things will start picking up after this chapter! just keep reading...and reviewing. Who do you want Rose to end up with?

Lissa's POV:

This whole experience with a new type of vampire was so weird! Edward was drop dead gorgeous, and I was excited to meet more vampires that were supposedly going to be beautiful too. I was a little weary on how Christian would react if there was a vampire girl prettier than me. Well, I would just have to wait and see.

Honestly though, it wasn't a long wait. As I looked over I saw a black car and a yellow Porsche speeding towards us, I thought that there would be a police car on their trail. There wasn't though. The two cars stopped directly in front of us in the airport parking lot. I could barely see through the tinted windows, but I guessed that there would be Edward's family in the cars. The driver seat of both cars swung open and I saw two vampires emerge. A man came from the black car. His eyes were golden, just like Edward's and he was in his 20's maybe. His hair was blonde and his body was slender, yet muscular. With those features, and others, he was just as gorgeous as Edward.

Then there was a girl who got out of the Porsche. She was adorable! She had black hair like Christian, but hers was in a cute pixie-cut. She constantly smiled, and her outfit was one I could so picture myself wearing.

"Hi, I'm Alice." The girl spoke and then hugged each of us. She practically skipped to each person between hugs. Next the man spoke.

"And I am Carlisle." He walked to each of us and shook our hands. We all introduced ourselves as well, and then without further hesitation we all piled into one of the two cars. Rose and I went into the car with Alice and the boys went in the car with Carlisle.

"When we get to Forks, we just have to go shopping." Alice said. I looked over to Rose who was smiling towards me. Before the car accident, Rose and I would always go shopping together. "I saw this really cute mini dress that was purple. It would look so good on you, Lissa."

"Hmm. We should. I do need more clothes, since I left most of them at the academy." I said. Thinking of the St. Vladimir's made me feel longing. I knew that I had to help Rose though. She always put me before her. It was about time I helped her out. "Although, I think Rose needs more clothes than me." I said jokingly, elbowing her.

"So, why are you coming to Forks with Edward? I mean, I could see you all coming, but I didn't know why you were coming." Alice asked.

"This man…well you know him, I guess. He was the person who killed Bella. I used to love him…but now…now I have to kill him. It is what he would've wanted. Believe me…the state he is in right now, he would have hated it. He's kind of a killer…so I need to stop him. Of course though, everyone else came along to help." Rose gestured toward me and the other car which held everyone else.

"That is nice of you to do…I think…" Alice said smiling. Rose was about to say something, but then realization hit me.

"Wait, what did you mean by 'I could see you all coming?'" I asked Alice.

"Oh, well you know how Edward can read people's minds? Well I can see the future. Some vampires just end up with special powers." She said. I held in laughter, knowing that all of our moroi had a power. It may not be that special, but it is something.

"That's cool. Hey, I have a question." Rose asked.

"Yes?" said Alice.

"Why are you driving so f-ing fast?" Rose said. I had wondered this myself too. By now, we were already 20 minutes away from their house and hadn't got into any accidents.

"My kind of vampire is really fast, so our reflexes are too. This gives us enough time to respond in case we are about to crash. Quite handy actually….especially if you need to get to Italy really fast, so that you can save your brother who is about to commit suicide." Alice looked back at us and saw are confused expressions. "Oh sorry it's a long story." I shrugged along with Rose as the car drove into the woods. Suddenly we stopped at a huge house in the middle of the woods. The house was amazing. It had a lot of windows and was really modern looking, unlike St. Vladimirs.

"Here we are." Alice said throwing her arms out once out of the car. I knew that if you didn't count the war, this was going to be fun.

Rose's POV:

As I got out of the car I saw something fall from a tree. At first I was startled, but then I realized that it was one of Edward's "brothers". I didn't think my eyes could get any bigger after I saw the house…then I saw the guy. He was really built and had a dimpled face. His hair was slightly curly and brown. He was tall too. I was reconsidering dating when I saw him…but then another vampire came. She intertwined her fingers with his. I had to admit though, she was stunning too. She seemed around my age, and seemed most beautiful of all of them. Blonde hair- like Lissa's, and she was tall- unlike me. Past her beauty, her demeanor wasn't all that great. She acted almost shallow, which was much different than the man standing next to her. He seemed too fun loving to be with someone like her. She kind of reminded me of Mia, when I had hated her guts.

"Hey, I'm Emmett." The muscular guy came over to me and shook my hand as he gave me a dazzling smile. His hand was cold, yet somehow, warmth entered me from his touch.

"Rose." I said to him.

"Great, now we have two Roses." He said exasperated. At first I was confused but then the girl shook my hand and introduced herself as well.

"I'm Rosalie." She said dryly. I think I would be enjoying her company…

I watched everybody introduce themselves. It seemed that Adrian and Emmett had already taken a liking to each other. I could tell by the way they kept calling each other "dude". I wondered if Adrian would end up liking Rosalie. He always liked the pretty ones.

Already, I had also met another two more members of the family- Jasper and Esme. Jasper was kind of strange so I was sure him and Christian would get along. Esme was a very motherly type.

We all entered their house and sat down in their living room.

"So, you guys want an army?" Carlisle asked us.

"Well, it would be nice, but we don't want to put you in any trouble." I said.

"Nonsense. We love helping out. Plus, it isn't only you who wants this person destroyed. We do, as do the wolves." Carlisle glanced over at Edward. "You did tell them about the werewolves, right?"

"Yes." Edward said.

"Good. With all of these groups, there is no way this man will continue to live." Carlisle said.

"Well, technically Dimitri is not living. He's undead." I said. The room fell silent, and I regretted saying that.

