As we briskly walked down the alley ways I kept thinking, Why us? Who are these things that keep chasing things? I was scared, but I couldn't dare let Liam know. Liam's my brother and my only living relative. As we started to run down the cold alley ways I longed for the warm beds that we had in the orphanage. I looked over at Liam wondering if he was a cold as I was. I was only wearing a t-shirt and some jean shorts, but he was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt with a dark hoodie over it. As we walked he seemed to radiate darkness. Our matching red hair, however, ruined the image.

Suddenly, I heard a loud snarl from behind us. They're multiplying, I thought. I looked at Liam out of the corner of my eye. "What do we do?" He whispered. I looked around. Sometimes I loved being the eldest. Being the boss and all that; however right know, when you don't know what to do, it's really hard. Sometimes it felt like Liam was the older one even though he was a year younger.

"When we turn that corner, start running," I decided. He nodded and when we reached the corner we bolted. As we ran I knew they were right on our heels. As we ran I was only mildly aware of where we were going. Before I knew it we were on the high school campus. As we sprinted past the main building I knew if we cut across the football field we would be home free.

We were half way across the field when they caught us. Some had flown up to the lights and spotlighted us. One grabbed Liam and held him hard. I kicked the monster in the gut and grabbed Liam. I covered him with my body but one of them grabbed me. It slashed me across the face leaving long lines of red. Another punched me hard in the same spot. My blood curdling scream filled the bleachers. I looked over and found Liam lying on the ground. One of them went over to him and held him by his ankle and then clamped its claw into Liam's leg. Liam body tensed and then fell limp. Suddenly one of them picked me up, threw me high and let me fall with a splat. I felt my consciousness slipping away. I'm gonna die, I thought. Suddenly, I heard a flapping from above. I didn't have the strength to look up so I didn't know what it was. I didn't even know if Liam was okay. I heard someone yell from above. Suddenly, I felt cold hands grab me. They flung me over something large and with a thick coat. I ran it threw my hands. Not like dog fur but not like hair. Something tugged from the back of my mind. A memory. The memory of stables. It was horse hair! Suddenly, I heard something that sounded suspiciously like swords or knifes clashing. Coming from the same area I heard a boy shout, "Go! Start heading to New York. I'll catch up." There was a sense of urgency in his voice which made me nervous.

"But Percy!" A girl's voice came from behind me.

"Just go!" The boy called. The girl sighed but got the horse moving. I didn't know how we would ride from Chicago to New York all on a horse. Suddenly, I felt the ground escape from under me. I opened my eyes just a little and found myself probably a hundred feet above the ground. I felt my consciousness finally leaving and with that I was knocked out for good.

I woke to find myself in a soft bed facing a wooded wall. My head felt like I'd been out for weeks. I turned over and found myself facing Liam, who was in another bed. I shot up but soon realized I did it to fast. My head felt dizzy and I felt nauseas. Suddenly, a warm hand pushed me back down so I was on my back. When I looked to see who it was I found myself staring into the eyes of an old man. He wore a tweed jacket and grayish beard. His eyes were timeless and do deep I felt as if he were staring into my soul. "Calm down child," he said smiling, "I need to introduce myself. My name is Chiron."

I nodded looking around. "Where are we?" I asked.

"You'll find out soon enough," he said. "Can you walk?" I slowly got up, my head spinning. He helped me and then when I finally was able to stand I realized he was in a wheel chair. As we walked and well rolled outside I couldn't help but gasp.

Standing before us was probably a hundred acre valley. I could see buildings made with columns and painted in white like old Greek buildings. There was a whole rectangle of little cabins near a forest in the back and a huge hill to the right of the house I was at.

Suddenly, Chiron wheeled past me. "If you'll excuse me for a second," he said and grabbed a conch shell which lay on the banister of the porch that wrapped all the way around the house. He blew it making a long, deep, hollow sound echo through the whole valley.

Suddenly, from the side of the house two teens appeared. There was a girl and a boy who looked around sixteen or seventeen. The boy had thick black hair and wore an orange t-shirt, which read Camp Half-Blood on it, and jeans. The girl had long golden hair and a thick tan. She wore the same shirt as the boy but a pair of Capri's instead. She had gray eyes which almost scared me, until they turned sympathetic and ran toward me.

"Are you okay? What happened? Are you hurt?" Chiron smiled but pulled the girl off of me.

"She's fine but she needs rest."

The girl nodded and seated herself on the railing of the porch. "Has she been claimed?"

"And also what's her name?" The boy asked leaning beside the girl.

Chiron smiled at his curiosity and answered, "Coda here hasn't been claimed. Speaking of names, Coda this is Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase."

I nodded smiling but I was still confused. "Okay, what is going on?" I cried.

"You mean you don't know!" Annabeth exclaimed.

"Know what?" I asked annoyed.

"Okay," Percy said, "You know the Greek gods like Zeus, Poseidon, and Aphrodite?" I nodded. I'd heard about them a little at school. "Well they're real."

I let that sink in. "Really?" I asked. He nodded. Okay, I thought, I just got kidnapped by a bunch of mentally crazy people. They where still staring at me. "Okay," I said, "Thanks. I think I'll just go get my little brother and we'll just be on our way."

Chiron shook his head. "No child. We're not crazy."

Percy nodded then said, "And what I meant is that there are also monsters."

I gasped. "That explains it!" I cried. "My brother and I have been chased by these weird things all our lives."

Annabeth nodded, "That's what happens to a lot of half- bloods."

"What are half- bloods?" I asked.

"Simply someone who has a parent who is a Greek god and who's other parent is a mortal."

I nodded understanding. "How long have I been out anyway?"

"Three days," Percy said. "Your brother will probably be out for one more day. He got some poison on his leg but we treated it."

Suddenly, another conch horn sounded. "Time for dinner," Annabeth said. And with that they all started walking, hand in hand, toward a huge amphitheater on the other side of the clearing. I wondered how Chiron would make it but suddenly when I turned back to him I found myself facing a horse with Chiron's upper body on it.

He laughed at my face. "I get that reaction a lot. I am a centaur dear girl." I continued to stare as he trotted away to the amphitheater but soon ran after him. When we reached it I found 15 to 20 tables scattered along the floor and probably 100 to 200 kids sitting at them. They were mostly seated equally except for one. It had one plate of food at it and only Percy sat at it. I was confused but Chiron told me they were seated by their godly parent and Percy, being the son of Poseidon, didn't have any siblings. He also informed me I would be sitting at the Hermes table until I was determined.

So I got my food and sat at the edge of the table. I didn't like being part of everybody.

Suddenly, everyone started walking over to the fire. I did too, and found them honoring their parents. I pushed in some of my barbeque and whispered, Please tell me who you are? I walked back to the table and started eating my brisket.

I looked up for one second and realized everyone was staring at me. Someone gasped. I stood up staring down at myself but then realized they were staring at my head. I looked up and saw and shimmering trident hovering above me. I didn't know what to do until someone hissed, "She's the daughter of Poseidon!"