So I'm back with the last 'We are who we are' part, that will cover a few stuff. This is more of a filler chapter, covering 'Wednesday', and a couple of other stuff, that should lead into a new chapter.

I didn't get many reviews, but I keep getting Story Alerts and Favourites. I do like them, I like that people find my story enjoyable, but some reviews would be nice, especially after such a long break, and losing the writing vibe.

Chapter dedicated to Gleek06216,

I miss our long talks :(


Glee quotes of the week; 2x21

Jesse: Do you know what Vocal Adrenaline is doing right now?They're in their third week of 24 hour a day rehearsals. They're on an IV drip. That's how hard they're working. Do you know what happens in Vocal Adrenaline if someone dies during a number? They use them as a prop like "Weekend at Bernies."


Jesse: You kind of sing and dance like a zombie who has to poop.


© Brittany Pears owns Hairography, Noah Puckerman owns a nipple ring, Mike Chang and Matt Rutherford own their sexiness and Santana Lopez owns her top dogness. I still don't own Glee ); . If I did, Matt would be back, The Inns would reunite and Rachel+Mike would hook up. Puck would have never slept with Quinn, Kurt and Karofsky would start the forbidden romance and Jacob Ben-Israel would get raped and die like a god damn dog…

I do not own the song 'We R Who We R' by Ke$ha, or 'I love you' by Avril Lavigne.



Ch16: We Are Who We Are III



Puck and Santana were the only people left in the choir room.

"Hey," Puck murmured to Santana when she pulled away and dried her cheeks. "Listen, San..."

Santana looked up, and instead shushed him with a soft kiss. "Yeah?"

Puck didn't mean to say it, not that soon. But the words formed themselves before he could take them back. "Iloveyou." He muttered quickly.

Santana didn't move for a couple of seconds only hugged him.

Only one thought registered in his mind;

She didn't say it back.


Rachel, Santana, Brittany and Kurt stepped onto the school grounds earlier than usual in the morning. It was getting warmer, so the three girls put on their full piece cheerleading uniforms, and simple white slip on shoes.

Santana repeatedly fanned her face. "It's so hot today, and the sun is barely out," She complained, scrunching up her face further. Rachel, alike Kurt, stayed calm, figuring if they could take a quick shower during Lunch and after Gym, it would do them better than making each of them look like an idiot (Santana) that was trying to swipe away an invisible fly. Brittany, on the other hand, looked completely relaxed.

"Aren't you hot Britt?" Kurt asked, clearly confused.

Brittany looked up, smiling brightly. "Aww, thank you," She then cocked her head to the side, "But I'm dating Matt, and you're still gay, right?" She asked, dumbfounded. Kurt blinked at her, stopping himself from saying anything.

"Yes, I still fancy men, Brittany," He said carefully, ignoring her idiocy. Santana snickered, and Rachel tried to cover her giggles with fake coughs, making a weird mixture between the two.

"Oh god! You're having the hysterical cough slash giggle syndrome," Brittany suddenly yelled out, pointing a frightening finger at Rachel, and covering her mouth with one hand.

"The Hysterical Cough Slash Giggle Syndrome?" Kurt asked astonished, more surprised at Brittany knowing such words.

"Yes, you have to hit your head against a white wall five times, and then it'll go away," Brittany explained quickly, rubbing Rachel's back soothingly, who continued giggling. Santana was leaning against Kurt for support. Brittany narrowed her eyes at Santana. "I can't believe you find that funny, San,"

"And how exactly do you know about it?" Kurt asked softly, taking a deep sigh and composing himself.

"My talking baby doll that I had when I was eight used to get it all the time, and when I banged her head against my white wall in the lounge room a couple of times, it went away," Brittany explained.


Rachel, Santana and Brittany finished their work-outs earlier than everyone else, and decided to go to the bathroom to freshen up. While Santana re-applied her foundation, Rachel put her hair up in a ponytail, scrunching her nose up at her elbow. Brittany looked at Rachel.

"Rach, you need a haircut, side bangs maybe?" Brittany offered and Santana looked at the brunette when she was done.

"A normal fringe, maybe a couple of layers?" Santana offered, pursing her lips at Rachel, and imagined her with shorter hair. Rachel nodded.

"Today after school, then? We'll go to my hairdresser," Rachel decided, and left her hair down. "We should all at least get our hair trimmed,"

"I wanna get layers again," Brittany said, and packed her make up back, and left it in her bag.

Santana checked her phone for the time, and packed her things too, followed by Rachel.

"Let's go to the choir room,"


Santana and Rachel walked into the choir room a bit later than Brittany, having to discuss the final touch ups for their performance with Mike and Noah.

Actually, Santana did the talking, while Rachel just observed the scene, especially Santana and Puck, who today, didn't seem to be joined at the hip. She had left with Mike last afternoon, and Puck and Santana were the only ones left.

Of course, Santana hadn't mentioned anything about yesterday, so something personal might have happened. Maybe she was pregnant, although Rachel hoped she wasn't. Maybe they had a fight? But wouldn't they not be talking to each other then?

