Oh my gosh, how long has it been? I am SO sorry, My life is hectic. Any way... The next chapter...Obsessions! A few sexual references, just Emmett nothing major. The cullens get into trouble, and decide to pass time with a game of... well You'll see! oh! And also disclaimer!
Me: Hi! I'm Minn-
Steph Meyer: No you cannot own Twilight.
Me: But wwhhyy?
S.M: cos you're not awesome enough. *walks away*
So yeah, I obviously don't own Twilight; otherwise I'd be filthy rich.
Bella's POV
Oh brother, Carlisle is calling another 'Family conference'. That's a guarantee that a good time will be had by all. Not. Edward drove us to the Cullen's house *cough-mansion-cough* in his beloved Volvo. When we arrived, Edward helped me out of the car and stroked the glossy silver paint before closing the door. I swear he loves that car almost as much as me sometimes!
"Bella!" Alice threw herself at me as soon as my feet were through the door.
"Hey, Shawty!" I said, earning a glare from Alice and a booming laugh from Emmett.
"Hey lil' sis!" Emmett pulled me into a rib-cracking hug.
"Hey- Em- Can I- Breathe-Yet?" I choked out. Emmett released me, chuckling.
"Bella! It's been too long since your last visit!" Esme cried, pulling me into another hug.
"Well, you're always welcome here Bella." Carlisle said warmly. " But now, we need to talk."
We all sat down on the pristine white couches before Carlisle started speaking.
"It has come to my attention that all of you, not including Bella, have some rather unhealthy... obsessions. For instance, Emmett, what did you do today?"
"UH...Had sex with Rose." Emmett replied.
"Sex with Rose..."
"Ok,Ok, I get the point!"
"And Edward, yes, YOU Edward, have your obsessions. Like your Volvo, for instance. You've washed it nine times this week... and your C.D.s as well. Alice, with her shopping, buying out several stores a day on average, and even trying to buy Forks for a day. Rosalie and her mirrors and makeup, for crying out loud you're a vampire, you're already perfect! Jasper... Um... stop sending waves of forgetfulness! You and your Emo stuff. The screamo music and all black outfits have to go. All of you will be going one week without your obsessions. Alice, turn in your credit cards and fill jasper's closet with fluoro coloured stuff. Edward, turn in your keys to the Volvo. Rose, your mirrors and makeup, please. And Emmett, You and rose will be in separate parts of the house for this one. Esme, could you gather Edward's C.D.s for me? yes. All of them." Carlisle ordered.
Edward looked like a kid someone told that Santa wasn't real. Emmett and Rose looked shocked. Alice was pouting. Jasper looked... Pained. Edward took my hand and turned towards the garage, me in tow, and suddenly realised he didn't have a car anymore.
"How am I supposed to get Bella home?" He demanded.
"Run. Duh." Alice said, still angry.
So we ran.
Edward was there when I woke up, smiling at me from my creaky old rocking chair.
"Good morning, sunshine." He whispered.
"Get your butt over here so I can kiss you," I demanded. He shook his head defiantly, smiling.
"Make me." He said.
"That can be arranged," I answered. I jumped out of bed and leapt at the place he had once been. He suddenly reappeared on the other side of the room. I giggled. I chased him again, still in my pyjamas, ( hey, what the hell, it's Saturday!) and ran out the door. I raced down the stairs after him.
I stood next to the couch, looking around for him. He was nowhere to be seen. I crept forward a few inches. Suddenly, a white-and-bronze blur knocked me onto the couch; I was having a fit of giggles by then. He was propped up by his arms above me, grinning. I suddenly grabbed his face and kissed him.
"Gotcha." I whispered.
Edward started tickling me, not fighting fair. He knew I was ticklish! Grr! I was laughing so hard by then it was hard to breathe, but I didn't care. He picked me up bridal-style and carried me into the dining room. I loved Saturdays; he was always in a good mood.
"I thought you'd take losing the Volvo a bit differently," I commented.
"Well, I figured I could spend the time I usually spent with my Volvo with you." He answered.
Awww! Sweet! I wondered what else we could get up to today.
Edward moved to the kitchen. I followed him.
"What are you doing?" I wondered aloud.
"Breakfast. Of course." He answered, touching my nose with his index finger.
Edward started zooming around the kitchen, making a feast. He put down a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, English muffins, and fried tomatoes, and a glass of orange juice in front of me.
"Wow!" I said.
Edward did my favourite crooked smile as I scarfed down my food- Probably the best I'd ever had- and stood up. I had a shower, and got dressed in black skinny jeans and a basic dark blue long-sleeved shirt. I trotted downstairs.
