Before I begin my story I should explain some things that are different about my story then they are in the games. One, Kairi never went back to Destiny Island, read the story and it will make sense. Also, Sora and the others can only use magic when they use Wisdom and Master Form; it's too easy if they can just use Cure the moment someone gets hurt. And the story that happens in Birth by Sleep – never happened in my story, just go with it. I hope you enjoy my story.


We once were children, innocent in our mind. But as we age, some of us could gain the whole world, but lose our souls. And although at times we feel lost and neglected, we cannot forget…we are all connected.

CHAPTER 1: Radiant Garden

Sora, lead the way down the crooked back alley. His keyblade was gripped firmly in hand, glowing slightly in the dim light. He turned around when he heard footsteps coming up behind him.

"Sora, what's going on?" Riku said coming to stand next Sora, his bright teal eyes glancing down at his friend. "Shouldn't we go and see the King; he needed our help didn't he?"

It was true. Sora and Riku had just made it out of the realm of darkness when Kairi had found a message in a bottle. It was a letter from King Mickey. At the thought of the letter Sora pulled it out of his pocket. Opening the folded paper, Sora read the message for what must have been the tenth time.

I want to tell you something important. There were memories still asleep in you Sora, and those fragments of memory are connected to the future and the past. Sora, Riku, Kairi, the truth surrounding the Keyblade has many connections inside your own hearts. Sora, everyone who is connected to you is waiting. The only one, who can heal their sadness, is you. It's possible that the travels up until now may have been easy compared to what's next. Everything you thought to be accidental is really a connection. It seems the door to a new adventure, is already open.

"I know that the King needs us, but right now, I have a feeling that we're supposed to be here." Sora grinned at Riku, his electric blue eyes sparkling. "Besides, we can go and see him, Donald, and Goofy as soon as we're done here."

"And, why are we here?" Riku repeated folding his arms. Sora shrugged, a dumb grin spread across his face. He continued to walk down the alley looking left and right, looking for something. Riku rolled his eyes in exasperation.

Sora wasn't even sure why they had come to Hollow Bastion. All Sora knew was that right before they entered the passageway through the worlds, he had the sudden urge to go to Hollow Bastion. So here they were.

Kairi followed the two boys in awe. She could do nothing but stare at every building and in every crack and corner. Kairi had never really seen any of the other worlds, for most of their adventures she had been in a deep sleep under the power of darkness. She smiled at Riku, her hands behind her back.

"Who are we to question the keyblade bearer?" Kairi asked, watching Sora admirably. She tucked a lock or reddish-brown hair behind her ear still smiling. Riku ground his teeth. He was about to remind Kairi that he also wielded a keyblade, when they heard something.

Just ahead of them all of them could hear what sounded like metal slashed through the air and shouts, definitely the sounds of a battle further up the alley. There was a scream and then, silence. The three friends froze. Sora's eyes widened and he began to run.

"Sora, wait up!" Kairi cried, but Sora was already rounding the corner.

"It came from the courtyard near the bailey!" Sora shouted over his back still running.

Riku raised his hands, summoning his dark blade, and quickly followed his friend. Kairi was right on his heels, her own keyblade summoned as well. The two of them caught up with Sora rounding the corner, they saw a horrific sight. A girl, was crumpled on the ground, her long, dark brown hair obscuring her face; at least thirty Heartless surrounding her prone form. Sora and Riku rushed forward, ready to fight.

"Hey, back off!" Sora shouted lunging forward. One of the Heartless jumped out of the way then leapt forward to attack. The rest formed a ring around the girl. Sora slashed through the shadow Heartless.

Riku and Sora ducked and weaved but Heartless were putting up a pretty good fight. Sora wished he had Donald and Goofy with him but they were with the King. Kairi had joined the brawl but she suddenly screamed, "Riku, look out!"

Riku turned to see a Heartless centimeter away; he wouldn't have time to block the attack. He took a step back, even though he knew in his gut it was no good, suddenly a curved dagger pierced through the center if it's dark body, where its heart should have been. In a burst of white light it disappeared.

