
I heard a crash in the next room, and knew it was him. He was drunk again, and I had to hide.

I ran to my room, locking the door. His footsteps were getting louder as I scrambled across the room.

"I know you're here! I can hear you!" he slurred drunkenly, obviously falling against the wall a few times.

I struggled with the latch on my bedroom window, my mind swimming with the possibilities of what would happen if the door didn't hold up.

I got the latch undone and swung the second story window open. Fuck...if I jump again...

"I'm coming in there, and if you're not ready for me, you're gonna get it!"

I looked back to the door, watched the handle rattle as he tried to open it, then out the window, to the ground below.

"Shit," I sighed, then swung one leg over the window sill, nearly falling out of shock when he smashed his shoulder into the door, the cheap wood already splintering.

Instead of hesitating like usual, I just swung my other leg out and fell to the ground, trying to roll to break my fall.

Even as I hit the ground, I knew it was a stupid idea. I heard two simultaneous small cracks, recognizing one as my bedroom door breaking clean off the hinges, confirmed by the small thud followed by a few rough footsteps.

I recognized the second as a bone, I thought it was in my leg, but I wasn't sure. All I knew was that there was a searing pain somewhere in my body, but I dragged myself to the edge of the forest before my mind went blank and I fell into a crumpled heap in the dirt.

A/N: Let's say 5 good reviews for chapter 1?