Today is Thursday December 16th 2010

Midnight… And not sleepy at all.

WARNING: Yaoi, lots and lots of beautiful yaoi.

Secret, We Have One

Chapter three: Creepy method

Tuesday, 3:01 pm, at work at the Kaiba's, washing dishes while I talk with Mrs. Kaiba about when I was a kid.

"You and Seto used to sleep together hugging. You were so cute. Seto always hugged you like if protecting you."

"We still sleep together…" I mumbled to myself.

"You said something?"

"Oh, I said that it's a little embarrassing." She has a good ear. I shouldn't be whispering about my private life with Seto when she's around.

"I'm home!"

"Hi Honey." Mrs. Kaiba kissed his son.

"I bought ice cream. Here you go, and here." He gave both his mom and me an ice cream cone.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Well, now that you're here, your laundry is done. Fold it and put it away."

Seto glanced at his mother. "No."

"The day he turned 18 he stopped listening to me. He became oblivious to my nagging existence."

"I did not. I bought you ice cream didn't I?"

She chuckled. "That doesn't count much." She went upstairs leaving me in the kitchen and Seto went into the living room next to the kitchen to work on his computer.

I think she's going to pick up Seto's little brother at soccer practice in a while. Today I got out of school early because of the Health Promoting Festival that's being held in campus. I already cleaned all of the four bathrooms and now I'm cleaning the counters while- Fucking Seto!

He just passed by to get a glass of water and he spanked me, only because his mother isn't present. He always takes advantage of these situations. As I glared at him he chuckled and whispered. "We both know you-"

"Guys, I'm going to go pick up Mokuba from practice and grocery shopping as well. Be back in an hour more or less."

If Seto would of have done that just a second later, his mother would have seen us, not to mention if he wasn't whispering that last phrase she would of have overheard us and who knows what would of have said.

"Bye mom."

"Good Bye Ma'am."

While I was still putting away the dishes Seto leaned over the counter and looked outside the window. The second his mother was out of sight he turned around.

"Like I was saying, we both know you love it when I touch your ass."

"Shove it Seto."

"The last time I saw you and kissed you was last Thursday. I've missed you so much; I even brought you your favorite ice cream flavor."

"Chocolate Mint? That's your favorite flavor."

"Yeah I know. This is your favorite flavor." He showed me an ice cream cone with one and a half scoop of Pistachio flavor ice cream on top.


"Want some?" He took some steps toward me and then with his tongue he circled the ice cream.

I just looked at him as he got closer. Me being exactly between the kitchen counter and his harassing gaze, I was unable to move. "Let's have some fun."

He leaned over and placed his left hand on the counter's edge while holding with his right hand the ice cream cone. His hips pushed on mine and his lips were just next to my left ear. "You look so fucking sexy when you're puzzled by my actions." He nibbled on my ear until I blushed then he began to kiss all the way down my neck planting small kisses here and there stopping just before my collar bone.

"May I?"

"As near to my nape as you can."

"Of course, we don't want any evidence about our misbehavior."

You may be wondering two things by now.

One: Why is it that I didn't just say no to Seto? The answer to that is a bit complicated. As his boyfriend I'm attracted to Seto both mentally and physically, of course not to mention the very compelling sexual need he engages me on. In other words I'm head over heels in love with him. And because of that I blindly say yes to almost everything he asks. Let me point out the almostin the last sentence, because there are some exceptions like throwing myself of a cliff, killing someone and whatnot. I know my limitations, but when it comes around to letting Seto or not leave me a hickey in my neck area, I just answer to my stupid sexual drive and say yes. But in the end I scold Seto for doing so and he tries to please me with apologizing.

Two: How in the world did you two end up together? Now that is an easy yet long explanation. But I know you have time, Mrs. Kaiba doesn't come back for an hour.

Let's go back five months ago when this whole affair started.


It all began one day when Seto, while working on his computer, he bluntly asked me, "Yami, are you dating someone?"

"What? Um, no not really. Single for the moment."

"Have you dated before?"

"Yes twice." And so the weird questions begin.

"When? Who?"

"Last year of Junior High, a girl name Anzu who moved to the USA a year after, and in fourth semester of High School a girl named Mana."

