
I watched Edward and Bella crouch into fighting stances. Percy drew his sword and I drew my knife, excited and eager to fight Luke. Jacob stood menacingly beside Bella, his muscles rippling with apprehension (and yes, I was watching them) and Grover stood next to Percy, his reed pipes at the ready. We were ready.

I watched a flicker of fear cross over Luke's eyes, but the woman beside didn't look phased at all. Her hair flowed down her back, flaming red and curled slightly. She had feline features and I couldn't help but be intimidated.

I remembered a time when, if I saw that fear on Luke's scarred face, I would now I should be scared as well. However, this time, I smiled at his fear. Because I was causing it. And he deserved it.

Suddenly, I felt a presence behind me. The hair on the back of my neck stood up as I saw a smile cross Luke's face, pushing his scar up in an incredibly evil way. I turned slowly. My scream was caught in my throat as I looked at the hell hound breathing down our necks, literally. Its teeth were bared, the fangs taller than some of the eleven year olds at camp. "Drop them!" The woman cried.

We jumped at her sudden exclamation. "Drop your weapons!" Luke demanded. "Drop your weapons." He repeated.

I looked over at Percy. He stared at me and I could tell he was worried as well. Finally, I heard him drop Riptide to the floor. Grover followed with his reed pipes and I dropped my dagger as well. The hell hound began to pad forward, pushing us forward as well. Luke looked over at the girl and nodded. "Follow me," the women hissed. She winked at Luke and strutted down the hall.

"You think we're intimidated by that?" Edward cried, glaring at her and Luke. "We're made of stone! That thing doesn't scar e us."

"Daddy, Victoria knows that," I heard Renessme whisper.

The woman, Victoria, turned and nodded. "I do know," she whispered, smiling at us. "I bet this," she hissed, taking out a small lighter, "will intimidate you, Edward Cullen."

I glanced at Percy who met my eyes with confusion. Victoria flicked the lighter open, a small flame jumping the silver instrument. I saw the fire flicker in Edwards and Bella's eyes. Renessme looked terrified, clutching Bella's pant leg. Victoria sauntered over to them, waving the lighter carelessly. He brought it extremely close to Edwards pale face. He glared at her but tired to remain impassive. Bella stared at them in fear, biting her lip.

Finally she flipped the lighter close, cutting off the flame. "If you try anything," she said, menacingly. "This ends up somewhere you'd never want it too. Now follow me!" With that, he followed her as she began to walk back toward the prison. Bella followed him and Renessme, now clutching her mother's shirtsleeve, walked along beside her.

Percy followed them and Grover fell in line behind him. I was going to go along with him until I felt something rough cover my mouth, cutting off my scream. I was lifted off my feet into the arms of someone. I kicked and screamed, but Percy didn't turn or make any acknowledge that he'd even heard me. Then, as I continued fighting my bonds, I felt something heard smash over my head, causing me to go limp in my captor's arms.


I hit the bars with all my might. Anger coursed through my veins, turning my face red with rage. "Percy, it's useless." I heard Grover say from the other side of the cell we shared. I spun and turned to him. I could tell my face was livid because he backed against the wall at my sudden move.

I took a deep breath but couldn't stifle my fury. I fell to the ground, cradling my head in my hands. "They took her," I muttered to myself. "How dare they take her?" My mind raced while I considered what they were doing to my poor Annabeth right at this moment. What low would Luke sink to? What horrible things would he do? Could he possibly let himself live through hearing her scream?

"What's the background with you and…that guy?" Edward asked Grover from their cell across the aisle.

"Well," Grover began, glancing over at me before continuing, "A few years back I was leading Annabeth, Luke and another girl named Thaila to this camp that takes cares of kids like us, half bloods. It's called Camp Half Blood. We all became great friends on that trip. Especially Luke and Annabeth." I clenched my fists as he said this. "Well, a few years after we got to Camp, Luke…well, he turned bad. Like really bad. He turned his back on all the god's and half bloods. He's been trying to take out Percy for a while now and I guess they figured if they got Renessme he would take the bait."

"And I did," I hissed through gritted teeth. I took the stupid bait and had dragged Annabeth along to help. Sure, she'd offered but he should've realized Luke would want to get her back in his clutches once more.

Hours pasted as they sat in silence. I heard the vampires talking quietly in their cell but Grover and I didn't say anything. Suddenly, around what I guess was dinner time, I saw a figure open the door and trudge down the stairs. I shot to the bars and gripped them so hard my knuckles turned white.

"Where is she? What have you done with her?" I grabbed the boy's shirt through and bars and pulled him over to me. "Tell me!" I was so mad I didn't care that he didn't look older than twelve and was obviously a half-blood roped into all of this without much consent. He looked at me in fear.

"I-I brought you s-some food," he stuttered, gesturing to the tray now wedged in between his chest and the cells bars. I pushed him back, trying to control my anger somewhat. However, he ended up sprawled on the floor. Shaking with fear, the boy gave the tray to Grover and then passed a few bottles of blood over to Cullen's.

They had a guard at the outside of the door at all times with a flame thrower so they had no point of escaping.

Finally, he threw a few bags of McDonalds into Jacob's cell. "I'm surprised they didn't give him dog food." Edward muttered.

Once we'd eaten I curled up in the corner, my knees pulled to my face. I watched everyone fall asleep before me, except Edward and Bella. I closed my eyes and finally let myself cry. I'd wanted to for hours but I finally let myself do it.

