Panda Eyes

A/N: I have not updated in like...a year. I know, I know. I've lost many readers, I've lost my plot line and I've lost a lot of things. I kinda stopped writing two years ago...then a year ago...then I decided to give it a shot again. I never really intended to discontinue anything though, honestly! I've had so many problems and stressing out to do, FF was just impossible to have on my list. But, I'm back, again, and hopefully this time I'll stick around for a while until I finish all of my stories, once and for all. Enough excuses, I'll just get on with the rest. - SORRY AND THANK YOU!

(I decided to update this first since a few people were wanting this first.)

I give a huge thanks to those who reviewed the previous chapter: Breathless02, phppsmss(anon), SadisticPrincess13, luvtuna27, March Rosenqueen, Anello di Tempesta, Baka-Waka, anydayanywhere, Second Cup(anon), YuujouKami, Sayaemogirl, Kichou, ezcap1st, demon'sLOver, flyingboxer(anon), X-CeLesTiAlWiNgS-X, HibarixZhen, tina1061, TotalAmuto, TsumetaiYuuki, MikaUchiha666, Lady Kyoko, Lunarwolf01, Akari Yukimura, Kaze7, Kieran phoenix, KyouyaxCould, Ying69Yang, Lilgreyblob, Psychedelic-dreams, Misaki(anon), 5stareader and to those who added this story to favourites/alert!

Summary: Tsuna's hectic life as the boss of a prominent mafia family is everything but easy. But when his insomnia and health starts getting in the way, he goes downhill, drowning in chaos along with a sexy skylark by his side. 8YL/1827

Chapter Twelve: Panic! Or maybe not'


"Emergency warning! There has been a level 5 scaled explosion located in a storeroom next to Vongola Decimo's main office at the north wing of the Vongola headquarters of a twelve metre radius. Repeat, there has been a level 5 scaled explosion located in a storeroom next to Vongola Decimo's main office at the north wing of the Vongola headquarters of a twelve metre radius."

Reborn and Hayato halted in their gait abruptly, as everyone else who were scattered about did so too.

"Of fuck."

They spun around and ran back.

End of Recap

"Tenth!" Hayato shouted in desperation, partially covering his nose and mouth from the brown clouds of dust that hung around the 'war-torn' hallway. He clicked his tongue in frustration and kicked away large pieces of rubble that lay in his way. To hell with his shoes.

"Tenth! If you're safe, please reply!" He called out again, with Reborn following close behind him in his usual silence.

From within Tsuna's office, the sound of rubble falling apart and being stepped on was heard. And from within the never-disappearing dust clouds, Tsuna was heard.

"H-Hayato? Is that you?" Tsuna coughed, stepping over the rubble and out of his thoroughly destroyed office. "Is everyone else safe?"

Hayato rejoiced - a wide, puppy-like grin plastering across his face. "Tenth, you're safe! Thank lord!"

Before either of the two of them could have their one-sided happy little reunion, Reborn decided it was quite a good time to get away with attacking Tsuna with killer intent. Not that he never did though. Tsuna caught on quickly, feeling Reborn's murderous aura pacing towards him.

"R-Reborn, I can explain." Tsuna defended himself, holding his hands by the sides of his head as to indicate 'peace;violence bad'. A silly, shame-faced smile adorned his face helplessly as he knew his tutor wasn't going to let him off that that easily. "Honestly, I can explain! Right now, this spot right here. A-and, uh, look - I'm perfectly fine! no injuries...just a little bruised and scratched here and there..."

If it weren't for the situation, Kyouya would've been lovin' Tsuna and his ravished appearance right now.

"Well, you better explain if you want to see tomorrow." Reborn's ominous voice traveled throughout the tiniest gaps in the torn-down room, almost echoing. "You, out of all people, should know I have a short fuse, Tsuna."

Tsuna rubbed the back of his head, "Uh...I wasn't really expecting this to happen either. How could I have known?"

Just moments later, as if it was rehearsed, the other guardians came running up towards the three, chorusing out Tsuna's name.

"Thanks everyone, I'm perfectly fine." Tsuna couldn't help smile, despite the situation. It was times like these that he really felt their 'love' for him.

Takeshi grinned, placing his sword casually over his right shoulder - just in case. "But it's a miracle that you didn't get hurt in such a large explosion, Tsuna." he commented, slightly in awe.

Everyone turned to Tsuna for an explanation - save Hayato.

"Of course he's fine, are you underestimating the tenth, you bastard?" Hayato fumed, glaring at the rain guardian.

"Well, it wasn't actually that big of a deal." Tsuna looked over at Reborn nervously. "I...don't think it was meant to be that big, but a spur of the moment thing, I automatically countered it with my flames. It rebound, and most likely made...this mess." he laughed stupidly, like he felt.

"But, you sure you're fine Tsuna?" Takeshi asked, to reassure himself.

"Of course! Myself aside, the repair cost isn't going to look very pretty at all...and the paper work that comes with it." Tsuna murmured to himself, as a dark, depressed aura hung above his head.

Just then, the sound of rubble behind them alerted everyone as they spun around on their heels. However, it was only their youngest guardian, Lambo.

