Okay, easy guys! Just… Listen to me for a sec! *is shaking as she faces angry mob, torches and those fork-thingy's included* I know not many of you will read this, as you probably gave up on my story a while ago, and don't bother to check if it gets updated anymore, and that's where the first apology comes in. I'm reeeaaally sorry for just kinda disappearing all at once. That was unfair of me, to just stop writing and not tell you guys about it. It's been so long since I updated, about 4 months now… I know, I know! I'm awful! But it's just…. Well, first of all, I've been a little uninspired to write on (school is taking my imagination away, blame them!) and second, I'm sure all of you read Last Sacrifice, the original one I mean, which I loved btw, and maybe you understand that, well, that was it for Rose and Dimitri! Their story's been told, and even though I kinda wished it wouldn't have ended, every story does, and I'm content with how it is now. I can't go on telling a story, that's found it's end, and for which the only way it is to grow, is in our own imagination. I just… can't, and I hope you'll understand that. And, of course, because it's always the same, school is getting in the way, but I already explained that once. But, that's not all… writing means the world to me, it really does. And this fanfic and your reviews have helped me improve my writing so much! I can't thank you guys enough! But, you know, a fanfic, is just that, a fanfic! With someone elses' characters, and I want to write about my own! In secret from you guys, I have been doing just that, and together with one of my best friend's, we've come up with our very own story! So this is kinda asking you guys another favor. Would some of you like to read a few things I wrote, review it, and that way help me improve my writing again? I'd appreciate it so much… Anyway, I think I'll delete this story after a while, because I don't expect many people who'll read this, or that someone will want to adopt this story.

Peace, love and Rock'n'Roll, RET!