Riku looked at his rescuer. It was the girl they had been trying to protect. Her slim frame shook as if it took all her energy just to stand. Her hair formed a dark curtain around her face, falling around her elbows. She looked up at Riku and he could see her eyes, blue as pale sapphires, and strangely familiar.

"Enya?" He asked taking a step towards her. Sora's head whipped around at Riku's word. He stared at the girl; her hands were still gripped around the dagger, another was on the ground near her feet.

She looked so different, Sora hardly recognized her till he stepped closer to get a better look at the girl. She was more muscular under her pale skin. Her hair was longer and her face looked gaunt but there was no doubt that it was Enya.

She continued looked at Riku for a second, and she gave him a small smile. Then her knees buckled and she fell to the ground. Sora ran forward catching her before her head could hit the pavement. She had fainted.

Kairi ran forward leaning over Sora's shoulder. Riku knelt down staring at his old friend. She looked like she'd been through an ordeal. Her black vest was torn to pieces and the long-sleeved undershirt was so dirty and blood splattered that the white material was barely visible. Her skirt was torn as well and her shoes were worn out. Sora cradled her head, his own bent over her.

"Will she be alright?" Kairi asked. Sora didn't look at her. He had begun to shake. Riku stood. He bent over, scooping the girls limp body into his strong arms. Her head lulled onto his chest.

"She needs help. Where can we take her?" Riku asked Sora, who hadn't moved, "Isn't there anywhere that's safe?" Sora was silent for a long time still not moving.

"C'mon Sora we gotta get her out of here." Riku said looking down at the girl cradled in his arms. He knew that this had to be hard for his best friend.

"Merlin's, we can take her to Merlin's." Sora said quietly. Kairi put her hand on his shoulder comforting him as best she could.

"Lead the way then." Riku said gruffly adjusting Enya in his arms. Sora stood slowly stumbling down the alley. Kairi and Riku followed as Sora climbed a flight of stairs.

"How do you think she got here?" Kairi asked quietly looking at the sleeping girl. Riku only shook his head, he had no idea how their old friend had made it into the other worlds. He felt a pang of guilt; he hadn't seen her in two long years. Enya looked so different but, how else had she changed? Sora stood in front of a large wooden door. He began to pound his fist against it as hard as he possibly could. They heard shouting from inside.

"Alright then alright keep your pants on." The door opened to reveal Merlin looking slightly annoyed but his expression changed when he saw Sora standing on the steps. "Sora my lad, my goodness I thought that you were back on the islands, or at the very least at the castle with the King."

"Merlin, I – we need your help." Sora said shakily. Merlin's face filled with concern.

"What is it; did something happen to Donald, or Goofy?"

"No Merlin it's –" But Sora couldn't finish. Riku stepped forward so that the old wizard could see the limp figure cradled in his arms.

"Oh dear." Merlin muttered looking at the group, "Come in, and quickly."


Merlin examined the young woman who was lying across the large sofa. Her breathing was very slow and quite.

"She's incredible weak," He murmured tugging at his long white beard. He pulled back one of the sleeves to reveal several long, shallow gashes across her arms, "Heartless attacked her and did quite a bit a damage, but her heart is strong. She's incredibly lucky she didn't become a Heartless herself. She should wake soon enough."

Sora let out a breath that he hadn't realized he known he'd been holding. He put his head in his hands.

"So," Merlin asked straightening, "Who is sh-"Before he could finish the door banged open and three people entered.

"Merlin," Leon said striding forward, his arms crossed, "We got a problem, the security system let four entities in and we don't –" Then, he saw the four teenagers sprawled around the room.


Yuffie poked her head around from behind Leon. A grin spread across her face when she saw Sora sitting in the chair next to the sofa.

"What's up Sora?" She said bouncing forward and giving him a hug. She ruffled his hair and looked around, "Hey, where's Donald and Goofy?"

"They're with the King right now." Sora stated.

"Oh, well that makes sense." Yuffie said adjusting the headband that kept her black hair out of her face. "So Sora what are you doing here? I thought you were on your way home?"

Before Sora could respond Cloud spoke up. He was still in the doorway leaning on the post, looking bored.

"Who are they?" He asked flatly, nodding his blonde head towards the other teenagers in the room.