"Tsuna-nii, there was a bomb planted in the storage room."

"Oh, right, there was, wasn't there? Could someone go tell Kyouya to send some of his men to check out that storage room?" Tsuna asked, or rather, ordered.

"Tsuna, what do you plan to do?" Reborn asked, who had stayed silent for quite a while.

The said leader put a finger on his chin, looking rather perplexed. "Hm...Hayato, you take care of the rest." he said finally, after a long moments' of pause.

"E-eh? Me?" Hayato asked, taken aback.

"Of course, I can trust you right, Hayato-kun?" Tsuna smiled, not really intending to tease his right-hand man.

Hayato straightened up, "Of course you can, tenth! Leave it to me!"

Tsuna took out his phone from his pants and checked the time. Thinking to himself for a second, he looked down at Reborn. All of a sudden, something clicked in his mind, and his eyes widened impossibly.

"Reborn, don't tell me-!"

Reborn's gaze darkened, as he pulled his fedora further down. "It's probably exactly as you suspect, Tsuna. Took you long enough to figure out."

At that moment, Tsuna starting panicking quietly. "Crap! How could I not notice?" The guardians of course, had noticed as well.

"Tenth, is anything the matter?" Hayato asked, worried.

Tsuna mentally smacked himself in the head. "Everything's the matter! People coming after my life is such a normal thing, it's become a part of me actually. But that wasn't exactly just trying to kill me. It's impossible to infiltrate our quarters, let alone, plant a bomb right next to my office."

"Is there a possibility that the culprit is still close by?" Ryohei asked, still slightly confused.

"There is, and we're not letting him slip by so easily." Tsuna said, almost uncharacteristically growling. Without a moments' of hesitation, he took out a small radio-like device from the inside of his suit coat.

Tsuna pressed a button on the side, and there was a slight buzz. "Vongola Decimo's order: Issue a a full-scale lock down right now, and do not let it off until I say so." With that, he pressed the button again and put it back inside his coat.

Just a second later, a loud warning siren was issued, accompanied with red lights popping out of the ceiling. A voice blared from hidden speakers all over the headquarters.

"Full-scale lock down will commence immediately. All persons within the vicinity will be asked to remain inside the quarters without question. Any foreign subjects entering the building will be turned away. Repeat, all..."

"What are you going to do now, Tsuna?" Reborn asked, hopping onto the said persons' shoulder.

"Everyone, stand by at all lock down points and do not let anyone pass through the gates without my, or Hayato's permission. Hayato, you come with me." Just about as he was about to leave, he noticed Kyouya standing at the very back leaning against the wall as if nothing had happened at all.

"Oh, Kyouya-kun, do me a favour and call Dino-san?" Tsuna smirked slightly, knowing that the he had absolutely no patience with the older man.

Kyouya scowled, taking a moment to comprehend that and then commence to glare at Tsuna. It wasn't a favour, it was an order from higher authority.

Everyone scattered to their individual responsibilities, including a grudgingly unwilling Hibari Kyouya who mentally cursed his annoyingly attractive boyfriend.


"Tenth, what do you plan to do down here?" Hayato asked, rather cautiously.

Tsuna, Reborn and Hayato were making their way towards the underground base, which could only be accessed by top-security guards and people approved of by Tsuna.

"You'll see," the brunet said curtly, twisting a frown on his lips. "...It's just that, recently, I think I've been a bit too lenient with everything. I mean, I almost got killed today...twice!"

Reborn nodded, "That's an understatement, Baka-Tsuna."

The three arrived arrived at the office, stopping at the steel doors so that Tsuna could conjure his flames and open the door, which could only be opened by himself and none other.

The office inside was incredibly plain and blindingly white, as there was hardly ever a reason to come down here. Tsuna quickly walked over to another steel door with a digital combination code. With haste, he punched in the six digit code and ushered Reborn and Hayato to follow him.

"This is...the archive?" Hayato asked, looking around. It was his first time in this room.

"Not quite. It's a filing storage room with the personal and background details of every single soul present in the Vongola headquarters and those who have been in and out of it. That includes, you me, Takeshi-kun and the others, Dino-san and even Reborn."

The room - small at first glance, but actually quite big - was filled with long rows of filing cabinets, all labelled differently and specifically. Tsuna walked over to a row of cabinets labelled 'Domestic duties'.

"Ah, tenth...those are for this morning?"

Tsuna nodded, pulling out the entire draw. He placed the rather heavy object onto the floor and took out the one on top, laying it on the floor next to the other. He repeated this continuously as he went through different sections, pulling out certain cabinets and leaving others.

"Reborn-san, you don't think there are spies within the number of domestic workers in the headquarters?" Hayato asked, squatting down as he pulled out a random folder out of the first cabinet that was laid down.

"Huh?" Hayato looked through the contents of the file and raised a brow. "Tenth, this maid's file looks kinda suspicious."

Tsuna paused, "How so?"

