Cammie Morgan woke up earlier than usual. Needless to say, her roommates were still fast asleep. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and glanced around the room, spotting to slip of evopaper immediately.

My Office, as soon as you get this. –Joe

Cameron hurriedly changed out of her pajamas and into her uniform before making her way to her Godfathers office.

"You're up early." Solomon greeted from behind his desk.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep and then I saw your note so…." She trailed off, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm going to cut straight to the point, Cam. The CIA has asked for help in finding nuclear weapons. If you accept, you'd be leaving in two days for Richmond, Virginia. Richmond High School's chemistry teacher is the subject. "

"I accept."

Joe met her gaze with a hardened stare, "There is no time limit for this mission, therefore I expect you to take your time and by no means are you to be any sort of sloppy. Do you understand me?"

"Yes Sir," Cammie replied, earning a nod from her teacher.

"I will have your cover drawn up this afternoon. You will be staying with two CIA agents acting as your parents. Also, I will be sending Zach with you, unaffiliated of course."

"I don't need a babysitter-" Cammie began to protest.

"Cameron, ach will not be your babysitter. You don't even have to say two words to him during the mission, but it does help to have a familiar face in new surroundings."


"This is non-negotiable, Cam. The Director asked for my two best students, ergo you and Mr. Goode. Any more questions?"

"No, sir."

The next moment the elevator gears began to grind signaling someone was on their way to Sub Level 1. Following silent cues from Solomon, Cammie hid herself amongst the shelves a moment before one Zachary Goode walked out of the elevator.

"You wished to see me?"

"Yes, take a seat."

The boy did as he was told, waiting calmly for his instructor to continue.

"The Director has asked for my two best students for a mission concerning Richmond High Schools Chemistry teacher and stolen weapons. I have chosen you and Ms. Morgan." Solomon paused, allowing for questions, but none came. "She is leaving in two days. You, however, will not leave for two weeks."

"What, that's not-" Zachary interjected, but was cut off by Mr. Solomon.

"Two new students at the same time would raise too much suspicion. The decision has already been made, so do not continue to argue with me. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good, I will have your cover drawn up this afternoon. You may go."

Zach rose from his chair, made his way to the elevator and back up to the main level of the mansion.

Cammie came out of hiding and took the seat next Zach had just occupied, "Can you not make Zach my cover boyfriend?" She elaborated.

Her godfather chuckled and gave her an amused glance, "Your mother asked me the same thing." He stood up from his chair, "You better get to breakfast."

Cammie took this as her exit and headed to the Grand Hall. As she was passing one of the Research and Development Laboratories, an arm shot out, grabbing her elbow and pulling her inside.

"Ok, Goode, this is getting really old," Cammie glared.

Zach smirked, "I'm guessing you spoke with Solomon this morning?"

"Yeah. Crazy, huh?"

"Nah, I've always known I was his best student."

"You are such an ass, Goode."

"Admit it, you dig me." Zach teased, leaning in slightly, causing Cammie to laugh.

"See you later," she murmured, breaking out of his grasp and taking off towards the dining hall before he could catch her.

Zachs POV

I can't believe Cammie and I are going on our first mission together! This will finally give me an opportunity to move out of the friend zone! If only she'd realize just how much I cared about her..

Third Person POV

"Where did you rush off to this morning?" Jonas asked Zach, as he sat down at the their table with his usual bowl of Cocoa Puffs.

"I had to take care of something." He shrugged, stealing a glance at Cammie standing in the omelet line.

"Dude, give it up. She put you in the friend zone for-ev-er ago!"

"Bite me, Newman. That's all gonna change real soon."

Grant and Jonas exchanged a look of pure amusement as the girls (Cammie, Liz, Bex, and Macey) walked up to them.

"We've opted to sit with you guys today, if you don't mind." Cammie smiled, sliding into her seat without waiting for a response.

"No, its cool. Cameron, how many times do I have to tell you that black olives are disgusting and should never be willingly consumed?" Grant commented in horror and watched as she took a bite containing at least two olives.

