This is dedicated to Rein-Kun lol! Here you is meh love! lol oh and to StandingOnTheRooftops I luffles you all! MWHAHAHAAHA! READ AND REVIEW! I Demand it of you! bwhahahaha! *cough choke die*

Green Amusement - TheManBehind-TheJokersMask

Trowa chocked on a snicker as he walked into the kitchen. Quatre stood in the middle of their kitchen, surrounded by a mess, yelling at their oven.

"You stupid, useless piece of machinary!" Quatre hissed.

Trowa snorted into his hand as he watched his little blonde slam down the burnt cake, glaring at the oven heatedly. "Stupid piece of-" He shouted and threw the plastic spatula at it.

Trowa leaned against the door frame watching his blonde walk around muttering and attempting to clean up the large mess he had created. His movements were jerky and harsh.

Without realizing it, he let out a loud snort. The blonde turned to him, glaring heated daggers. "What in the hell are *you* laughing at?"

Trowa jumped slightly, biting his cheek on his laughter. "Uhm." He snorted again accidentally.

"It is *not* funny!" Quatre shouted, stamping his foot, face turning red.

"Quatre." Trowa stepped forward.

"That-that *thing*" He hissed, pointing at the oven. "*ruined* Duo's birthday cake!" Quatre cried, thrusting his apron at the oven. "And it is *not* funny!"

Trowa chuckled, moving to stand in front of Quatre. "Love, it is. It really is."

"No." Quatre hissed, glaring up at Trowa. "It isn't!"

Trowa raised his hand, wiping a smudge of chocolate from Quatre's cheek. He licked it from his finger. "Angel." He murmured. "Look around you."

Quatre glanced around quickly and let out a weary chuckle. "You're right. It is."

Trowa's green eyes shown with amusement. "See." He said playfully. He bent and finished licking the chocolate mix from Quatre's cheek. When he pulled back he could saw teal eyes glitter. "Good cake."

Quatre laughed at the amused gleam in the pilots green orbs. "Oh Trowa."

Trowa snorted. "Come on, lets clean up." He moved past Quatre to the oven, picking up the used, dirty apron. "Then I'll, personally, help you make a new cake."

Quatre gave a frustrated sigh. "Alright."

Trowa smirked and poked Quatre on the nose with a chocolate covered finger.

"Trowa~" Quatre whined, moving to wipe it off. Trowa caught the hand and pushed Quatre back into the counter. His breath caught when he saw the heavy gleam of amusement in Green orbs.

"I win." Trowa murmured gleefully.

"Tro-" Quatre squawked as Trowa's tongue darted out and swiped over his nose. "Bastard. "Quatre hissed, glaring into his lovers amused eyes. "You're enjoying this to much."

"Naturally." Trowa laughed.


Here it is! the second ever typed fic in the Color Collection series! LOL stay tuned for the next volume...whenever that will be *walks off muttering about how the stories aren't working with her*