Danny Phantom was being dragged by Youngblood's lasso-hand. Thinking quickly, he sped up and few around and around Youngblood and his horse, binding the skeletal equestrian's legs together.

With a scream, the ghost and his horse plummeted, pulling Danny with them. They all landed on a rock below.

"No fair!" whined Youngblood, leaping up again. "You dog-tied my horse," he said, pointing to it.

"That's hog-tied," the skeleton corrected, lifting his head to look at his master.

"Who cares?" Danny said. He sat up, knelt and then shot over to his opponent. He grabbed Youngblood by the collar. "Why can't they see you?" he cried, his tone dripping in annoyance.

"Duh!" Youngblood made his eyes go crazy. "Why do you think I call myself Youngblood? Only the young can see me. Only kids!"

Danny's glare disappeared as he understood. "Wait a minute! On the sub, at school, at my house. I was the only kid there." He let go of Youngblood subconsciously.

Youngblood flew over to his horse and landed beside it.. "Well, that and your sister, who thinks she's a grown-up."

Something occurred to Danny. "That doesn't explain why Sam and Tucker couldn't see you. They've seen you before and they're just as childish as I am."

"Duh!" said Youngblood again. "It's a goof up. The writers of this episode probably wanted to add more mystery and they made a continuality error in the process. Your friends should have been able to see me when you were about to leave for your trip." He rolled up his rope as he divulged this information.

"Anyways, everybody thinks your crazy." He began to twirl his lasso. "Now get back there and prove it!" Youngblood threw his lasso and caught Danny round the middle. He swung him in a circle before letting go, causing Danny to careen towards the RV.