"This is Riku, and Kairi, my friends from home." Sora said pointing at each of them in turn.

"Ah," Yuffie said springing forward to shake their hands, "We finally get to really meet the famous Riku, and Kairi great to see ya again, you're all grown up. We've heard a lot about you two." Both Riku and Kairi looked a little awkward.

"I'm Leon." Leon said stepping forward gripping Riku's hand firmly, "This is Yuffie and –"

"And the grumpy one in the doorway is Cloud." Yuffie giggled. Cloud only glowered at her gray eyes flashing. Cloud looked at the last teenager, still lying sprawled across the sofa.

"And her?"

"That's Enya." Sora said looking at her sadly. Cloud only grunted but Leon looked confused.

"Enya, you never mentioned her, what does she have to do with you three?"

"Everything," Sora said not looking away from Enya's dozing figure, "She's my older sister." The room fell silent.


Sora was lying on the beach his eyes closed, daydreaming. He inhaled the salty smell of the sea and smiled, letting the warm sun rays sink into his skin. It was a perfect day, or at least it was until a huge, icy cold, splash of water splattered across him soaking him from head to toe.

Spluttering Sora sat up to see Enya standing over him holding a bucket. She was doubled over in laughter her shoulder length hair blowing around her in the breeze.

"What was that for?" Sora said shaking water droplets off of his body like a wet dog.

"Hey watch it," Enya shrieked jumping out of the way of the flying water, "I was just giving you part one of your birthday gift." She had finally stopped laughing but a wide grin was spread across her face.

"And part two?" Sora asked looking at his sister with worried blue eyes. He could only hope this wouldn't be too painful.

"This," Enya said chucking a long parcel at him. Sora caught it deftly. Enya sat in the sand next to him, leaning back on her elbows, "happy big 1 – 0 little bro."

She stretched up and ruffled Sora's light brown, spiky hair. Sora shoved her off trying to look annoyed. He examined his gift. It was neatly wrapped in a brown paper. He opened it quickly to reveal a wooden sword.

"Wow!" Sora said in awe holding it up. It had been carved from drift wood with designs along the wooden hilt. A bright blue stone set right in the middle. It looked wonderful. "You made this?" He asked. Sora stood swinging the sword around in the air, grinning as it whipped through the air.

"Of course," Enya said sprawling out, her dark hair spiraling out. "I made one for Riku two years ago on his tenth, but his has a dark purple stone. I made one for myself last year."

Enya pulled a sword from her belt loops. It was made of slightly darker wood and there were leaf patterns down the blade and a red stone in the hilt. "In a few months I'll give Kairi hers." Enya explained sliding her sword back into her belt. "I think she'd like a pink stone though."

Sora ran over and gave Enya a big hug. She giggled, hugging him back and ruffled his hair again.

"Am I interrupting?" Riku came striding down the beach. He too had the wooden sword Enya made him, clamped firmly in his hand. Enya had out done herself. Riku's sword was made of a wood that looked almost black. The purple stone flashed in the sunlight.

The siblings broke apart. Enya had a sly grin on her face; she walked over to stand next to Riku. He had the same grin plastered across his face. Sora suddenly had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"Sora," Enya said way too sweetly, "did I forget to mention part three?" She pulled out her own drift wood sword again still grinning. Sora gulped. He stood, turned and ran away as fast as he could. Enya and Riku were close on his heels.

"Get him!" Riku yelled. They all laughed as they chased Sora round and around.


"Your sister," Leon said looking between the two teenagers, "you to do look a lot alike."

It was true. They both had the same face shape, the same colored skin and Leon was sure the same colored eyes. He couldn't be sure because her eyes were still closed. Cloud had finally joined the rest of the group and stood next to Yuffie.

"So, why is she here?" He asked accusingly, "Did you bring her?"

"No. But, I was wondering the same thing." Riku said stepping forward, speaking for the first time since entering the house. He looked at his friend. "How did you get here, Enya?" He asked the sleeping girl.

She moaned slightly and began to stir at that moment as if Riku's words had been a slap to the face. Sora, Kairi and Riku rushed to her side, the others keeping their distance. Enya groaned again and opened her eyes slowly, fluttering behind a thick line of dark eyelashes. Seeing the teenagers hovering around her she whispered hoarsely.