After yesterdays events, Rachel decided not to get involved and just left it to them. If they were meant to be together, they'll get through it, if they're not, then.. they're not.

"You will perform today this afternoon, everyone," Mr. Schuster said and laid his notes and rolls on the piano beside Brad. "Tinas group goes first, followed by Rachels. And I don't want to hear anything about cheating, no excuses if you lose, because you wont see each others performances. Me and Miss Pillsbury will rate each of them, and then vote. I will not pick favourites, so please, no fighting," He finished, warning them with a raised finger.

Quinn raised her hand. "Sir?"

"Yes, Quinn?"

"What if a team actually cheated off one another?"

"I made sure that, that didn't happen," He answered and packed his stuff back. He turned back to the class. "Any performances now, or later?" He asked the group.

Puck rose his hand, nervous. "After our other performances," He said, and dropped his hand.

"Sure, what will you sing?" He asked.

Puck quickly looked at Santana and then Rachel, and then back at Will. "I'd like to keep it a secret until this afternoon,"

Mr. Schuster watched his suspiciously. "It's nothing disgusting is it?"

"No," He said coolly. "But some people might not believe it,"

"Believe what?"

Puck rolled his eyes, and threw his head back. "The meaning of the song,"

Rachel looked behind her, and saw Santana watch Puck weirdly. Would this have anything to do with yesterday afternoon?


Home group came an went, and so did Maths 1. Rachel wasn't bothered with Puck and Santana, instead, she decided to ignore their awkwardness around each other, and tried not to get involved.

So what if Santana didn't respond to his touches, hugs or even most of his questions? They will get through this.


Rachel walked into her biology classroom, and she saw Mike discussing things with Puck.

" to do it, man," Puck said as he awkwardly the muscles on his neck.

"Just sing it, and wait for her reaction," Mike answered confidently, throwing Rachel a big smile when he saw her. Rachel walked over to Puck first, and squeezed his hand re-assuringly.

"Is everything okay between you and Santana?" Rachel asked and walked closer to Mike. Puck looked past her head and at Mike.

He then looked back at Rachel. "Me and Santana are fine, but hey, I need your help with this song. It's sung by a girl, but never mentions anything about a guy, but just the person, and I sort of don't want it to sound like a girly song,"

"Is it a girly song?"

"Well, not really, it is when it's sung by the artist, but I tried it a few times yesterday, and sounded fine to me, but I still need some practice a little, with your help maybe. I want my vocals to be just right," He said quickly, peeking looks at the door.

"Will you be singing it to Santana?" Rachel asked, and wrapped her arms around Mike's torso.

"Look, Rach, is it a yes, or a no?" He asked simply, dropping his nice and collected act, and showing his desperate face.

"Yes," Rachel answered, not wanting to annoy him further with her questions.


After biology, Mike, Rachel, Santana and Puck all had free period, but Santana didn't appear, saying something about taking an early shower while the freshmans still had their P.E .

"Noah?" Rachel murmured quietly, as Mike sneaked off to get them slushies. He 'hmm-ed' and looked at her, softly playing on is guitar strings. "What's really going on between you and Santana?" He looked back and groaned.

"I don't really know anymore. I made a mistake, but I still meant it. I guess this song holds my future," He said finally, peeking a look at her.

"About that song, let's give it a go,"

Puck began strumming his guitar softly...


When the bell rang for lunch, Rachel only gave Puck a comforting look, and a pat on the cheek, before she ran out of the classroom, in search of Kurt. She saw him talking to Mercedes near his locker, but she decided not to start any more fights, not with summer only in barely two days. Instead, she offered her a stoic face. Kurt turned around, and she pointed her head towards the Cheerio changing rooms. Kurt nodded.

"Well, me and Rachel have to go now, I'll see you around, Cedes," Kurt said, waving awkwardly, intertwining his arm with Rachel. She gave him a sad smile and waved in return.


When Rachel, Brittany and Kurt finished showering, they re-dressed in fresh clothes (two piece cheerio uniform, in Brittany and Rachels case), and walked towards the cafeteria, having about 15 minutes left.

Once they made it inside, Rachel walked towards Mike's side, pecking him on the side of his face and letting him wrap his arms around her. He looked her up and down, and frowned.

"Did someone slushy you?" He asked curiously, already searching for Karofsky around the Cafeteria.

"No?" Rachel asked confused, stealing a couple of grapes from his plate.

"Then what happened?" He asked.

"I took a cold shower after last period," Rachel explained. "Me, Britt and Kurt," She added, and Mike choked on his grape, gripping the edge of the table.

"What?" He wheezed out between breaths. Rachel blinked, enjoying her little game.

"Oh, don't worry, the girls showers have special walls that cover up the bottom part of our bodies, so I didn't see Kurt's boy parts," Rachel said slowly, keeping her face relaxed. He widened his eyes, and gulped.

