Marticia Mayrod Capitol

I bite my lip as my stylists pluck at my eyebrows until they are sore.

"We are so lucky to get assigned to a Capitol tribute!" One of them says happily. I think her name is Alea. Either way, she's more altered then I am.

"Does that mean you're done?" I ask through clenched teeth. Sure I'm use to stuff like this, but not this much. A trim and a manicure, sure. Not the mega-waxing they are doing to me.

"Almost." the purple man, Barnabas, says. "Just a slight trim..." He pulls out the scissors and hacks at my hair so much I wouldn't be surprised if it was all gone by the time her was done.

"Marvelous! Aleana, go get Silk." The girl I forgot the name of nods to Aleana. Alea, Aleana, I was close. "We are going for the boldish sunny look. We absolutely loved your bold statement with your reaping outfit, so were going for something like it." Unknown girl explains. I fail to see what was so bold about that outfit, but I guess I started a trend.

Great, just what I needed. To start a trend in the Capitol before I die.

Just as Unknown girl paints my incredibly smooth big toe a bright but somehow still dull orange, the others walk in.

"He will be right here!" They practically sing. I giggle at how stupid they look and they beam at me, causing me to laugh even harder.

"Oh shoot! Get in the robe Marticia!" Barnabas gasps. They let me quickly change into my robe right before this Silk guy comes in.

Right at that moment, a pale man with strange gold tattoos makes his way in. His gold eyes look me up and down, and he gives a half smile before shooing the others. "This will look just fabulous on you!" He tells me before holding out a dress.

My eyes widen at the strange outfit. Its completely yellow, and has a belt with strange different colored round shapes on the waist. Silk laughs a high-pitched laugh and points at it.

"You're the sun! The center! Because we are the capitol, the center of the districts!" He hangs the dress up and I wonder why he had even taken it out in the first place. His hand gestures for me to go sit back down, and with a sigh of frustration I do. I watch as he walks over makeup brush held menacingly – at least in my world – in his hands.

Well wouldn't this be fun?

Crimson Breyor Capitol

I hold back a laugh as I see Marticia in her bright outfit. "You look 10." I notified her. She crossed her arms, which now had yellow orange and white swirls all over them, over her stomach.

"You look…" She trails off and frowns, and I grin. I knew I could pull the whole king-of-the-sun look off! "Bad." She finishes, and grins as if she had just won a million dollars.

"Well at least I'm not wearing a short, shapeless, baggy, yellow dress!" I shoot back. She shoots daggers at me, and I feel a smug smile spread across my face.

"Well its not like anyone will even see what I look like behind this weird eye mask thing." She mutters, as she messes with the yellow mask covering the area around her eyes, with orange spikes on the edge.

"Can you shut up about yourself and just agree that I look awesome?" I tell her as I look around the ground floor of the remake center. The 13 chariots are all ready, but no one is actually in them. The tributes are scattered around the area, at least everyone except Marticia and I.

"Me talking about myself? You have got to be kidding me! You're the one obsessing about how awesome you think you look!" She taps her foot on the ground and I resist the urge to laugh again. Instead, I decide to go meet up with the others. I know how the games work – I have to make friends. Alliances they are called. Yeah, I watched the shows. I had too, after all.

"I am not!" I tell her before deciding to walk about the others. A bit into it I realize that a lot of them were glaring at me. Why, were they jealous of my outfit? They should be – I know that as soon as I pass the tributes from 4. The girl looks like a little mermaid, and the boy a complete knock-off of me. And a very bad one at that.

I stop in my tracks as I see the prettiest girl ever – and she looks around my age! Excitedly I make my way over, finally tapping her on the shoulder to turn her away from the boy she is talking too. The boy who is now looking at me in disgust right this very moment. This annoys me – does it really make them that mad that I look better?

She smiles a bit at me. "Hi. I'm Melody! What's your name?"

"Crimson Breyor. I'm from the Capitol." I tell her, hoping she will be impressed by the fact I'm from the capitol. What girl wouldn't be?

"Oh…" She stammers, and then looks over to the boy. He shakes his head, and Melody bites her lip. "Well I have to go over there. We need to talk to Jayce. Right Kameron?" She says, her voice back t being happy.