"It didn't work out?"

"Anzu dumped me for another guy and I dumped Mana because I was really not in love with her."

"So you prefer girls?"

"I guess. I've never actually dated a guy so I can't say I dislike them."

"Have you ever had crush on one?" Oh, just wait, it gets weirder.


"Would you date one?"

"I don't know. It all depends on the situation I guess."

"Do you currently have your eye on someone?"

"No." And just when we thought it wasn't going to get any weirder.

"Have you ever had sex?"

"Ok that's it! What's going on?"


"Then why in the hell are you questioning me about my private life? You find it funny or something?"

"I was just a bit curious."

"Seto." I took a deep breath. "We're friends and all, yes, but we aren't like best friends. I trust you, but if you want to get to know me more personally let's first start with the basics. In the meanwhile don't ask such personal questions."


After that, he began to talk to me more and more often; he would ask things like: How was your day? How have you been doing? How's school? Then our topic will change to the most recent movies, TV shows, events, etc. And one way or another we would end of talking about my likes and dislikes of this world.

While I cleaned he was always there to accompany me; when I was doing laundry he would help me with his clothes; when I was cleaning the kitchen he would sit in a chair next to me to talk; when I cleaned the bathrooms he would follow me around and sit wherever. From the moment he entered the household until the moment I left he was next to me talking. That persisted for two straight weeks.

Let me tell you, I'm not complaining. I loved his company and I found myself always making a fine conversation with Seto. In only two weeks I really became close with him.

But the real awkwardness started on the third week. Seto arrived home but immediately began working on his computer; it wasn't after an hour that I came to realize that he has been in the house for an hour. But that isn't the awkward part, the first occurrence was while I was cleaning the kitchen, he was constantly looking up from his computer screen and he would gaze at me for 10 seconds or so. After like the fourth gaze it really began to tick me off but I actually didn't do anything about it.

The next day I came in, Seto was already in the living room on his computer and I had to help Mrs. Kaiba clean out the basement. The entrance to it is just under the stairs, in between the kitchen and the living room. Seto would stare at me as I carried the stuff out of the basement, but the thing that disturbed me the most was when I leaned over to open some boxes. He bit his lower lip and was looking at my ass in a harassing way. I noticed the look and glared at him; he just blushed and looked away into his computer screen.

A normal person would have had enough with a single warning but Seto isn't a normal person. The next week on Tuesday he stared at me since the minute I stepped into the house. Actually he followed me upstairs when I was cleaning the bathrooms. But he didn't say a thing; he was just there outside looking at me. I couldn't say a word because his mother or Mokuba were around.

For my fortune, an hour before I had to leave Mrs. Kaiba went to the salon and Mokuba was in his room doing homework. I was sweeping the living room while Seto was preparing himself a sandwich in the kitchen. When he began to eat he turned on the TV but amazingly enough, his eyes were following me.

Don't you think it's creepy? Your friend all of a sudden starts looking at you like if there was a second head growing out of your neck. And the cherry on top, the occasional harassing look he gives me when I bend over. I felt like I was going to be eaten by him.

But my patience plunged down when I was about to leave the place.

"Tell you mother I'll see her on Thursday." I told Seto.

"Sure." He mumbled, and like a scanner, from head to toe, he examined with his eyes every curve on my body while I was still facing toward him, then looked me in the eye, bit his lip, blushed, looked away and sighed.

He has been staring at me all fucking day and in front of my face, not even trying to dissimulate it, he eats me with his eyes. That detonated the ticking bomb inside me.

"What the fucking hell is wrong with you?" He looked at me startled. "Am I growing a second head? Is there a giant talking zit on my face? Is there something wrong with me? Why are you staring at me?"

"Nothing's wrong with you, I just um…"

"Um what? Speak!"

"I- I just-"

"Man I've had it with you! You better stop looking at me like that or I'll act out of instinct and deform you fucking face!"

"Sorry, I just… I'm…"

"Speak damn it! You're so Urgh! You're always showing off your girlfriend, your great looks, your money, but when someone confronts you, you become frail, and dare I say it? It becomes evident that you don't even have enough down there to be even called a man."