"Let's go!" Edward said, taking my hand and flinging me onto his back.
We ran for about two minutes, and I dropped off his back when we got to the house.
I was slightly shocked at the sight that met my eyes.
Alice was on the couch watching the shopping network, looking longingly at the cashmere sweaters and citizens 4 humanity jeans. Emmet was actually READING A BOOK, something I hadn't seen him do... EVER. Rosalie was just sitting there, looking like she would kill for some Elizabeth Arden right now, And Jasper was sitting in the corner of the living room, whimpering, "Colour...too much colour... no black...I need screamo..." to himself. I wondered why Edward was so happy if the rest where miserable. Well, at least they don't really need the stuff they were banned from.
"Um... hi guys!" I said in an attempted cheerful voice.
No-one was fooled.
"Hey Bella" Alice said half-heartedly. Jasper just whimpered.
"Be careful Bella, Emmett is making up for his loss of sex in pranks." Rosalie warned me.
"Great," I groaned.
I plopped onto the couch next to Alice. I hugged her shoulders. She groaned.
"Carlisle, its only sixty-nine ninety nine! I can't just sit here!"
"Oh yes you can, and you will!" Carlisle called back.
I stood up and padded into the kitchen. It was lunchtime, so I opened the cupboard doors to find row upon row of tinned food... without ANY labels.crap.
I picked out a random can and spooned it into a bowl. There was what looked like slime in the bowl...It looked like... I had no idea. I tried a spoonful ... and recognised the disgusting taste of oysters. I threw up in the sink. Edward came running in.
"love, what on earth is wrong?" he asked worriedly.
"Stupid cans with no labels." I muttered when I was done throwing up.
"EMMETTT!" Edward yelled.
I could hear the noises of a brawl upstairs now, And I walked up to watch.
Emmett was on the ground with Edward on top of him. His arms where twisted behind his back. I laughed, and so did Emmett.
"Enjoy the oysters?" he asked.
I scowled at him. I wandered into Edward's room, it was thunder storming outside. The dark black clouds swirled in the sky. I watched the lighting from Edward's all-glass wall. I browsed through his never-ending collection of music, picking out my favourite Coldplay album and putting it on. The soothing sounds of Viva la Vida rang through the room. I picked out Wuthering Heights from his equally massive bookshelf, and settled on the white leather couch to read.
After a few minutes, the usual cold arms circled me, and I leaned into them.
"Ever been dancing in a thunderstorm before?" he whispered in my ear, his breath tickling my ear.
"No, but I daresay you are going to take me." I said.
"Correct" he said. We zoomed outside, the clouds closer now, and ran to the meadow where I first saw the wonder that was Edward in the sun. It was spitting slightly now.
"May I have this dance, Miss Swan?" he asked, with a perfect British accent.
"Of course, Mr Cullen," I answered. (A/N just imagine 'The lion fell in love with the lamb' playing in the background.)
As soon as I took his hand, it started pouring rain. I didn't care, this moment was perfect, and nothing could ruin it. It was just me and Edward, alone in the world, no-one else existed. We spun around the drenched meadow, twirling under the black storm clouds. As we reached the edge of the forest, Edward leaned down to kiss me...
At the same time Emmett hurtled through the woods in full Viking gear, brandishing a wooden sword. I groaned.
"Well, we're all going back to the house to play truth and dare. Get your asses back to the house pronto!" Emmett said loudly. Edward told me about the last time the Cullen's played truth or dare. It involved telling the Queen of Spain to kiss Emmett's ass and being on the run until she died. Cheap thrills, Emmett had called it.
We ran back to the house. Alice pulled us inside and we all sat in a circle.
"Me first!"Alice trilled. "Truth or dare, Emmett?"
Emmett chose dare.
"I dare you, Emmett, to think the dirtiest things you can to Edward."
Edward groaned, and Emmett stared very hard at Edward.
"Uh, MY MIND! IT BURNS! AHHH!" Edward cried.
Everyone except Edward laughed.
"Me next!" proclaimed Emmett. Jasper, truth or dare?"
"Dare!" Jasper said.
"I dare... Bella... to kiss Jasper!"
Oh crap!
"Emmett!" Jasper, Alice, Edward, and I whined.
"Do it!" Emmett urged. So I scooted over to Jasper and kissed his cheek. I blushed.
"on the lips." Emmett repeated grimly.
Jasper leant in, Obviously wanting to get this over with. I wasn't offended; I felt exactly the same way and he knew it. He pecked my lips quickly, then sat up straight again. I blushed harder and leant into Edward. It was Rose's turn now.