"Yeah. So why don't you go do capitol things? Obsess over your hair or something." Kameron sneers at me. I glare at him. How dare he insult my hair!

"Kameron! Be nice!" Melody gasps, before heading off into a direction, probably to find Jayce.

Kameron stays behind though and looks me straight in the eyes. "Remember this. The Hunger Games are Games to the death. If I were you I wouldn't really expect to make it out alive." He says icily, enough to literally give me goose bumps. He turns around to follow Melody, and I feel my hands turn to fists. I was not going to let this guy intimidate me.

Jesse Gale District 4

As all the other tributes scatter, Rikki and I stay over by our Chariot.

"You ready?" I ask, mimicking what I had said before the reaping.

"Hardly. Why can't we go make alliances?" Rikki asked, and her eyes beg me to let her.

"You can go ahead. I'd rather not get pissed off by more tributes today." I tell her harshly, before taking off the having crown on my head and throwing it into the Chariot. I was actually just extremely nervous, which I know made me crabby. How was I supposed to get the courage to kiss her toward the end of the chariot ride again?

"That crown looks like it ways a ton!" She gasps, gesturing towards the crown I had just thrown.

"It does. Hey, do you really want to make alliances?" I ask her, knowing she does. I wasn't about to spoil it for her. I would never spoil anything for her. In these games I would most likely give my life for her

"Yeah…" She says, looking at me questioningly.

"Well, I'm just saying, Nan is over there. I like her." She gives me a strange look, and I feel a sudden hope that its jealousy.

"Okay. I like her too." She decides, before turning around to go talk to her. "You going to come over too?" She asks as she walks.

"Nah. I'll watch." I assure her, and then proceed to smile a she walks over. Maybe I would be able to make the time before the arena so good, that it could make up for the time I would lose by dying.

Now if only I knew how to get over my nervousness.

Jay Wilcox District 3

I look around the room, reading the expressions of all the other tributes. Trying to learn everything about them without actually talking to them. So far I knew that Jesse liked Rikki, and Rikki was kind of unsure whether she liked him back. My District partner would do anything to win, and the boy capitol tribute thought he was all that, the girl Capitol tribute didn't care whether she died, and Jack didn't want to be here.

I had learned a lot more, but I didn't know how long I could survive on my wits alone. What happened when I had to fight? Or if I was attacked? I wasn't able to hurt anyone. And what happened when I thought someone was watching me? I could give away y position by chasing after some imaginary creature.

"Jay, get in the Chariot." Roseabella's stern voice says, breaking into my thoughts. "We don't have all day here."

I frown and sigh, but get into the Chariot anyway. Roseabella smiles and follows me, sitting quietly before speaking. "I just wanted to get away from everyone to tell you stuff." She explains. "So far our alliance is Lilly, Luna, Samira, and then you and I. You got anyone else to add in?" She asks, and I nod in response. I don't trust her list of people at all, and I am beginning to wonder why anyone wanted Lilly. She seemed like a bit of an airhead to me.

"I like Rikki, Jesse, Nan, Wes, and Keiran. And Jack." I tell her, nodding as I said each word. "They look strong, and they are nice."

"Who cares about niceness? That doesn't matter in the games. What matters is winning! They wont win. And if you join them, neither will you." She spat at me. I resisted the urge to curl in fear, and instead stood up for them, despite my shaky voice.

"They have a better chance of winning then you. And even if I team up with you, you will kill my anyway. Won't you?" I tell her, my shaky voice dripping with anger.

"And if you team up with them you will die in the bloodbath." She shot back, her anger-filled tone matching mine.

"I bet not." I stated simply, my tone hopefully ending the conversation. The paranoia was back, and I kept seeing myself dying. Wherever I looked, I was being stabbed. Carved, Shot. Pushed. Drowned.

Only one thing remained the same.

I was dead.

Ahh another short chapter. And bad chapter. And LATE chapter! I am so sorry! I will try to update every weekend from now on, now that my headaches are gone. I haven't been the best, and now thee is school, and all that stuff that comes with it.

I hope no one minds that I didn't do the actual Chariots. In every story I read, that is the most uninteresting part to me and I always end up skipping it Soo…

Review! Tell me whose PoV's (That haven't been done in the train or Chariot chapter) you would like to see! Then you get a donut (: (_)

Training next!