"Sora, Kairi, Riku?"

All of them nodded. Enya blinked several times, then her eyes widened and she sat up. Faster than anyone would have thought possible Enya flung her arms around Sora's neck. She began to cry quietly.

"Sora, it's really you. I can't believe it!" She pulled away putting her hands on either side of his face. She hungrily looking over every inch of his face, making sure it was really her little brother.

Sora was crying too, "I missed you too Enya."

Enya laughed slightly, and then froze. She stared at him for a second then drew back her arm, and punched him hard, in the middle of the chest. Sora tumbled over backwards in complete shock.

"Ow!" Sora yelled rubbing his throbbing chest. "What was that for?"

"You idiot!" She screamed tears streaming down her face, which had been twisted into a mask of pure rage. Enya stood and grabbed the front of Sora's shirt, yanking him to his feet.

"Two years," She spat, in a deadly low voice glaring Sora right in the eye, "You've been missing for two years! Do you have any idea how worried sick Mom and Dad have been?"

Sora winced, and it had nothing to do with the pain in his chest. He hadn't really thought about his parents and he was a shamed of it.

"Enya, look I'm really sorry." Sora said quietly, "But if you would just –"

"Oh you're sorry!" Enya shouted with a touch of hysteria. Leon, Yuffie, Merlin, and Cloud stood shocked as they watched the exchange; if this was sibling love they were all happy to be an only child.

"How do you think I felt?" Enya punched Sora again, this time on the arm, "My fourteen year old brother, and my best friends gone!"

Riku came to Sora's aid pulling Enya off of him, it was an effort. "Enya, listen, calm down." Riku said holding her back; she looked like she'd love nothing more than to throttle Sora.

"DON'T YOU DARE TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!" Enya screamed struggling against Riku's fierce grip. She growled at Sora who started backed away. He raised his hands in front of him, ready to defend himself if Enya broke loose.

She continued to struggle, but when she realized she couldn't break free, she went limp. Her head was bowed, her hair hung in front of Enya's face. Her next question broke her three friend's hearts.

"Didn't you care?" Enya whispered, as Riku held her up. "How could you just leave me there?" Riku released her from his grip slowly, and Enya didn't make any movement towards Sora.

"Enya, we didn't mean to leave you," Riku replied quietly looking at his friend, her back still to him. "You gotta understand that."

She turned slowly, her eyes brimming. "No, I don't understand. I don't understand any of this."

"Sora and the others can explain it all to you, later." Leon said looking at the four friends. "Right now we need to ask you some questions."Kairi stepped forward leading Enya back to the sofa. She sat shakily and Kairi and Sora sat on either side of her. Riku continued to stand, watching.

"Enya," Leon said slowly sitting in a chair backwards, his hands resting on the chair back. "How'd you get here to Hollow Bastion."

Enya sat there for a few seconds; Sora reached out and squeezed her hand gently. She smiled slightly then looked into Leon's dark brown eyes. "I don't…really know." She said slowly.

"Oh please." Cloud grumbled from the corner of the room. Enya's head snapped around to glare at Cloud.

"Look it's the truth okay; I'm not sure what happened. I was on the beach trying to rebuild the rafts."

"You were on Children's Island?" Kairi asked surprised. Enya nodded bluntly not looking at her, still glaring at Cloud.

"Yeah I would go out there almost every day. Anyways, I was coming back to the beach and I saw Sora, and Riku, and Kairi. They were just standing there by the paopu tree, where we always hung out. I didn't know what to think so I just went after them. Before I could get to them, Sora pulled this giant – key thing out of mid air, there was a weird flash and they were gone. Then –" Enya paused.

"What?" Yuffie asked inquisitively, she'd found a seat next to Leon and was listening fervently.

"Well," Enya continued, "this, I don't know – black hole – opened out of nowhere. I must be a complete idiot because I went into it. I just thought – knew – that it would lead me to Sora and the others."

"Extraordinary!" Merlin exclaimed, "You went into the darkness completely defenseless and came out alive."

"I was, for a while."

"What do you mean?"