"truth or dare, Edward?"
"I dare Edward," she said ominously," to receive a ten minute makeover from Alice."
Edward groaned while Alice whooped. They ran upstairs and came back down in ten minutes.
"That's the most hair gel I've ever seen in my life," Edward commented, after coming back downstairs wearing guyliner and a bomber jacket.
It was Edward's turn.
"Emmett, truth or dare?"
"I dare Emmett... to tear up Esme's entire favourite tulip patch."
Emmett groaned, and was back two seconds later with dirt all over his hands.
Japer's turn came. " Bella, truth or dare?" he asked calmly, with some mischief in his voice.
"Truth." I said. The possibilities were horrible for dare.
"Have you ever broken anything of Edward's?"
"Yes, A bee gees C.D. I think." I replied, looking at Edward. I swear I heard him growl.
My turn! "Emmet, Truth ot Dare?"
"dare, duh!"
"Emmet, I dare you to speak with a Jamaican accent for a few turns."
"WOOO!' Emmett whooped. "Sure, Mon!"
We all giggled at Emmet.
"Edward, brah, truth or dar mon?"
Edward sighed. "Truth."
"Aw, yah party pooper mon! Have yah ever kissed a guy?"
"Uh..." Was all Edward said. Every one gasped.
"Well Mike Newton forced himself on me in tenth grade, that's all."
Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief, and I turned to Alice.
"Alice, truth or dare?" I asked, deliberately changing decisions.
"UH...Dare?" she asked.
"I dare you, Mary Alice Brandon, to eat an entire happy meal."
Alice groaned, and zoomed out of the room. She came back ten minutes later with a happy meal box in her hands. She sat down and slowly started eating, gagging a little.
"You will pay!" she choked out.
I shuddered as she finished the McDonalds, Rose turned to Edward.
"truth or dare Eddikins?" she asked sweetly.
"Dare...'" Rose must be blocking.
"I dare you to go to Jessica's house, get down on one knee, and say that you dumped Bella and that she is the true love of your life. On the first date, you must tell her that it was all a dare and kiss a waiting Bella (very passionately) outside before getting into a getaway car. Any questions?"
"No." Edward sighed. He wasn't going to enjoy this.
"Do I have to?"I whimpered. If I could throw up, I would be puking my guts up now.
"Yes!" Rosalie hissed. "No chicken!"
I shuddered and got out of the car. I walked to Jessica's front door and rang the bell.
"Hello?" Jessica opened the door. Great.
"Jessica, you are the love of my existence. " I lied through my teeth. " I dumped Bella to be with you. She was a ploy to make you jealous, and I would be honoured if you would go out with me tonight." I was on one knee by then.
"OH MY GOD! I'LL GO GET READY! GIVE ME THREE SECONDS!" Jess squealed, looking like she was about to pee herself. She dashed into the house.
She came back ten minutes later with her hair curled and a green floaty dress on. I couldn't help thinking how good that dress would look on Bella. We got into the Volvo and sped towards Chez Monee for dinner. We arrived and I asked for the reservation under 'Cullen'. There was no reservation, so I slipped the poor reception guy a thousand bucks for a nice private table. Alone with Jessica... ugh! We sat and ordered some food. Jess got lobster bisque and I got soup. I wouldn't be eating anyway, although I would have to pretend. The last thing we need is Jess finding out about us.
"So, Edward!" Jess purred. "What happened with Bella?" she sneered out my angel's name. I almost growled. Shut the hell up, Edward! A voice in my head told me.
"She got very... clingy... and needy. So we broke." I answered, in monotone,
Well, good thing too! The girl isn't even pretty, no wonder he broke up with her. Oh my God, Lauren is going to DIE! And did he slip that waiter some money? It looked like hundreds! I wonder...
I tried to tune out Her thoughts and focused on my families' thoughts.
Okay Edward, Just a few more minutes of flirting, then go for a kiss. Then, just before she kisses, run out here and make sure she follows! Rose thought. I was going to think up the worst dare for her.
I chatted and flirted for what seemed like hours, and she leaned in slightly. I leaned in too, encouraging her. Just a little closer... there!
I abruptly ran from the table, her following. I ran out of the restaurant and into the arms of my waiting Bella. We kissed extremely passionately and jumped into our getaway car. I didn't even glance back at Jessica.
Okay, Rose, look out!
Okayz went a bit off the whole obsessions theme but WHATEVER! This story is back, baby! TTYL from Jamie