So here is a short story I have been working on. I just finished the 1st chapter and had to post it. It will probably only be 3 chapters as I want to work on my other fic. I hope to update Stop Being a Coward tonight or tomorrow at the latest. Sorry I haven't updated lately but I hurt my ankle and really haven't felt like doing much.

This story is probably just going to be fluff but it does have a plot so I hope you enjoy it!

Not Beta'd (as always) and I own nothing!

4th of July Fun

Rose's POV

So we were going to the lake. Just the senior novices and a few guardians were going. It was an annual trip that was reserved specifically for dhampirs as it was going out to a lake on the 4th of July.

No moroi could stand to be out in the sun that long in the middle of the human world's day and this gave the novices and guardians a day of fun in the sun without having to worry about their moroi. This meant no Lissa, Christian or Adrian getting on my nerves. I was really looking forward to this trip!

Some guardians had to stay back on campus to protect the school but they were on a rotating schedule so they each got to go on the trip every other year.

This year, I was lucky enough to have my very own Russian mentor/god/boyfriend going with us. No one knew about our relationship yet, not even my best friend and bond mate Lissa.

After an amazing night of making love (yes it was my first and only time), Dimitri and I had agreed to cool things off for a bit until graduation. At that time, he was going to be re-assigned to a moroi at court so that we could be together.

We had one week left until graduation and surprisingly we had done very well at keeping our distance. It amused me that of all the times our practices ended in stolen kisses, he had usually been the one to initiate it. It was like some switch went off in his head and he just couldn't stay away from me any longer. Not that I was complaining or anything.

After months of fighting our attraction for each other, we had finally succumbed and fallen over the edge. Neither one of us wanted to be apart for to long so it was annoying to not be able to sit with him on the bus ride to the lake.

Even more annoying was one of the new guardians that showed up after the raid on the school. Her name was Guardian Madison Greenbrook. She was 22 years old and had graduated at the top of her class. She took being a guardian somewhat seriously and with her blonde hair and big blue eyes, she looked almost angelic. Had she been thinner, I would have thought she was a moroi.

But she wasn't, she was a dhampir and her seemingly perfect body had pulled some of the attention way from me by both moroi and dhampirs alike. I hated to admit it but I was jealous. I was Rose Hathaway; all the boys were supposed to fawn over me.

But I could deal with not being the center of attention for all boys as long as I was Dimitri's center of attention. I knew he loved me and the blonde girl I referred to as a moroi-wannabe had no place in his heart but she was constantly flirting with him and that chipped away at my ego.

I honestly don't even think that he noticed her existence. Not in a man notices woman way at least. But she always seemed to be trying to talk to him or get his attention in some way or another. Dimitri would always be his polite self and speak to her but it was getting on my nerves.

I watched across the bus as she had sat down beside him and was asking about the book he was reading. It was a western novel of course and I could see the slight look of annoyance cross he eyes as he stopped reading and turned to look at her.

He spoke to her for a few minutes, obvious only to me that he was forcing polite conversation, before turning back to his book, immediately becoming engrossed in it again.

I almost felt sorry for the down cast look that flashed across her face before her guardian mask went back up but I didn't. I couldn't. She was flirting with my man. Granted, she didn't know he was my man but maybe she would get the hint that he wasn't interested.

"Rose…." Eddie waved a hand in front of my face. I hadn't realized I was staring so intently at Dimitri till Eddie pulled me back into my surroundings.

"I'm sorry what?" I replied, shaking my head a little. I guess I had zoned out in my thoughts on Dimitri and the skank.

Eddie shrugged it off, acting like he didn't notice where my eyes had been and continued with what he was saying. "I was asking if we are going to race on the Sea-Doos?"

"Of course." I waived him off in true Rose fashion, "you know I am going to kick your ass."

"Language Miss Hathaway." Stan yelled from a few rows ahead of where I sat with Eddie. Another bad thing about this trip was that it was Stan Alto's year to supervise and I was not looking forward to it. He always had some reason to harp on me.

"How did you even hear me?" I asked, confused as to how he heard my conversation over the roar of the bus.

"I hear everything. Please watch your language or you will be spending the day on the bus."

I rolled my eyes but just nodded. We were almost to Lake Gentry anyways and I hoped I could stay as far away from Stan as possible.

I glanced over at Dimitri to see him with a small smirk on his face as he looked at me. He knew what I was thinking. We had both hoped to slip away during the fun in the sun and spend a little quiet time together. Hopefully with there being so many people around and no moroi to guard, we could do this without being detected.

Fifteen minutes later we were off the bus and walking towards the marina. There was a choice of fishing, swimming, or renting a Sea Doo and everyone was in a hurry to start the days adventure.

Stan of course had to stop me on my way to the marina. He made sure to remind me that 'he would be watching me' and by the time I reached my destination, all the Sea Doos had been rented out. I was extremely pissed off until I noticed Eddie talking to Dimitri, both of which had a Sea Doo already.

I grinned and pranced over to them.

"Hey guys." I gave them my best smile and winked.

Eddie laughed, "Sorry Hathaway, you snooze, you lose. Guess I will have to race Belikov."

