I'm BAAAACK! And I want to get a few things straight.
Number 1: Every mythical creature in my stories has an opposite, as shown below.
-Mermaids and shape shifters. In my imaginary world, mermaids are half fish, half human, but they only turn into a mermaid once they touch water. Mermaids can control the weather and ocean currents. Like in Aquamarine, they can cause storms. I chose to put mermaids and shape shifters together because both creatures are neither all human, or all animal. A shape shifter can change shape, just as a mermaid can, and still retain some human qualities.
-Elves and Faeries (Bella). Elves, like I said in To Trust a Vampire, can create or diminish light, as well as plant life. With their plant control though, they cause it to grow or shrink, and can manipulate it to do their bidding such as making the vines trap a person, etc. Like in "Sky High", and that girl controls plant life? Ya, like that. Bella is the only faerie alive so you all know that she can control fire, water, earth, and air. Bella is different from mermaids with her water control as in she can take it from the air and can transform it and change its shape, change it into gas, liquid, solid, etc. Mermaids, like I said, can only make giant waves with the water already their. Bella controls water like in "Avatar: The Last Airbender." It will make sense in the story. Elves and faeries are opposites because they control the elements, and I include light and plant life as elements because plants produce oxygen, which is pretty much air.
-Humans and witches. Humans will not be involved in the battle because, well, they're human and don't have powers. Witches are sorta like vampires in that they have special abilities, but their powers are different, and witches aren't stronger or run any faster than a normal human. Witches in my story can fly, but their powers are powers that affect the body such as paralyzing, causing blindness, control their minds, cause immense pain, turn invisible, stuff like that. And their powers work on anything, whether it be human or mythical, alive or dead (affecting the dead is used only in controlling their minds and witches use mind control to control people like puppets). Humans and witches are opposites because they are almost exactly the same except that witches have powers. Witches are like anti-humans. Also, all witches in my story are girls.
-Vampire and (real) werewolves. Everybody already knows that the vampires in my story are exactly like the ones Stephanie Meyer has, and that I don't own an of them, and I also don't own any of the shape shifters (werewolves). Anyway, all werewolves in this story are boys, no girls. These werewolves, as described my Edward, change with the full moon and lose total control of themselves during the full moon. In this story though, the shape shifters can change whenever they want but they're not as tame as the Jacob and the others. Also, the real werewolves can't hear each others thoughts but they can talk in their wolf forms, just not during the full moon. During the full moon they are totally wild and can't control themselves. Ever since werewolf and vampire stories began, they have always been bitter rivals, as everybody knows. More vampires will be in this story, many of whom came as witnesses' in Breaking Dawn, such as Zafrina, Siobhan, Benjamin, the Denali's, Peter and Charlotte, etc.
Number 2: I don't have the entire plot of this story totally thought out yet, so I'd love to have some ideas and if your awesome at writing battle scenes, send me a message of one and I might use it in my story (with your permission of course).
Number 3: Like I said before, I desperately need names for mermaids, real werewolves, elves, and witches. I would love to use your guys' names for werewolves (guys only), and witches (girls only). I would really like to have light and airy names for elves, like from The Lord of the Rings. I can have mermen or mermaids or both, but I want your guys' opinions on whether there should be only girl merpeople or both male and female merpeople. Doesn't matter to me, but I want to make my readers happy with what they're reading.
Number 4: This has to go with number 3, but I don't need names for shape shifters because I will be using Jacob, Sam, Seth, Embry, etc, and I don't need names for vampires. Vampire names were already taken care of in Breaking Dawn.
Okay, so that's it for now, and man, that was a really long author's note/fact getter straighter. Wow. That right there was horrible grammar. Okay, so here's the full summary, and then the preface...
Bella is the happiest she's ever been. She has destroyed her past, threatening to kill her, but now her future looms ahead ominously, with more danger and tests in store for Bella and the Cullen's. While trying to unite all mythical creatures to destroy the Volturi and rid the world of such a great evil, she has to help plan her own wedding, and hopefully get married somewhere in the process of fulfilling the prophecy. Bella will be tested in ways that stretch her physically, mentally, and emotionally, and she finally cracks, releasing the Pheonix Power inside her. But will this immense power be enought to save her loved ones from danger? or will it not be enough to save the world? The destiny of many lies on the shoulders of Bella, but can she do it...
Considering how much danger and trials I've gone through in the past couple weeks, you'd think that I would be totally prepared to face my next challenge. But let me tell ya, I'm not even close to being ready for this. Stopping a fight between vampires and werewolves was a walk in the park. Trying to convince elves to join the cause even though they hated me was pickin' daisies. Learning that some witches and a few elves had joined the Volturi was getting chased by a tiny toy poodle. Actually beginning the battle, I'll admit, it was a little challenging, but nothing prepared me for what I saw in front of me. The sight I met when I found the Volturi broke me heart in a million pieces. I could deal with it if I was killed in this battle, but seeing Edward being tortured by Jane, well, that just broke me. I couldn't hear the gasps that the Cullen's and Sam's, well, now Jake's pack made behind me. I didn't even feel the light spears that the evil elves shot through me. I couldn't see the wounds that made me look like Swiss cheese. I couldn't smell the faint earthy smell from my blood. I didn't feel myself slowly getting weaker. No, I was filled with more fury, rage, and anger then I had ever felt before. Pulling out my crystal blade, I charged toward Jane's smirking little demonic face with only one thing on my mind: Revengeā¦
How's that for a Preface? I won't update for a couple weeks because I'm gonna write a few chapters first. Don't flip out if I don't update right away. I want to get a few chapters written and I CAN'T WRITE IF I DON'T HAVE NAMES! Until then, L8R!