Okay this was from the episode, In the Kitchen, With Dinner, episode 16, part 2.

So I was watching this episode and a thought just came to mind. Ok so it sets where Sonny gets locked out from the dressing room by Tawni.

I was just wondering what would've happened if Grady, Nico or Hayden hadn't shown up. This is a one-shot. Channy!


I just came back from rehearsing and went to my dressing room but my side was locked so I tried to go through Tawni's side… only to find it locked. I knocked.

"Tawni, the door's locked." I call out.

"Go around. Try the door on your side." She suggested.

"Well I already did but that one's locked too." I told her.

"Oh, I guess you're locked out of both sides then, just like how you locked me out of my relationship with Hayden!" She said, clearly angry. I groaned inwardly.

"Tawni, there is nothing going on between me and Hayden. You can't say no to the 'Kiss Cam'!" I tried to reason. Just then I heard someone else speak.

"You just couldn't say no to the 'Kiss Cam' could ya?" I turned and there in all his glory was Chad. He looked so hot but that was irrelevant right now.

"Chad, not now." I told him, not wanting to waste time trying to get Tawni to talk to me. As usual, he ignored me.

"I trusted you, Sonny. Okay, I trusted you to use my seats responsibly. Instead I wake up this morning to find this," he held up the magazine and on the front was a picture of Hayden and I kissing. "On the cover of 'Tween Weekly'." He concluded. What? Why did he care about that? I made a small gesture with my hands indicating a 'so?' He looked me and scoffed as he did the same gesture I did, except making it look stupid. God he looked cute. I mentally slapped myself.

"Who is this guy?" he demanded, pointing at Hayden. When I was a bout to answer, Tawni did instead.

"The love of my life!" she yelled through the door.

"Then why is she kissing him!" he asked while yelling back. Again, why does he care? Unless… No, that's not possible…

"I don't know!" Tawni cried.

"I told you it was the 'Kiss Cam'!" I tried yet again to reason.

Forgetting Tawni for a minute, I turned to Chad.

"Why do you care, Chad?" I asked, now curious. He looked surprised at my question.

"Because… I… uh…," he stammered. "They were my tickets!" he finally said.

"No, you only care because you're jealous!" I pointed my finger at him. I really hope he would admit it or I just made a fool of myself.

"No I'm not." He scoffed.

"No, you're jealous that I kissed Hayden," I said taking a step closer to him. I so badly wanted him to be jealous.

"I am not jealous," he said, he voice going a pitch higher. I smirked.

"Oh yes you are. Admit it Chad, you like me!" I told him. I stepped up closer to him.

"No, because it's not true, I don't like you." He said. My heart hurt at the words he said, but I couldn't let him see how much it affected me.

"Fine," I said letting it drop.

"Fine," he retorted.

"Good," I said taking a step closer. We were only inches apart from each other. God, his lips were so close.

"Good," he said, I felt his warm breathe on face. Then he did one thing I never expected him to do. He kissed me. I couldn't help but kiss back. His lips were soft and wet. He tasted like mint. The kiss was sweet yet gentle. It became something more as I wrapped my arms around his neck, his encircling my waist. The kiss became more hungry and urgent. Soon enough, one of his hands were in my hair, mine holding his, trying to taste more of him. He bit my lip gently, causing me to gasp, giving him enough time to slip his tongue in. God he tasted so good. Our tongues battled for dominance. I didn't notice it but somehow I was up against the wall, Chad trapping me there. His hands sent tiny electric bolts where ever he touched me. It was over all too soon, as we had to pull back for air. We were both gasping for air. He then gently rested his forehead against mine. My lips tingled where he kissed me.

"Well, that was… something," I said. He smirked.

"I knew that you always wanted to kiss me." He said. I pulled away.

"Why do you keep doing this? You don't even like me so why reel me in then just pretend to like me?" I asked, my voice wavering a little bit. Chad then grabbed my hand, turning me to him. I avoided his gaze looking down, because I knew that if I looked at him, I would cry.

"Sonny look at me." He said gently. When I didn't he tipped my chin up with his finger, causing me to look into his beautiful ocean eyes.

"It's not that I don't like you, I do, and it's just hard. I never felt this way about someone before…" he said really quickly. I hadn't caught a word he said. Seeing my confused look, he took a deep breathe in spoke.

"I don't like you because I love you, Son-shine." He told me truthfully. I then felt a few tears slide down my face. Chad gently wiped them away with his thumb. Apparently, he took me crying the wrong way.

"No, no, Sonny. Don't cry. If you don't return the feelings I under-" I wiped my tears and cut him off with a quick kiss to his lips. When I pulled back, he was a bit surprised.

"I love you too, Chad." I told him.

"Who wouldn't?" he teased.

"Count it on you to ruin the moment." I laughed.

"I really do love you though Sonny," he said looking directly at me. He flashed me one of his true smiles that I loved so much.

"As do I," I told him, before giving him another kiss. This was just a sweet, small kiss.

"Aw," We jumped back in surprise and looked around. There standing around us were the So Random! Cast, some actors from Mackenzie Falls, Marshall and… Mr. Condor. I had blush a deep red knowing that nearly everyone just saw what happened.

"So… what are you guys doing here?" I asked, trying to break the awkward silence.

"You two, go to my office, now." Mr. Condor instructed. I looked at Chad. He gave me a small smile and I returned it.

"Okay, back to rehearsing." Marshall shooed everyone away.

"Well…" Chad said.

"I guess we better go before we get in more trouble." I told him.

"Yeah, yeah." He said. I walked in front, a big smile on my face. Now the only thing we had to deal with was… Mr. Condor. This is going to be one long talk!

Lol, how was it? Good? Bad? Horrible? Stupid? Please tell.

As for my other story, What I Did For You, I'm so sorry! I had the chapter all done but I lost the damn thing! LOST IT! So now I had to write it all over. I should be done with it soon so don't worry... um expect an update by let's say Thursday? Yeah Thursday or Wednesday.

Read and Review please! =)


•Pony •