Hey there Channy fans! :) So, you remember that little dream that Sonny had? Well, what if it took a little bit longer for Chad to get to Sonny's dressing room, allowing more of the scene to play out? This is my take on the dream. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonny With a Chance in any way, shape, or form. I am just a fan and I am not writing this for money either.

Guess Who's Coming to Guest Star: Missing Scene

"…and then he said we were going to have to kiss and I was going to fall in love with him." I finished, pacing back and forth in my dressing room while explaining the whole story to Tawni.

"Please, if anyone is going to fall in love with anyone, it'll be Chad with you." She commented, smiling.

Confused, I asked, "Okay, what do you want from me?"

"Your flawless skin."

"You can't have it?"

Tawni stood up from her chair and said, "Oh Sonny, I know we've had our differences, but I've come to realize; you make me want to be… a better Tawni." Tawni began crying slight tears of joy while running out into the hallway and away from our dressing room.

"Well that was heartwarming, and disturbing." I mumbled after watching Tawni run away. Suddenly, Chad Dylan Cooper came to the door.

"Knock. Knock," he said, casually leaning his elbow against the doorframe.

"Chad." I responded.

"Sonny." He answered back. "Hey, look what I've got for our rehearsal. Two tubes of lip balm." He gasped. "One for my upper and one for my lower." I shook my head in disgust and annoyance. "Oh, will you relax, okay, I'm just goofing around. Look, I really want to do a good job."

My face lit up. "Really?" I asked, taking the extra script from his hands.

"Yeah. So, let's uh… let's take it from the part where the hot EMT comes in… that's me… and says, 'Tell me where it hurts.'"

Chad lead me to the fluffy chair on Tawni's side of the dressing room, setting me down on the chair part and placing himself on the armrest.

All of a sudden, Chad looked at me with those big cobalt eyes and caught my full attention. "Wow Chad you were right," I saw him smile a little bit. "I am getting lost in your eyes. This feels like a dream."

Our faces inched closer and closer until we were mere centimeters away from one another. Then we gently connected our lips and closed our eyes.

I pulled away for a second until he pushed himself on me again. Carefully, I pulled him to the space on the chair next to me, still keeping a firm hold on him.

This sweet and soft kiss soon turned into something much more elaborate as the heat of the moment caught up with me. I tangled my fingers in his perfect blond hair while he gently stroked the small of my back. He then slowly leaned my body down until he was lying on top of me on the chair. I felt his tongue graze along my bottom lip and I opened my mouth enough for him to enter it, beginning the battle. Then, two knocks sounded at the door and Chad disappeared. I rolled my head over and opened my eyes.

"I AM DREAMING!" I shouted, waking up from the fantasy. "Oh my gosh, it was just like he said." My nervous face took over and I couldn't think about what had just happened. Four more knocks sounded at the door and I stood up and opened it. There he was, Chad Dylan Cooper, standing, in the exact position that he was in the beginning of my dream.

"Wanna run lines?" He asked, exposing two tubes of lip balm. "I got two tubes of lip balm. One for my upper and one for my low…"

"NO!" I screamed, slamming the door in his face and cutting him off.

"Oww… my lower." He finished, stammering.

Oh no. This can't be happening. I'm falling in love with Chad Dylan Cooper. I thought, scared out of my mind.

Well, that's it. Hope you Sonny With a Chance fans enjoyed my take on Sonny's dream. :) Review please!

~KL125 3