I grunted and stocked off towards the beach area, deciding I would lie in the sun for a while. I hadn't given up on the Sea Doo just yet but could wait for a little while. I knew Dimitri would take me for a ride once everyone started doing his or her own activities.

I opened my bag and pulled out a rather large beach towel. It was big enough for two people and I grinned at the though of sharing it with someone. I kicked off my shoes and pulled my tank top and shorts off. I grinned when I remember which bikini I had chosen for this trip.

It could hardly be called a bikini by any means, as it was just a few straps of bright pink fabric that strategically covered my most important areas. I had specifically chosen it for two reasons. The first reason was to drive Dimitri crazy. The second reason was because I knew I would look way hotter than Guardian Greenbook. I thought the name with distaste and giggled when I heard a few whistles and cat calls coming from behind me.

I turned around just in time to see Dimitri yelling at another new Guardian, I believed his name was Guardian Taylor, before turning around and stomping towards me. He did not look happy. Dimitri was always the poster child for self control so the look on his face really scared me.

Uh oh. This should be interesting. I thought as an amused smile graced my lips.

Dimitri's POV

I was standing by the water talking to Eddie when I heard a low whistle come from some of the newer guardians that were standing just behind us. I immediately looked in the direction they were looking when I saw her.

Roza had removed her tank top and shorts and was wearing small triangles of material over the sensitive areas of her body, areas of her body that should only be seen by me. To make matters worse, Guardian Taylor was practically drooling over her.

"Damn, look at Hathaway. She is looking good. Maybe she will take off that top and sunbathe for us." Taylor said, laughing as his eyes roamed Rose's body.

That's when I lost it. No one was supposed to look at her like that. I walked over to Guardian Taylor and used my extra height to tower of him. "She is a student. You should respect her and not speak about her like that."

Taylor did not seem even remotely disconcerted by my words and came back with a remark of "she is eighteen and won't be a student after next week. Who cares how I look at her?"

"I care. She is my student and you will respect her." I shoved the jerk back about two feet and then turned and headed towards Roza, not waiting to hear the witty comeback I was sure he would have.

I had only taken about three strides from Guardian Taylor when Guardian Greenbrook stepped in front of me. "Hi Dimitri." She smiled at me and seemed to push her chest up into my face. I vaguely noticed she was also wearing a swim suit but thankfully it was a dark green one piece that was appropriate and covered most of her up.

I was normally polite when she approached me but I wasn't in the mood right now. I had to speak with Rose. "Hello Guardian Greenbrook. Please excuse me; I need to speak with my student." My words might have been nice but my tone was anything but. She gave me a small frown and was about to reply when I walked around her and headed straight for Rose.

Rose seamed to scowl at me as I walked up to her. "Don't give me that look Rose. What the heck are you wearing? That is out of dress code and I don't like it."

She seemed upset for a moment but then noticed how my eyes glazed over as I stared at her almost bare chest. "It's a swim suit Comrade." She pulled her face up into her man eater grin at me and batted her eyes in a flirtatious manner. "And how could you not like it?"

"That is not a swim suit Rose. That doesn't even cover your breasts. You should be wearing more than that Rose. Look at how everyone is looking at you. Again, I don't like it!" I stepped closer to her

"Well, unfortunately while we are around everyone else, you aren't my boyfriend. So I guess it doesn't matter right now. AND there isn't a dress code while we are at the lake. I checked the paperwork before we left, just to make sure." She had lowered her voice so no one around us would hear.


"Dimitri…." She looked at me with a try something and you won't be happy look on her face.

I groaned and turned back towards Eddie who was standing by our Sea Doos. I knew that when Rose was like this that there was no changing her mind. "Eddie is waiting, we are going to race. Be good please?"

Rose nodded at me but glowered at someone behind me. I tried not to pay much attention to it.

"I'm going to leave my stuff with yours okay?" I asked, already pulling my white t-shirt over my head.

"That's fine." Rose looked me up and down, another grin hinting at her lips.

I kicked my shoes off beside hers and turned to walk back towards Eddie when Rose called back to me.


I turned to her, "what?"

"What about your shorts?" She asked me, confusion lacing her words.

"What about them?" I looked down at my black board shorts that went down to my knees.

"Aren't you going to take them off?"

"Um Rose, now really isn't the time…."

"But I thought all Europeans wore Speedos." She grinned and raised her eyebrows at me.

I laughed, "Cute….there you go with your stereotypes again. I am not wearing a Speedo. Now, if you will excuse me, I have a race to win."

I turned and headed back towards Eddie, ready to race him. I stalked past Guardian Greenbrook on my way back. That was obviously who Rose had been scowling at but at the moment I didn't care. I walked straight past her to where Eddie was. I had just jumped on my Sea Doo and turned it on when Rose jumped right onto the back of the seat and wrapped her arms securely around my waist.

"What are you doing Rose?"

"We are going to kick Eddie's ass. Now GOOO" She yelled. I looked up, realizing that Eddie had just taken off in front of me.

I sighed and took off right behind him with Rose's breath on the back of my neck. She really was going to be the death of me.

So there ya go...chapter 1...what'd ya think? Please review!