When Tish and I we little we used to fight. We'd scream, pull each other's hair and tell each other we hated them. That's when mum taught me hate is a strong word and it was not to be used lightly.

So, Rose Tyler, because hate may be too strong a word I'll just say I really, really, really, don't like you.

A punch in the gut, that's what it felt like every time he mentioned her name. Everything I ever did for him was placed on the great big scale of all the wonderful things Rose had done and I just never quite measured up.

He took me to the same places as her. Of course, the time spent with me was far less enjoyable than the time he and Rose had together. Yes, they got to visit a fantastic space-age hospital; I got to visit a traffic jam. Ironic really, considering at the time I was training as a Doctor.

Why was Rose so special anyway? What did he see in her?

I only met her briefly and let me be the first to say she did not meet my expectations. Yes, I said she was wonderful – how could I not? From the moment I met the Doctor I knew not to mess with him. He would drop me like a hat if I did or said something to offend his dear sweet Rose. She was pretty, I won't deny her that. But I thought the Doctor would be interested in something with more substance. What did she have to offer him? She wasn't smart or particularly witty. And she may be kind but I know I am as well. When he was about to regenerate, I was over the moon I wasn't losing him. It was selfish of her to not want him to change. He just liked having a pretty blonde hanging on his every word... And he thinks Jack is bad! At least Jack cared enough to offer me a job and make sure I was okay. The Doctor pulled a few strings to get me into Unit but I more had to rely on my own merit... He wasn't that helpful! Now Rose she got left with her very own Doctor! He could love her, marry her and have babies with her! They could grow old together and live happily ever after. I'm happy now, I married Tom – but at the time I was fuming. Why was the Doctor never interested in me?

Oh the Doctor... I wish I knew his name. Calling him 'Doctor' has made the word completely redundant. And the more I think about it I don't think he even deserved the name: Doctors make you feel better but the majority of my time with him he made me feel small and insignificant. I was not as good as him, no comparison to Rose and he wasn't even sad to see me go, not really. Another thing, doctors are smart, and while he knew everything about everything he was so dense sometimes! How did he not know I liked him? So infuriating!

Now, I'm not ungrateful. In general the time I spent travelling was remarkable. I saw so many things and met so many interesting people... I loved seeing all of time and the universe with that infuriating but wonderful man. Yes, of course I thought he was wonderful, and I was completely in love with him. Why did I love him again? He was arrogant, he was childish...

Now Tom, he's a real doctor. He's my doctor.

Maybe it's not Rose's fault...Maybe the Doctor isn't even worth it!

Love is a strong word: Doctor, maybe I really just liked you?

This really is a load of old drivel!
I was given the prompt


"hate is a strong word, but I really, really, really don't like you" - Hate by Plain White T's.

From the TARDIS community lucky number challenge and it really was the best I could do!

At least I got in a bit of drose bashing ;)

And I'd just like to recommend the TARDIS com as they need more members!
It's very good and great to get little ideas if you have writers block!
The URL is:
forum . fanfiction . net / forum / The _ TARDIS / 76967 /

(without spaces)