Hello! IT'S THE SUMMER HOLIDAYSSSSSS! OK, I know I shouldn't be writing this what with all the other fics I've got going, but I'm quite quick with these chapters, I've found. So here goes.

Dear Sir,

I am afraid I do not know if this will reach you. From what my research has told me, you are currently situated a very long way from here, somewhere out at sea, perhaps on an island that it is said everything eventually arrives at, or perhaps living in an underwater cave, although I personally wouldn't advise this.

My name is Violet Baudelaire. I believe that you are a young gentleman by the name of Quigley Quagmire, and that you are one of three siblings (triplets, in fact). If so, please write back to me; I have missed you dreadfully these past years, and I long to speak to you again. If not, please excuse the forwardness of this letter and if you would be so kind as to write back and explain the situation, I would be much obliged.

Assuming that you are indeed, Quigley, then please read on. My heart aches with the pain of not seeing you for so long, and I dream that one day we may be reunited.

How long is it since I have heard your laugh? I am sure it must be three years at least, though R swears you were at the last meeting of all the VFD members, two years ago. I cannot remember you being there; were you there, but did not speak to me? If so, why not? Or did R just mistake your brother Duncan for you?

Oh, Quigley, how I miss you. It breaks my heart to think that I may never see you again, which is why I must ask you – please, please write back and tell me where you have been and what you have been doing. It is not just I who misses you; Duncan and Isadora are quite lost without you, and Klaus and Sunny are in despair – they do not believe they will ever see you again. Please, Quigley, won't you come home? Why did you ever leave? No one here knows where you went, or why, or how long it took you to get there. And while I do now believe that I have tracked you down, you are still so very far away from me, as I sit here in The Anxious Clown restaurant, watching the rain lash against the icy surface of Lake Lachrymose. You remember me telling you about Lake Lachrymose, don't you? I believe you have a photo of me sitting there with my siblings.

I await your reply with baited breath.

Ever faithfully,

Violet Baudelaire

The World Is Quiet Here

Violet lifted her pen from the page and wiped a tear from her cheek as she stared at the many lines of writing. Somehow, it seemed so inadequate, so empty of everything she wanted to say. She had so many questions she wanted to ask Quigley that she could not possibly write in her letter for fear of interception or just for fear of running out of paper.

Violet heard the squeak of plastic trainers against the gleaming floor and looked up to see the same waiter that had served her last time she was forced to eat here. He wore the same name tag, faded now, but still bearing the inscription 'Larry'. He wore the same grin on his face and had a remarkably similar notebook in his hand to the one he had had last time; either he had bought a new one, or business had been very slow.

But there was one thing that had changed. Larry's eyes were wider and darker, and seemed terribly grim and sad. Violet found herself staring at him, shocked by how much he seemed to have changed.

'May I help you?'

Violet looked at him blankly for a second more before suddenly starting, and replying quickly, 'Just a lemonade, please. I don't feel very hungry.'

'I didn't realise this was a sad occasion.'

Violet froze. There it was again, that phrase she now knew by heart. Slowly, Violet looked back up at Larry, and, hardly thinking what she was doing, she said, 'The world is quiet here.'

There we are. I quite enjoyed that...:)


Tabs :D