Annabeth. My beautiful, sweet Annabeth. What have they done to you?


The first thought I had when I became conscious was how much my head hurt. My eyes fluttered open to find my arms bound behind me and a gag still covering my mouth. I was back in Luke's cabin. I sat in a chair, blinking at the sudden light.

Suddenly, I saw Victoria come into view. She smiled but it didn't reach her eyes. She reached around my head slowly. My eyes widened and I held my breath, sure she was going to snap my neck. However, all she did was rip the gag off my mouth. I took a deep breath of clean air, moving my tongue around. "Well, she's finally awake," she hissed.

"What do you plan to do with me?" I growled, staring up at her.

"Me? Nothing. Luke on the other hand…well, I'll let him talk to you. He'll be in a minute. He quite likes you, doesn't he?" I didn't answer. "Well, I have to go. Let me just give you a parting gift." All of a sudden, she swung out with her palm, slapping me hard across the jaw. I gasped, felling the multiple cuts I now had on the inside of my mouth. I couldn't touch it, but I had a feeling my jaw bone was now broken. Pain radiated like fire over my face. I stared up at her, blood dripping my pain filled mouth.

She smiled and walked to the door, slamming it closed behind her. I stared around the room, my mouth pounding with a sore pulse. I fingered around with my bonds, finding the knot. I fiddled with it for a few minutes until it was loose. I pulled with my feet and finally was able to free myself.

Standing, I walked around the room, looking for a way out. Suddenly, I saw something glinting on a table. Walking over to it, I gingerly held my cheek in my palm. I smiled as much as I could with my busted face when I saw my dagger sitting next to Grover's reed pipes and Riptide.

I pocketed their weapons and put my own dagger into my belt. I walked over to his bed and found it unmade. Luke. He never made his bed. It was then I saw a piece of paper lying on the floor beside the bed. I knelt over and picked it up. However, I gasped at what I saw, sitting on the bed in shock.

As I did, I heard the door open with a click. I looked up quickly and saw Luke standing in the doorway, staring at me. "Annabeth," he whispered, closing the door. I stood and fingered my dagger carefully. "Oh, Annabeth what happened to you?" He pointed generically at my face.

"You're girlfriend did it," I snapped, throwing the photograph onto the floor. "But why do you even care about that. Why don't you try to explain this?" I demanded, pointing down at it.

"Annabeth…you shouldn't have see that…it wasn't meant…no one," he stuttered.

"I think I should now if I have a stalker." I retorted, angrily.

"Annabeth, please. You're hurt; let me get you some ambrosia."

"Ambrosia isn't going to help!" I yelled back, throwing a cup I'd grabbed off the table across the room. When he didn't answer, I began to walk towards him. "How could you do that to me Luke? You were like the older brother I never had. And you…you ruined everything." Tears began to fall from my eyes.

"Annabeth…I never meant to hurt you. I had to do something. The Gods, they deserved punishment. Percy…he's in the way, he's been in the way for too long."

"He's trying to save us! Luke, if you raise Krono's they'll be a war. Many, many wars. People will die. Maybe I could die."

He was speechless. "I would never let that happen…" but his voice was doubtful.

"Let me go back to the prison." I demanded. "Let me go back to Percy."

"I need to keep you…y-you're our hostage."

"And whose idea was that? Victoria's?" I snarled.

He glared at me. "Annabeth, please just listen to me."

However, I wasn't going to listen. I drew my dagger and crouched in front of him. He glared at me and drew his own sword. "I don't want to hurt you, Annabeth."

"The feeling isn't mutual," I hissed. I stuck then with all the anger and pain that was building up inside of me. My dagger hit his sword and I pushed with so much force. He pushed harder, sending me backing up against the table.

He swung his sword once more, but I deflected it with my knife. We pushed our weapons together. As we did, I swung my legs out under his. He dropped to the ground, cursing under his breath. I ran for the door, kicking Luke in the head for good measure. He gasped and held his now bruising temple. I ran through the door, desperate to find my way back to the prison.

I burst down the stairs, knowing the prison was the bottom of the ship. I ran with all my might. I passed a ton of monsters but I didn't dwell on them. I couldn't hear them chasing me but I didn't care. I had to get to the prison; to Percy.

I finally found the door that we'd been pushed through previously. I looked for a guard but couldn't find one. All that was left was the door, which was propped open slightly. Confusion on my face, I peeked around the corner into the prison. Terrified, I stared at the sight unfolding before me.

Victoria stood outside the cell. Percy stood on the inside, clutching the bars tightly. "Where is she? What have you done to her?" Victoria laughed at his pleading.

"WHERE IS ANNABETH?" He screamed, groping at her shirt in desperation and fury. With extreme speed, Victoria lashed out with clawed hands, sending it slapping across Percy's face. I gasped and covered my mouth with my palms.

I looked back and saw Percy stand again, blood creeping from his mouth, like mine had. "Now you two match," Victoria sneered. Hearing this, Percy pounced at her once again.

"Where is she? Please!" His voice shook with pain and worry.

"You needn't worry about her anymore." She said, beginning to walk out of the prison.

"What does that mean?" Percy asked, terror crossing his highly injured face.

"Because if Luke did his job, and I have no doubt he did…Annabeth is dead."