Chapter 1: Mitchie Arrives

A small cloud of dust lifted up into the air as my packed duffle bag hit the ground. I breathed in deeply as I took in the familiar sights of the docks and cabins. I smiled as fond memories assaulted my mind's eye.

"Mitchie Torres!" called out the familiar voice of the camp director and friend, Brown Cessario. I grinned warmly as he tackled me in a bear hug.

"Thanks for letting me come back!" I exclaimed. I backed away from him and looked back around my surroundings, "Nothing around here has changed a bit… including you."

"Hey!" he said in mock affront, "lots of things have changed, haven't you noticed the cabins roofs? New shingles! And this right here, I'm growing a goatee."

"Oh I'm sorry, your right, the shingles are fabulous," I answered, Brown smiled and gave a brief bark of laugher at my sarcasm.

"But seriously, thanks for teaching the voice lessons this year, we'd be lost without you," said Brown as he patted my back.

"It's going to be nice not having a curfew, I can finally take that midnight canoe trip I've always wanted too," I grinned in reply. Brown laughed again, before picking up my heavy duffle bag. With a teasing bow and hunched back from the weight of my duffle he pointed me in the direction of the instructor's cabins. My grin only widened, Brown never changed.

The camp director and I went way back, all the way until the time that I was a camper at Camp Rock myself. It also helped that I had dated his nephew for a few months back when I was 16. So I ran into Brown for every major holiday while I was still dating Shane; including Birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.

"Alright, here we are, your own personal cabin, complete with buck and… well you get a door," said Brown as he looked around the sparse settings that would be my room for the next 2 months. I pursed my lips as I looked at the bare walls, and pine needle covered ground. My eyes assessed the bed frame that looked like a company of mice had come in to have a dinner party and my bed had been the main course.

"Looks like this place needs a lot of sprucing up," I said as I glanced at the only redeeming point of the room, the mattress.

"Yeah, it's actually the only free personal cabin left this year," said Brown.

"Why?" I questioned.

"This year we have a record number of campers and so we've needed to hire more counselors and instructors to watch all the campers," explained Brown. I nodded my understanding and searched around the cabin, until my eyes caught on to something strange up above.

"Is that a birds nest in that corner," I asked as I looked up to the rafters and pointed to the offending decoration. Brown looked up and sent a regretful sideways glance towards me.

"No, no, Mitchie, stop being ridiculous," answered Brown. I gave him an incredulous look as we witnessed small bird heads look over the edge and began to chirp hungrily for food.

"Right," I answered sarcastically, with a roll of my eyes. I looked towards the walls and saw an army of ants descending into my room, with a fleet of flies buzzing steadily above us.

"Yeah, so anyway, this cabin wasn't been used in a year or so, so it's a little… run down," explained Brown while he dropped my duffle on the bed. With a horrific crrk the bed frame splintered and fell to pieces. The two of us jumped back, horrified as we watched the bed collapse on to the ground in a suffocating cloud of dust. Once the bed had fully collapsed and the dust settled Brown quickly seized my duffle from the ruins and turned toward me again a faint pink dusting his cheeks as he looked to me.

"So… now what?" I inquired as I raised an eyebrow. Brown draped the blue bag over his shoulder and walked toward the door with me trailing behind him.

"Looks like you get a roomie!" he said too enthusiastically for my tastes. I allowed my confusion and worry to show on my face for only a few moments and luckily Brown didn't notice. The truth was that even after 10 years I was a little on the shy side, and despite years of counter conditioning, I was weary of people on the first meeting.

"Who?" I asked in trepidation.

"You'll see," said Brown as he turned around, wiggling his eyebrows to make me laugh, before continuing on the path to some of the nearby surrounding cabins.

We traveled in silence while I tried to calm my anxiety by taking in the familiar sights of the lake and surrounding evergreen forest. Before long we arrived at a duplex cabin, and Brown approached one side of the cabin without knocking on the screen door he walked right in. I had to run to keep up with him and hastily sidestep the closing screen door before it hit me in the face. I turned to see Brown gingerly rest my duffle on the ground in the middle of two beds.

"You can stay here, I'll even give you first choice of beds. Choose quickly, I think that your roomie will be back any moment," persuaded Brown as he gave a nervous look over my shoulder towards the door. I looked around and noticed that beside one of the beds my roomie had already set up their things on the nightstand as well as made their bed.

"But my roomie is already all set up," I said, Brown nodded a devilish look on his face.

"The least I can do is give you the option of beds, I'm sure that he won't mind," Brown said with a shrug. My eyebrow rose, as my synapses processed what Brown let slip.

"He?" I interrogated.

"Oh come on Mitchie, you aren't teenagers anymore, I'm sure that you two can restrain yourselves by now," Brown said with a roll of his eyes, I laughed lightly at the look on his hopeful and unsure face.

"I'll just make sure to keep a bucket of cold water next to my bed, just in case, I am a great catch after all," I teased, eliciting a laugh from Brown as he spread out his arms in a question I fully understood. I shook my head as I approached Brown to confiscate the duffle resting at his feet and retired it to the unoccupied bed. I gently put it on the bed, slightly afraid that this bed would unravel too. From the way that Brown flinched away from the bed when my duffle's full weight rested on it, showed that he and I were imagining the same thing.

"Mitchie, your being no fun, I'm sure that…" Brown broke off. The squeaking of the screen door drew both of our attention to the man standing in the doorway. If I hadn't been so surprised at his appearance I would have laughed right away at the confusion and shock on his face.

"Brown? What's going on?" asked the dark haired man. I finally could no longer restrain the hilarity of the situation and broke out in laughter. Brown's nervous shuffling filled the room and the curly dark hair of my roomie only shook his head as a small smile graced his lips.

"Well, Mitchie, Nate, meet your new roommate," Brown said as a genuine smile light up his face.