"I was walking through the darkness when those freaky, black things came out of nowhere. I fought as best I could without a weapon, that didn't work out so well." She automatically ran a finger down one of the long scars on her arm.

"I kept running and then, these appeared." Enya stretched both hands out in front of her. A bright flash filled the small room and two daggers had appeared in her clenched fists. The daggers were long and curved at the end of their sharp points. They were made of silver and bright gold and glowed in the candle light. Yuffie's large black eyes widened and she reached out a small hand towards one of the daggers. She stopped and looked at Enya.

"May I?" she asked. Enya nodded and Yuffie took one of the daggers and examined in thoroughly. "There's something written on it." Yuffie said squinting. "Coia ei kalian." She reached out and examined the daggers twin," constipatus per obscurum"

Another flash of light and the daggers were back in Enya's hand. Her eyes were easily the size of dinner plates. She loosened her grip and they disappeared. Cloud stepped forward, "That's just like Sora and the Keyblade – it always goes back to him." He looked at Merlin, "Those phrases mean anything to you?"

"No, but I'll see if I can find anything." Merlin's eyes scanned the hundreds of books scattered everywhere through the room.

Leon returned he hard gaze to Enya. "Go on."

"I started to fight with the daggers and they definitely worked." Enya grimaced slightly, "But, it felt like those shadow things were following me."

"That's what the Heartless do," Sora said looking at his sister, "They go after people who live in the light and try to drag them into darkness. They take people's hearts."

Enya's face blanked, "The what?"

"Heartless, that's what those black shadows that attacked you are called." Kairi explained.

"If you say so…" Enya murmured under her breath, "I was able to get past them and ended up it this freaky place. No offense." She added looking between Merlin, Yuffie, Cloud and Leon.

"None taken." Cloud muttered.

"I didn't see Sora or the others, and that freaked me out. I started to wander and ended up in that courtyard area when more of the Heartless appeared. I fought the best I could but started feeling strange, I was getting weaker and weaker. I screamed, then – I must have blacked out 'cause that's the last thing I remember."

Riku was surprised, "Really, that's the last thing you remember, at all?" He could definitely recall Enya stabbing the Heartless that had attacked him, not that he was going to remind her.

Enya nodded, looking at Riku with confusion. "Yeah, well other then waking up here and beating the tar out of Sora." She glanced at her brother smiling sheepishly, "Sorry about that by the way."

Sora grinned at her, knocking her shoulder, "Don't worry about it, I – I barely felt it." His chest and arm throbbed slightly.

"I don't like this." Cloud suddenly said walking over to stand beside Leon. Leon hadn't moved during the entire story.

Enya laughed sarcastically, "Huh, yeah me neither."

Cloud folding his arms he looked sternly down at the teenage girl. "I mean I don't like how this happened. Your brother comes back after two years and your right there. He disappears again, and a door through the darkness just happens to appear. Those daggers of yours happen to find you when you need them. Then, you end up in the exact world that Sora and your friends are in."

Sora, Riku, and Kairi stared at Cloud in shock. Enya looked at him coldly, "Well it doesn't really matter if you like it or not, it the truth."

"Maybe…" Leon mused rubbing his temple with his thumb and forefinger. Enya's icy glared snapped onto Leon.

"Maybe – there's no maybe – it's the truth."

"Look," Cloud said calmly, "It's not that we don't think you're telling the truth, it's just too convenient."

Enya was on her feet in seconds staring Cloud down. Her voice was low with anger, "My brother has been gone for two years, and you want to lecture me on whether it's convenient or not!"

"I understand that and it had to be hard but –"

"But nothing!" Enya shouted her sapphire eyes flashing.

There was a loud crunching noise and the door burst in, flying off its iron hinges. A Nobody, slid through the doorway. Its white body heading straight for Enya, she let out a small gasp as it lunged for her.

Riku leapt towards Enya, knocking her to the ground, toppling Merlin off his chair. Kairi screamed as she fell off the sofa. Leon, Cloud, and Yuffie had their weapons drawn but it was too late. Sora had summoned his Keyblade in record time, slicing it through the air and straight into the Dusk. It vanished into the darkness.