"Sorry! I don't know about you but for me, this is the first time I've felt in love so deeply with a man! Let me tell you, it's weird to feel all lightheaded and hot every single time I see you. I didn't know what the hell to do! This is the first time I ever fall in love with someone that I don't know what he thinks about me! It's so complicated! You're there, in front of me, five steps away from me, but I can't just go and kiss you. It's not that simple." Tears began to build up under his beautiful blue eyes.

"You're… in love… with…"

"With you Yami. I'm in love with you." Seto stood up as tears finally run down his cheeks. "I want you to be my boyfriend, but… I guess I'm too much of a prick for you. I don't blame you, I am one. I'm arrogant, I'm self centered, and I'm a smart ass; I have way too many flaws to date" He closed his eyes and wiped of the tears "such a wonderful caring person like you." He looked at me directly in the eye.

I was speechless. You would have reacted the same way with a confession like his.

"If you excuse me, I'll be in my room." He ran toward the stairs, but just before disappearing out of my sight, he stopped. "If you never want to speak to me again, I'll understand."

And that is how I ended up knowing Seto's true feelings about me. He is such a drama queen. Though I don't fall far behind.

But how did we end up together? I think I went off topic a bit. But those were crucial details to your understanding of the following events between Seto and me.

Well, long story short, I didn't speak to Seto for about two weeks, but in those two weeks, the only thing roaming my mind was Seto's face and confession. I looked around all the possible angles and concluded that it wasn't a bad idea to date him. So stupidly enough on the third Tuesday since that happened, while Seto's mother was out to pick Mokuba up from soccer practice, Seto and I talked.

"Can I have a word with you Seto?" Like usual, he was on the living with his computer.

"…Sure" He hesitated.

"Everything you said the other day was true, right?"

"Yeah." He was avoiding all eye contact.

"Since then I haven't been able to get you out of my head and I've been thinking that-"

"Don't get my hopes up Yami. You haven't spoken to me for almost three weeks, you've been ignoring me and it's obvious to me that I'm not the perfect person for you. I'm not worth and-"

"Let's go on a date!"


"Let's go on a date, if everything goes fine I'll start dating you. I'll become your boyfriend. But if we fight or bicker all the time, we'll just… be friends okay?"

"I already told you, don't get my hopes up. Number one: I'm not worth your time. Number two: I'm already heartbroken enough; and number three-"

I kiss him on the cheek. "Please." Seto slowly moved his hand over to the cheek I just kissed. He glanced at me and I smiled. "Don't be so negative, you're an amazing guy and… I've got this feeling that something great is going to happen."


"Thank you."


And now, five months later I'm eating ice cream out of his mouth with four hickeys on my nape area while he messes up my hair with one hand and plays with my butt with the other, and both of my hands busy unbuttoning his shirt. And he didn't want to go on that first date, that by the way, it was the most-

A cell phone is ringing.


I hate it when he does that! Always when things start to get interesting, someone brilliantly calls and Seto leaves me with my body needing of him.

"Cereal? Yeah two boxes, but one is only half full." Oh, his mother.

Have you ever thought of a brilliant evil idea and looked at your prey while grinning with evilness?

I approached Seto from behind, held him tight from his abdomen and slowly slither my tongue all the way from his collar bone to his right ear.

"Ah-" He always moan when I do that. "Oh nothing mom, I just bumped my foot on a corner. Okay. Okay. Bye."

As he hangs up I take two steps away from him.

"You're dead." He grinned.

Hope you liked it, Review please!

Dragonlady222: Thank you, I am all better now.

Mochiusagi: cute? I thought it was a little on the perverted side, but I like you opinion better XP

JollyBigSis: Actually while trying to avoid his name I became confused at time because I repeated 'he' like a million times in one sentence. There is more Seto and Bakura foolishness coming your way! Thank you very much! And this was as fast as I could update.

Chetanlaiho: Schedule: Summer and winter breaks, the most updates. Spring break, one to three chapters. National Holidays… maybe.

Mr./Ms. Anonymous person: Next time at least leave a nickname so I can address you correctly. Please? Yep, Seto is a perv alright! Sex at the age of 17… who with… that detail will be revealed in the later chapters. Yep special. *evil laugh*