there with a hand on her hip.

She meant business if she was standing like that. She even stood like that when she was lecturing me.

She eyed the guys with disapproval.

"Can I have my daughter back?" My mom said more of a demand than more of a question.

She was glaring at them angrily.

I didn't know why she was suddenly mad.

Knowing that my mom was pissed too and wasn't someone to mess with. The guys that were seated beside me.

Had moved and got out of my way so that I could go to my mom.

I got out of the booth and when I was standing.

My mom grabbed my arm and stormed away with me in tow.

I looked behind me at the guys that also looked back at me.

The blonde one was smirking.

: Notes from WRITER:

I left some words that were already written and the rest is completely new. I had to rewrite it. I just wasn't satisfied with the way the story was previously written. I know this will piss some of you off but it just needed to be done in my mind.

I needed a story that needed to match the title. I didn't want to write a story about a girl who pretends to be mute anymore. But I wanted to write a story about a girl who was mute and wasn't mute anymore.

I did some research and found how I could do this.

Vocal cord Paralysis can last for months and your voice does come back. I googled it! HAHA

This story gets deeper and deeper as it goes.

I made this extra longer and better... hopefully.

I'm depending on you guys and your reviews.

Amanda is looks like: Ruslana Korshunova, She's a Russian model.

http: / / media. Photo bucket. Com / image/ ruslana/ uncgold/ Ruslana3 . jpg?o = 78

Caitlin, Amanda's mom is still looks like: Lena Headey, She starred in the movie 300

Charlotte, Amanda's Aunt looks like: Christy Carlson Romano... that actress.

Amanda dad is looks like: Chris Evans... I loved him in movie 'The Losers'

http: / media. Photo bucket . Com / image /chris%20evans /pix4my/ chris_evans. jpg?o=50

You can Google it... I tried to put links on here but it won't work!