Riku was still shielding Enya from harm when she let in a sharp intake of breath. Riku glanced down at her. Enya gasped again and was holding one arm around her chest, the other clutched at Riku's shirt. Sora ran to knell next to his sister.

"What's wrong?" Riku asked quickly, he grabbed her hand as she shook harder.

"Enya you okay?" Sora said lifting her head slightly. Enya took a few deep breaths then gave Sora a grim smile.

"I'm fine. Just lost my breath, it's been happening ever since you three –" Enya stopped when she saw the looks of guilt and pain on their faces. Kairi came over and help Enya up from under Riku.

"What happened?" Leon said lowering his weapon. He walked over to the four friends.

"For some reason," Merlin huffed as he stood and stood his chair properly, "The Heartless are attracted to Enya, why though?"

"Maybe it because she's related to Sora," Yuffie piped up, "I mean the Heartless are always after the Keyblade master, the sister of one has got to be pretty high up on their hit list." The others nodded and Enya looked if possible even more confused. This was too much for one day.

"Keyblade master? Wait, you mean the huge key you were carrying around? Is being a Keyblade master a big deal or something?"

"Well Riku and Kairi have keyblades too, but for some reason this one," Sora summoned his keyblade, "this one is special."

Sora's keyblade had started to glow and Enya's daggers had reappeared, floating in midair. Everyone's eyes followed the two blades as they floated over their heads the two curved tips met in the air to form,

"A keyhole!" Sora was shocked; he glanced down the glowing keyblade in his hand. He raised the blade till the tip was pointed directly towards the center of where the daggers met. A beam of light erupted from the keyblade and rush to the daggers. A doorway had opened. Enya caught the daggers as they floated down back toward the ground.

Sora turned to face Yuffie, Cloud, Leon and Merlin, "We have to go, keep an eye on Enya will you?"

"Excuse me?" Enya said hands on hips glaring down at her brother; she was a good five inches taller than him. "I'm coming with you. I'm not losing you three again."

"You don't know anything about any of the worlds or anything about fighting." Sora said exasperated.

"I don't really know that much about the worlds either, Sora and I'm coming." Kairi pointed out.

"As for fighting…" Enya said slowly. She sprang forward. Sora barely had time to block her as the daggers came into contact with his own blade. Enya quickly hooked the keyblade with both daggers, making it impossible for him to swing the keyblade. Enya leaned in. "I'm coming, and I'm not leaving – till you do. Got it?"

Sora glared at Enya, she only smiled. He nodded and sighed. "Fine, come on."The friends stood together and in a blinding flash they disappeared.


Everyone landed inside the gummi ship, it was a tight squeeze, seeing as the gummi ship was only meant for three people and there were four of them. "It's gonna be insanely tight in here once Donald and Goofy join us." Sora thought as he began to steer towards Disney Castle. Riku came to knell next to Sora's chair as Kairi chatted excitedly with Enya.

"I don't know about this Sora," Riku said in hushed tones, "Maybe we should leave Kairi and Enya at the Castle, or better yet, send them back to the islands." Sora glanced over his shoulder at the two girls and sighed.

"I don't think that's gonna work Riku," Sora replied, "Kairi is a good fighter and she's determined to come along this time, I don't think we could stop her."

"And Enya?" Riku asked. The question made Sora laugh slightly. He shook his head.

"Maybe you don't remember my sister's temper but I sure do." Sora said, "If we even think about asking her to stay behind she'd probably slug me again."

"Yeah," Riku said standing, "She always did have a short fuse."

"I heard that." Enya shouted from her seat, "and you're right, I would." Kairi giggled and slid out of her seat to stand on Sora's other side.

"So, where are we headed now?" Kairi asked glancing at the two boys. Riku shrugged and elbowed Sora.

"To Disney Castel," Sora said gripping the wheel more firmly, "the King is the one who wrote us the letter. He might be off fighting Heartless, but it's a good place as any to look for him." There was a flashing light that told them that they had arrived. "Be careful, the landing can be kinda hard to get the first time."


If you have any questions, any questions at all – about the storyline or characters – don't hesitate to ask. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter of Kingdom Hearts: The Soulkeeper.