Hayato read out the details of the maid. "Madeline Delaflote, age twenty-six. She comes from a middle-class dutch family who immigrated here in 1982. But during that time, the government within this country had passed out a temporary law to hold all immigrant and refugees into the country without an absolutely exceptional skill that could help contribute to society. Someone from a middle-class family, which mainly consisted of traders and merchants were almost always turned away.*"

"So you're saying that it must've been highly unlikely for her to have entry into the country. So therefore, she's suspicious for providing us fake information?" Tsuna finished off, humming with a slight smirk. He had indeed become smart over the years.

"I see. That's true." Reborn said, pulling out another file. He flipped through it, "This one seems legitimate."

Tsuna smile slightly. "You'll help me sort these out, right? Just flip through all the files I just took out and put aside the ones that look even the slightest bit suspicious or incomprehensible."

"Yes sir!" Hayato almost saluted, sitting down cross legged as he and Reborn continued to flip through the files of all the maids, chefs and attendants in the mansion.

Tsuna turned back to the cabinets, as his mind wondered elsewhere. "I wonder if Kyouya-kun has already called Dino-san." he chuckled to himself softly, which went unnoticed by the two near the entrance of the room. "He looked so unwilling, but complied with me anyway. That's why I love him-"

Tsuna shook his head, as his cheeks lit up from his own inner-thoughts. He focused his attention elsewhere and continued to go through the cabinets of files; coming across his beloveds' just moments after.

"But come to think of it, I've been feeling strangely deprived of something every time I see him..."


Hayato scowled. "Why is the bucking bronco here?" He never did like the man.

Said man was sitting next to Tsuna with his arm slung around casually. "What? I'm glad my little brother finally needs my help!" He cried melodramatically, messing up Tsuna's hair.

"I didn't really want to bring anyone else into this matter, but this time, I really do think help from our alliance is needed." Tsuna explained, going through some folders.

"These people here are all under suspicion for being spies within the family, and we've just called them out into the interrogation rooms just to be safe. At this point we don't know who or what is after my life, bu I'm pretty sure this time, it's not a small fry."

"It could be." Reborn said, shrugging his shoulders when Tsuna looked at him curiously.

"Anyway, I was wondering whether you could help us with this case and cooperate with Kyouya-kun's unit, Dino-san."

Kyouya, who had been leaning against the wall at the back of the room, frowned in annoyance at those words. He knew he had no say in this matter, but he could surely make the brunet pay for this later on.

"Sure, sure!" Dino turned to the side where Romario was standing. "Let's go, Romario."

Said man bowed, "Yes sir." and walked after Dino.

"Dino-san, please be careful." Tsuna paused, "They might...go after you. Since you have quite a considerable amount of authority in the alliance."

Dino grinned, putting his hand into his pockets. "I'll call you when the preparations on my side are done!"

Reborn stood up, pulling his fedora up. "I guess we'll just have to wait. I need a coffee break." He jumped off the sofa and walked towards the door, with Hayato following suit.

"I'll accompany you, Reborn-san."

"Tsuna." Reborn called out, "Don't be stupid and wander around by yourself just because there's a lock down."

The two walked out of the room, with Hayato bowing and excusing his departure. Tsuna sighed and flopped back down onto the sleek, black sofa, closing his eyes.

"Do you want me to send a man for the bucking bronco?" Kyouya asked, his voice somewhat sly.

Tsuna opened his eyes slowly, as his boyfriend slash guardian slowly walked towards him.

"No, please don't." The brunet sat up straight, "I trust him well enough to know that he wont' make any stupid moves."

Kyouya hummed, putting a hand against the sofa, trapping one side of Tsuna's head. Without warning, he leaned forward and captured Tsuna's lips, prying it open with his tongue.

The wet kissing sounds and short breaths didn't seem to bother either of them. Tsuna, who'd usually shy away at this point, went for the bold and pulled Kyouya closer to him, wanting more body contact. He could almost feel his boyfriend smirking into their kiss.

"Bold today, aren't we?" He whispered huskily into Tsuna's right ear, biting on it softly.

Tsuna scowled, blushing. "S-shut up." he panted, turning his gaze elsewhere.

Kyouya smirked in triumph, placing his knee in between Tsuna's thighs. Tsuna moaned softly, unaware of it himself as Kyouya grabbed his chin and turned his head to directly meet his gaze.

"I know I'm irresistible, but this will have to wait, Tsunayoshi." The cloud guardian whispered the said man's name ever so softly, straightening his clothes as he stood up properly. Without giving the brunet another look, he walked out of the room casually, with the prideful smirk of his.

Tsuna was left on the sofa, dumbfounded. He sighed, frowning in frustration. "...I think I'll go shower."


A/N: I'm sorry that was quite short and uneventful despite the long wait. I added in a bit of 1827 love there at the end to make up for it...for now. Again, I'm really sorry to those who are disappointed or anything related. I'll be back in action soon, after I figure out what Dino's role is (completely forgot). As for Indulgence or my other stories, I'll need ideas! PLEASE pm me your ideas for 'Indulgence:Follow the chaos'! Simply pm me a dare (anything at all) along with the name of the character who must do it and the person who issues it! I'll make sure to respectfully credit your ideas~ Thanks for your support everyone, ciao!