"Just like us. Trust me, we have killed a lot of undead things in our lives…or whatever you wanna call them. We know how to deal with this." Emmett said. I found myself staring at him, and him staring back. I finally looked away.

"But Dimitri's different. He's not your normal undead person…well I guess no undead thing is normal. Dimitri is a killing machine. He was already super strong when he was living and he turning strigoi didn't really help." I said. The Cullen's stared at me confused. Explanation time! I told them all about our kind and how our government worked. I also told them how I knew Dimitri and what had happened to him. At the end of it Emmett spoke up.

"That's intense." The others nodded their head in agreement.

"I remember the Volturi saying something like how Dimitri seemed different to all of them. They said that it seemed like he had double everything regular strigoi have. Double the thirstiness for blood, double the strength, and double the speed. They also said how he could shield Jane's powers, which they normally can't do." Edward said.

"Oh my goodness." I glanced over to see Alice sitting on the stairs next to Jasper. She looked worried.

"That's what I saw before." She began. "I know why he's extra powerful." We all waited for the answer. "A few weeks ago I had a vision. There was a woman. She was one of our vampires and she had bit a man. He was Dimitri…"

"Does that mean that Dimitri is like a combination of strigoi and your vampire?" Lissa asked.

"I think so."

"So that is why he is killing a lot. He needs a lot of blood. We may need to reconsider this whole army thing. All of us could die if he is both 'cause, that would mean he is REALLY STRONG and REALLY FAST." Christian said. At that moment there was a round of cuss words that came from me, Adrian, and Emmett. Then followed laughter because of our bad potty mouths.

"So, shall we meet the wolves tomorrow? For now, I need to sleep." Lissa said.

"Certain-" Carlisle was cut off by someone's phone ringing. Then I found out that it was my phone. I looked at the caller I.D. and considered answering it. Reluctantly I did.

"Hey Jill. Can you make this quick?" I said a little annoyed.

"Oh, sure Rose! So I asked my dad if he can bring me to western Idaho for some secret magic lessons- which he is all for- and he said yes! Of course that's not really what I will be there for! You can pick me up and then I can help you! Oh I am so excited! Please, please let me come!" Jill begged. Once again I had to hold the phone away from my ear so that I didn't go deaf. Holding the phone away from my ear allowed the others to hear and I looked to each of them as to say- 'what should I tell her'?

"Just a second, Jill." I told her. I covered up the phone and talked to the group.

"What do you think I should tell her?"

"How old is she?" Esme asked.

"I don't know. Maybe 15?" I said.

"Then I think she is too young." Esme said.

"I think the more, the better." Jasper said. Some agreed with Esme, but more agreed with Jasper. I put the phone back near my ear and talked to Jill again.

"Alright. You can come, but if we don't think you are ready by the time the war goes on, then you are not participating. Got it?" I asked.

"Got it. I will be in Lewsiton at noon on Friday. Oh, and I almost forgot. I visited your room the day after you left and I found a note in the door. I haven't opened it, but I will bring it. It doesn't say who it is from on the envelope. It just says, Roza. Oh and there is a stamp on it…it looks like a Russia stamp. But anyway, I'll see you then! Tell everyone I said hi!" Then she hung up. I couldn't believe what she had mentioned about the note. It had to be Dimitri. The thought scared the shit out of me, and I didn't really know if I wanted to read it once she gave it to me.

"Well, I am sure you are all tired. We have two extra rooms each with two beds upstairs. You can sleep there for the night. The rest of us will be up all night if you need us." Carlisle said. We all headed up stairs and found our rooms. Rosalie kept glaring at me whenever we passed and I wanted to ask someone why she acted so mean towards me. Once everyone was settled in tonight, I walked down the hall. I could see television lights from each room. I grabbed a glass of water then knocked on the first door I found. I needed to know what was up with Rosalie. Hoping it wasn't her, someone opened the door I had knocked on. It was Emmett.

"Come in." Emmett opened the door wide for me and shut it behind him. I sat on the couch and thought about how I should word this. Emmett sat down on the couch across from me.

"Okay, why is Rosalie acting like a bitch to me?" It spilled out of my mouth before I could stop it. Emmett just laughed.

"Rosalie doesn't really like anything that's alive." He said.

"What? That makes no sense." I said.

"Well, it isn't that she doesn't like them. I guess she's just…jealous."

"Jealous? Why? She is beautiful."

"Yes, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't want a soul. You can be beautiful and have a soul. Take yourself for example." Emmett said. I blushed at him calling me pretty.

"So, she's…jealous of me?" I asked.

"I think so. She was always jealous of Bella. Rosalie had always wanted children, and she can't…but Bella could. Rosalie was jealous of Bella for that reason."

"Okay, good. I was really worried that I had done something wrong…but living isn't wrong so I have nothing to worry about. Are you upset about being undead?" I asked him

"Not really. There are things I miss…but I like this form a lot too. I was getting mauled by a bear when I turned vampire. Here's my mark." Emmett stuck out his arm and I sat beside him to get a better look at it. I held his arm with my hands and looked down at the fading vampire bite mark. The lines were red and it looked really painful. I rubbed my hand over the mark to feel it. There was a slight raise and-

Then Rosalie came in. It wasn't until then that I had realized how close I was to Emmett. Not to mention the fact that I was rubbing his arm. We immediately pulled away from each other.

"What's going on here?" she asked. Her fists clenched and Emmett came over to her and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"I was just showing her my bite mark. It's okay." He pointed to his bite mark and she relaxed, but not by much.

"You were lucky to survive that bear mauling." I said nonchalantly. I forced a yawn then said, "Well, I better get to bed. Big day tomorrow."

I walked out of the room and noticed her glaring at me worse than normal. Great first impression, Rose!