Cammie rolled her eyes, "Grant, stop being so picky. What are you going to do when you're stranded for weeks with only olives to survive on?"

Grant scoffed, "That would never happen, but if it did, I'd starve." This gave everyone at the table a laugh.

Cammie continued on with her breakfast, Jonas and Liz discussed numerous topics and homework problems, Bex and Grant talked about their favorite fighting techniques, Zach tried to read Cammie and figure out what she was thinking, but Macey saw through him. The senators daughter just sat there, taking everything all in: Liz's subtle blush, Bex's too obvious gestures and reactions, and Cammie's determination to not meet Zach's eyes.

The day passed along rather quickly, the six of them hurried off to Culture and Assimiliations, then P and E, and finally CoveOps. Joe Solomon taught an insightful lesson over how to tail a car while being ahead of it for an hour and half, boring everyone to almost tears. After dismissing the class, he asked for Cammie and Zach to remain. Once the other students had left, Joe procured to manila folders from his desk drawer, and passed them, respectively, to each of them.

"Read these and memorize them immediately. They are not to leave this room and once you hand them back to me, they will be destroyed."

Cammie opened her file and began commiting it to memory.

Morgan, Cameron Ann

Name: Allison Lane

Parents: James and Julie Lane (Agent Todd and Agent Links)

Hometown: Columbus, Ohio

Age: 17

Appearance: Blue eyes, Dark Brown hair, 5'7, athletic build

Hobbies: swimming, dancing, reading, meeting and hanging with friends

Mission: Discover if Mr. Henry is in possession of nuclear weapons, and if he does have them, where is he keeping them

Reason for leaving old school: James(father) got a new job

Zach eyed Cammie before opening his own folder,

Goode, Zachary James

Name: Lucas Donovan

Parent: Lucy Donovan (Father deceased)

Hometown: London, England

Age: 17

Appearance: Green eyes, dark brown hair, 6'2

Hobbies: soccer, football, baseball, flirting, and swimming

Reason for transferring: Lucy (Mother) got a new job

Cammie was the first to hand hers back, satisfied that she had retained all the information within it. She studied Zach as read over the last of his cover and saw him smirk.

Zach turned his over to Mr. Solomon as well, and they were dismissed. The entire time the two of them were in the elevator, he did not stop smirking. The elevator dinged and threw open its doors and Cammie finally couldn't take it any longer.

"Ok, what did yours say?" She inguired

"Oh, no. No, no, no. I'm not telling. No way. It's too good." He smirked.

"Come on, you can tell me." She pried.

"All I'm saying is I need to brush up on my British accent." He smiled and headed in the direction of his dorm, leaving Cammie alone to wonder just what he meant.

She sighed, knowing she would understand soon enough and headed back to her room as well. She managed to dodge her roommates' numerous questions as to why Solomon had kept them after class until it was time for dinner. Macey, Bex, and Liz all stated they were starving and insisted they go early, but Cammie, needing to pack, insisted they go without her and that she would catch up in a moment.

That was easier than I thought it would be,She said to herself as they exited the room. In the midst of her packing, there was a knock on the door. "It's open." Cammie called, stuffing clothes into her duffle bag.

"Hey, I just wanted to say good luck and to, uh, to give you these." Zach said, handing her a pack of orange tic tacs.

Cammie broke into a smile immediately, "Thank you. You saved me the trouble of having to get some myself. You must think it's silly, my crutch. I don't know why, but they're tic tacs. Alls have been, always will. I've just never done a mission without them."

Zach laughed, "It's no problem. Mine doesn't make much sense either, peanut m&ms? Totally random."

"Well whatever gets us through, I suppose."Cammie shrugged.

"Exactly." Zach said, shoving his hands into his pockets, "Just be careful, Cams."

"I will." She replied, standing up and walking towards him.

"See you in a few weeks."

"See you in a few weeks."

With that, they hugged, Zach left, and Cammie resumed packing. She tried to act as though everything was normal(as normal as it can be for a spy in training) when the girls came back from dinner, but she knew after tomorrow, her life would be anything but.