Disclaimer: I dont own any of the characters, ideas or places mentioned. All credit for these to Richelle Mead and Editors.

Summary: Same as Vampire Academy, simply from Demetri's point of view. While reading the story I couldnt stop thinking. Well what is he thinking right now? Like when they were leaving to go to the assembly and Rose "surprise attacked" him and they lay on the ground, Demetri above her. All his mysterious gazes just drove me batty!

Well anyways, let me know what you think. I probably wont continue unless I get at least a few comments. Even criticism is praised! I want to know what you think, good or bad!

Rate T for:


Some Sexual Content: Very little


I follow the sounds of the voices and catch sight of them from the second story window. A cat jumps through the window, shooting me a glance. Animals don't like dhampirs. And, to be frank, I don't like most animals. I hear a scream and thrashing from the room above. I peer in but hardly see in through the darkness.

"Liss," she yells. "Liss, wake up."

"Andre," Vasilisa moans, her screams stopping. "Oh God."

Rose comforts her softly, "Liss, you aren't there anymore. Wakeup."

No more speaking comes from the room at the moment. I stare at the window; I hear muffled voices but can't make out words. My partners stand behind me in the bushes. We were sent to fetch Princess Vasilisa Dragomir, and her friend that she fled the Academy with, Rose Hathaway. I hardly had time to settle into the Academy before they sanctioned me the Princesses guardian. Then they chose to tell me I must go find her. So, here I stand, peering in her window. I wait for her to come out for the night. Then I'll bring Rose and Vasilisa back to the Academy for punishment.

Suddenly a light flickers on in the room and I can see the two girls. They sit on a bed looking at each other. The cat jumps back into the room. It avoided Rose and crawled to Vasilisa, allowing her to pet it.

"When did we last do a feeding?" Rose asks Vasilisa. The vampire looks fragile. Her eyes dark and tired. How've they been feeding her? Do they random victims by force? Or perhaps they're human roommate is a donor. "It's been like . . . more than two days, hasn't it? Three? Why didn't you say anything?"

Three days! I'm bewildered. Whatever their means of feeding they let her go unfed for three entire days! No wonder she looks so under the weather.

Vasilisa avoids Roses gaze. Why is she embarrassed by her feeding? It's completely natural. "You were busy. I didn't want to-"

"Screw that," Rose interrupts. She moves around on the bed and the cats jumps away and climbs to the window. He looks at me again but I ignore him. "Come on. Let's do this."

"Rose-"Vasilisa interjects. What are they talking about? Do what? Is Vasilisa ashamed by feeding?

"Come on. It'll make you feel better."

I gasp as Rose tilts her head, baring her neck. This is why they don't feed regularly. Rose is offering Vasilisa her own blood. Vasilisa hardly hesitates and leans in revealing her fangs. By Rose's reaction she is obviously anticipating the rush from her venom. They have obviously exchanged before. And then Vasilisa bites, simple as that. She only drinks for a moment, then wipes her lips. Rose lies back on the bed, feeling the aftereffects.

"You okay?" Vasilisa asks.

"I . . . yeah, "Rose manages. "I just need to sleep it off. I'm fine."

Vasilisa looks concerned but stands. "I'm going to get you something to eat."

Rose doesn't protest and Vasilisa leaves. Rose sits up and looks to the cat on the window sill. The feline is looking down at me in the yard. He bares his teeth and puffs up in defense. Rose mutters something to the cat and stands beside him. She looks down and she sees me, standing there. I assume she sees me because she jumps back. I step back into the cover of the trees, gesturing for my comrades to follow.

I turn and leave. I pose a few people at the dead end of the street. I myself head down the other end and step into an alley. Rose was frightened; chances are-if history is to repeat itself- Rose and Vasilisa will try to flee. I will stand here; it's the only way they can go.

I stand there for a minute and wait. Sure enough, I begin to hear the sound of feet against the concrete. They come closer and closer and I step out. They stop instantly, rose nearly tumbling over. Rose pushes Vasilisa behind her and makes eye contact with me.

"Leave her alone," she warned me, "don't touch her."

I held out my hands, showing I had no weapons. "I'm not going to-I said taking a step forward. She turned around quickly and brought her foot up to kick me. I caught it and sent it back at her. She was slow from the venom in her veins and clumsy beside that. She began to fall toward the pavement and I reached out and righted her.

Blood trickled down the side of her neck, catching my attention. I stared at it. I've never heard of a Moroi and her- or his- guardian feeding. She noticed me looking at it and touched it. Then she shook her head and her hair fell to cover it. I tore my gaze and looked into her eyes. She looked back at me, frustrated and yanked her arm from my hand.

She backed into Vasilisa and the princess said quietly, "Rose, don't."

Rose didn't calm immediately but after a moment she became less defensive. I took this opportunity to introduce myself to Vasilisa. "My name is Demetri Belikov," I said bowing, "I've come to take you back to St. Vladimir's Academy, Princess.