"And what exactly caused you to have a cold shower straight after biology?" He asked eyeing her carefully. Thinking god knows what.

"It was hot," Rachel defended herself.

"Biology was hot?"

Rachel pretended to look at him weirdly. "No, dopey. The day was, and still is," Rachel said, sticking her tongue out childishly. He grinned, finally cracking her joke, and made a show of pulling lips to hers. Rachel sighed into the kiss.

They never had any alone time for days now. There were the fights, the tears, the anniversaries, competitions, rivalry and backstabbing. No time left for them.

"Pick me up at 6, yeah?" Rachel murmured and cuddled up to him. He 'mhhm-ed' and smiled down at her.


The rest of the day went by fast, and finally, the second-last bell rang for the end of the school day. Rachel, Santana, Quinn and Kurt were changing in one bathroom, while Puck and Mike changed in the other one.

The girls and boy put on their shirts, high-waist mini shorts, and gold and black skater shoes. Kurt applied black mascara, and some smokey-textured eye-shadow to their eyes, and messed their hair up slightly, making them look like different versions of Kesha.

"Okay, let's show them what we've got, girls," Kurt said when they were done.

When the actual performance came, Rachel had to say, that they were completely in sync, thanks to Quinn, her and Mike, who made everyone else practice twice harder than they should. They spun and stepped just right, except for the moment when Santana nearly slipped from Puck's embrace when she refused to hold his arms. From that moment, Rachel switched partners with Kurt, and paired up with Santana instead.

When they ended their performance, the brunette made sure that her Latina friend was holding Puck's hand, when she jokingly (on purpose) clasped their hands together.

"You'll receive the results tomorrow, guys. It was hard to decide, so please be patient as we go over the positives and negatives," Miss. Pillsbury said, and exited the choir room.

Will turned to Puck, who was sitting on a stool with his guitar in his arms. Rachel rose and sat on the piano behind him, starting the background vocals.

(An; normal= Rachel, italics= Noah)

La la
La la la la
La la
La la la la
I like your smile
I like your vibe
I like your style
But that's not why I love you

And I, I like the way
You're such a star
But that's not why I love you
Do you feel, do you feel me?
Do you feel what I feel, too?
Do you need, do you need me?
Do you need me?

You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
Yeah the reason I love you is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you

La la
La la la la
La la
La la la la
I like the way you misbehave
When we get wasted
But that's not why I love you
And how you keep your cool
When I am complicated
But that's not why I love you

Do you feel,
do you feel me?
Do you feel what I feel, too?
Do you need,
do you need me?

Do you need me?

You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
And I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
Yeah the reason I love you is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you

Yeah - Oh.
I am always here for you

Do you feel,
do you feel me?
Do you feel what I feel, too?
Do you need,
do you need me?
Do you need me?

You're so beautiful
But that's not why I love you
I'm not sure you know
That the reason I love you is you
Being you
Just you
Yeah the reason I love you is all that we've been through
And that's why I love you

La la
La la la la (oh oh)
La la
La la la la (That's why I love you)

La la
La la la la (oh oh)
La la
La la la la (That's why I love you)

Puck finished, and by now, the whole glee club was singing along, waving their arms in the air, and teasingly poking Santana. Rachel jumped down from the piano, and took a seat beside Mike, who immediately kissed her on her forehead. The last bell rang, and everyone left Puck and Santana alone, again.


Rachel, Brittany and Santana were ready for their triple date by seven, having to change the time because of Santana's late arrival.

Speaking of the Santana, she went for the passionate colours that fit her best; Red, Orange, White and Black. She wore a floral rose boob-tube dress, along with black and orange heels. She wore a mix of the three girls' accessories and jewellery, and an elegant but strong perfume. The Latina left her hair down.

Brittany dress in a simple blue, strapless, polka dot dress, along with simple white ballet flats, ending it with pearl accessories. Her hair that was now layered, with a small side fringe, hung in a straight, thin side pony tail against her chest.

Rachel herself dressed in one of her more expensive clothes, choosing a white lacy dress with straps, and strappy white heels. She wore her old pearl bracelet and her 'R' necklace, along with some soft make up. Her new side fringe hung straight, and she had her hair up in an elegant bun.


They went to have dinner at breadstix, and (of course) Santana stole some of their long and thin bread, hiding it between her legs under her dress, which made everyone crack up laughing. Her only answer was a mumble something along the lines of her being addicted to them.

Now, they were in the park, with only dim lights, all three couples slow dancing to soft romantic tunes.



"I was thinking, that before I go away to my summer dancing camp with Tina, that we should spend a weekend together," He said to her, as they swayed away from the other dancing couples. Rachel blushed. "You know, just to hang out," He said cheekily. "But if there happens to be making out..." He wandered off, winking at her, making her laugh. Rachel pulled his head down and kissed him, smiling against his lips.

Best. Date. EVER.


So was it good? Nothing much happened, except Pucks public display of his love towards Santana, but I still hope you enjoyed (: !